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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Aeson turned his focus on Rayil's team, summoning his vegetable fueled energies in order to heal the entire team.

Aeson heals all Rayil's team for 13 points!

See the spreadsheet you foo's!

3 points. YEAH!

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As the elixir made it's way down her throat, Elysia awoke from her quick nap, instantly jumping to her feet as her consciousness registered what had happened mere moments before... and he was gone.

"Damn it." She muttered under her breath, wondering what they would be doing, now. As much as she wanted to, now wasn't the time to dwell on what had happened.

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With a gesture to Elysia towards the door of light, Xane waited for her to leave before he did. Walking towards the exit, he hesitated, glancing back at Hale. "I don't know who you are. And the few thoughts I have about that are scattered. But thank you."

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Enemy Phase 2

One of the riders, incensed by the death of his ally, tried to snipe the sniper. He failed miserably. His comrade decided on doing something more productive, and advanced on the pesky shaman.

Critical miss!
Rimsky 21/21

Senian Rider D Advances on Chandra!

The dynamic pegasus knight duo decided to bring down their mercenary counterpart together. Regrettably, they both missed on their passes.

11-12 = Miss!
Zeke 11/18

11-12 = Miss!
Zeke 11/18

The two Senian swordsmen decided to try a similar tactic on the knight's leader, a soldier. They were at least partially successful, in that the second strike landed. Unfortunately it merely left a scratch on his armor.

9-9 = Miss!

Ernce 16/21
Senian Swordsman A 17/21

12-13 = No damage!
Ernce 16/21
Senian Swordsman F 13/15

Selia, for her part, shot an purple sphere at the enemy wyvern rider, doing seemingly no damage. A moment later, eight rays of violet appeared out of nowhere and converged upon the half-dwarf, engulfing him and his mount in a sphere of purple light. When the light dissipated, the man had survived, somehow.

"Well then. You're tougher than you look, mercenary," the mage remarked, as she began to look for another target.

"Fuck off," her victim responded.

Arc Strike activates! MT is now 38!
Hit! 44-2 = 42 points of damage! Toqua Blocks!
Toqua 12/33 HP

Finally, the shaman, the sole survivor of his team, decided he had enough of hurting people, and healed his friend the pegasus knight, so that she wouldn't die.

Senia Occultist D heals Senian Flier E for 8!
Senian Flier E 9/12

"Infantry, engage!" Selia shouted out. Immediately sixteen more Senians advanced in order to deal with these pesky mercenaries

Rayil is poisoned! -6 HP! 12/18

Other Phase

Andre didn't even miss a beat, and cut down the healthy pegasus knight with two mighty blows.

HP -3 STR SKL DEF + 3! Now 27/33 22/23/21 respectively. Hard hit activates! Hit is now 20, Might is now 25!
Hit! 30-3 = 27 points of damage! Miracle activates
Hit! 30-3 = 27 points of damage! Senian Flier F is defeated!
Andre 27/33

Sayina rode up and fixed Toqua up, since he seemed to be a little frazzled.

Sayina Heals Toqua!
Toqua 33/33

Adari noticed some swordsmen advancing towards the frontlines, and promptly began to thin them out. To set the pace, she dropped the first one with two shots.

Hit! 19-3 = 16 points of damage!
Hit! 19-3 = 16 points of damage! Senian Swordsman B is defeated!
Senian Swordsman B 0/24

Toqua, now fully healed, decided to channel his rage into something productive. With two mighty blows he crushed the skull of another Senian hatchetman.

Hit! 21-3 = 18 points of damage!
Hit! 17-3 = 14 points of damage! Senian Swordsman D is defeated!
Senian Swordsman D 0/24

Senian Rider A 0/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)
Senian Rider B 21/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)
Senian Rider C 0/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)
Senian Rider D 21/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)

Senian Flier A 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Flier B 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Flier C 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Flier D 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Flier E 9/12 Hit Lance C (Subvert)
Senian Flier F 0/12 Hit Lance C (Subvert)
Senian Medic A 0/12 Plain Light Tome (Aggressive)
Senian Mage A 0/12 Offensive Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)

Senian Knight A 33/33 Plain Axe (Shielding his team)
Senian Archer A 9/9 Offensive Bow C (Subvert)
Senian Medic B 9/9 Healing Staff C (Aggressive)
Senian Mage B 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)
Senian Knight B 0/30 Speed Axe C (Defending Senian Occultist A)
Senian Swordsman A 17/21 Killing Edge C - (Aggressive)
Senian Brute A 0/24 Hit Axe C (Aggressive)
Senian Occultist A 0/15 Defending Tome C (Subvert)

Senian Knight C 21/21 Offensive Lance C (Defending Senian Archer B)
Senian Soldier A 18/18 Plain Lance (Aggressive)
Senian Archer B 12/12 Slayer Bow C (Apprentice) (Subvert)
Senian Occultist B 12/12 Hit Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier B 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)
Senian Soldier C 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)
Senian Soldier D 24/24 Speed Lance C (Passive-aggressive)
Senian Soldier E 24/24 Speed Lance C (Passive-aggressive)
Senian Swordsman B 0/24 Slayer Sword C (Journeyman) (subvert)
Senian Swordsman C 24/24 Slayer Sword C (Journeyman) (Subvert)
Senian Swordsman D 0/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (Subvert)
Senian Swordsman E 24/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (Subvert)
Aldrick 0/15 Offensive Ace C B (Dark) (Erratic)
Senian Occultist C 0/18 Killer Tome C + (Dark) (Aggressive)

Senian Knight D 27/27 Defending Lance C (Defending Senian Swordsman F)
Senian Swordsman F 13/15 Resisting Sword C (Aggressive)
Selia 33/33 Pandia (Erratic)
Senian Duelist A 15/15 Defending Sword C (Passive-subvert)
Senian Minstrel A 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)
Senian Brute B 21/21 Speed Axe C (Passive-aggressive)
Simon 24/24 Brave Lance B (Erratic)
Senian Brute C 24/24 Killer Axe C + (passive-aggressive)
Senian Medic C 9/9 Healing Staff C (passive-aggressive)
Senian Mage C 12/12 Hit Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)
Alvin 0/36 Killer Lance B (Erratic)
Senian Occultist D 12/12 Speed Tome C (Dark) (Offensive)
Senian Monk A 0/18 Offensive Tome C (Light) (Subvert)
Senian Horseman E 0/48 Offensive Lance C (Offensive)
Andre 27/33 Speed Sword B (Erratic)
Adari 22/24 Killer Bow B (Erratic)
Sayina 24/24 Healing Staff C (Erratic)
Toqua 33/33 Speed Axe C (Erratic)
Conan 21/21
Raelyn 15/15
Aeson 21/21
Franklin 18/18
Ernce 16/21
Zeke 11/18
Leon 0/21
Celine 30/30
Zeff 0/24
Caslan 15/15
Chandra 18/18
Rimsky 21/21
Rayil 12/18
Alfonso 17/39
Jacob 18/18
Erbert 21/21
Bertha 29/30
Malachi 0/21
Aleric 21/21

Player Phase 3, go!

"Nice shot, Rimsky," Jacob commented, before spotting his favorite troubador. "Hey, Sayina, over here!"


Elysia stirred, swore, then left. He'd have to ask for an explanation later. For now, to deal with Xane's thanks.

"Don't thank me, thank them for dragging me into this," Hale said, indicating the other side of the portal. "And do that by guarding them until the Harriers catch up, Alexander. That's all I'll ask."

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Xane's eyes flickered back towards Hale, but continued moving towards the light doorway normally otherwise. "You must have been misinformed. My name's Xane, not Alexander. And I'll protect them. Don't worry. You take care of yourself in here."

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"Whatever you say, kid," Hale responded, mostly ignoring the denial. "And don't worry about me. I've lived through worse."


There was no response, yet from the healer, but enemy fliers were coming around.

"Sorry Zeff, I'll be right back," Jacob said, as he helped his mercenary comrade down to a sitting position on the ground. After drawing his blade, he charged and struck the first flier he could find down. Then, the swordsman backed off and resumed his effort to get Zeff fixed up.



Zealous activates! HP -2, STR SKL DEF +2! Now 16/18 17 13 9 respectively, simplified. WTD so hit is 10.

Hit! 20-4 = 16 points of damage! Senian Flier A is defeated!

Team Evil Overlord Lady gains 5 points!

Senian Flier A 0/15

Jacob 16/18

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Barely dodging a powerful shot from the enemy rider, Rimsky decided to move elsewhere and pick another target, seeing as someone else would better deal with the rider. He looked at Chandra for a moment, gesturing her towards the rider, before moving to attack a dangerous looking swords man. Both of his shots hit, the swordsman barely standing after the attack.


Rimsky does a base damage of 10 thanks to doubling and tonic. Also no accuracy problems. (8-3+2)+(8-3+6)= 18 damage

Mercenary C: 6/24 HP

Rimsky: 21/21 HP

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Celine spotted yet another flying horse that swooped too low to the ground. I'm already a mess. Might as well take some more of these bastards down with me.



[3,3,1] - Celine has more than enough hit to smack her enemy for dunno damage.

Celine yelled a string of obscenities, which caused her target to turn. The pirate's axe gave the enemy a cleft palate, nose, and skull.

Flier E - apparently dead

Celine - 21/30

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"Ha you two couldn't hit me if I was standing still on the ground!" Zeke taunted the enemies who had attacked and thusly missed him. When one was struck down by Andre himself he made to call out to Celine only to find she had killed the other Flier. "I trust you have things under control," he said before flying off to end the unfortunate target of Rimsky's attacks. Coming from the sky, the Senian didn't see Zeke until Zeke's lance had impaled his chest.

Zeke kills Swordsman C.
Swordsman C dies! (People die when they are killed.)

Zeke 11/18
Swordsman C 0/24

+5 points

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Getting far too greedy for his own good, Franklin decided it was time to fry bigger fish, and brought his sword down upon the armor of one of the knights. Despite being the smallest looking one there, he managed to shrug off the blow, and even caught him in the side! "Oh, ye cheeky bastard! I'll 'ave yer hide fer that!" He struck at him again, but he didn't have the strength to push his sword through the man's armor.

Autohits noooooo

Franklin 10/18

Knight C 17/21

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The enemies seemed to keep pouring and it fell upon the mage to work harder to thin their numbers. Teaming up with Franklin, Caslan blasted an elven knight twice and avoided being struck.

-5Ski, +5Mag

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4328566/ 1,1,5,5,6,3,1,1,4

Caslan Hit and dealt (12+5+1-7) = 11 Damage!

Senian Knight C misses!

Caslan doubles for another 11 Damage! Senian Knight C KO!

Caslan 15/15Hp

Senian Knight C 0/21


How dare these vile Senian's desecrate the holy motherland?! Conan thought in fury at seeing so many Senians in what he presumes is Celisian lands. Anywhere he stepped on might as well be a part of the republic with his geographical skills.

"THEY SHOULD BE PURGED BY THE SHINING GOD'S BALEFUL GAZE!" Conan yelled, spittle flying around. And then he saw a knight drew the blood of a fellow halfling and was about to lose himself in zealous rage as he raised his magical axe to bring the fight to Senian knight when Caslan stole the kill from him.

His target of rage gone, Conan rushed to Franklin's side and raised his shield, fully prepared to ward off any enemy coming the halfling's way.

Conan defends Franklin!

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Finding another opportunity, Erbert rushes a knight, one that seemed too busy defending his team. Perfect opportunity. "Heeeere's Erbert!"

His strike breaks through the knight's armor, but he takes an axe back at full strength. "Gods, what?" He runs away and back into formation as soon as he receives the blow, the knight must be laughing his arse off at that moment. "Curses, how bulky can you get?"

Erbert: 11/21

Knight A: 12/33

Using some basic light magic, Erbert uses this running time to heal his wounds.

Erbert: 17/21

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"Ha try again next time!" Ernce taunted the pair of sword users as they failed to harm him. During their assault he spied one of the mounted bowmen heading for Chandra who was supplying siege support for the front-liners like himself. Deciding that it would be better for everyone if Chandra continued to cast Ernce intercepted the rider, spearing him in the thigh. Not to be outdone the rider fired back with all his might, hitting Ernce directly in his shoulder. Pushed close to the edge Ernce felt his battle spirit rising and with determination to live knocked the rider from his horse and finished him off. I'll not be finished off so easily!

Ernce attacks Rider D for 11 Damage.
Rider D counters for 9 damage.
Resolve and Tenacity activate! Current stats HP: 7 MT: 11 HIT: 14 AS: 14 AVO: 15 DEF: 11 RES: 2


Ernce attacks again for 12 damage and kills Rider D!

Ernce 7/21
Rider D 0/21

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Rayil spied an enemy axeman who seemed to be looking for trouble. With a grin, he charged the other man, slashing him twice before neatly dodging the other man's swing.



Rayil autohits

(8+4-3)=9 damage

(8+2-3)=7 damage

Swordsman E: 8/24 HP

Rayil: 12/18 HP


Xane stepped through the door of light and found himself on a well used forest path, on a ridge somewhat near the battlefield. Glancing around, he found Linn and Elysia. Walking over to the two of them, he squatted down and sighed. "Right. We're out of there and now we wait for the Harriers to meet us here?"

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"Yeah. I guess..." Linn responded dejectedly, sitting herself down and curling up her knees. A part of her wanted to talk, but the rest of her was suppressing that urge through fear of what the consequences could mean. I'll run away if I have to. Find some other group. I'm sure I could make it if I blasted him hard enough.

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Seeing Rayil beginning to look like a month old tomato once again, Aeson darted towards the swordsman, doing his best not to step on Zeff too much. For someone with so much energy, he did choose inopportune moments to take a rest!

"Trust your allies more." Aeson assured Rayil, patching him up again. "You cannot tend the gardens of others if you have no crops of your own to sustain yourself."

Aeson heals Rayil!

Rayil 18/18 HP!

Three points too good!

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Aleric noticed another injured ally, who had taken quite a beating while defending his own team. How brave of him. The world needs more men like that.

Aleric heals Alfonso to 33/39 health.

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"Sorry about that--Really screwed things up there didn't I?" he said to Jacob. It was becoming painfully obvious that he was failing in combat. He had been knocked down, and knocked out practically every battle they had fought in. That didn't bode well for his future.


"Well then, it's been grand but I really must be taking my leave now," said Vera as the other three, Xane, Elysia, and Linn made their way through the door as well. "I've got business to take care of I don't particularly care much for your band of 'Harriers'."

Despite Hale's promise of killing Aldrick, Vera didn't like to leave her contracts in the hands of others. She waited for a response, careful not to turn her back to the three in the event that they decided to try and subdue her. Or perhaps I can get some more intel from them...Hmm...

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Chandra was facing down a charging horseman, bow at the ready. That was until Ernce took him on. Fully able to concentrate on her next foe, the shaman chose a swordsman. Dark lightning arched across the sky and towards the target. Having already witnessed two of his comrades hit by magic from out of the blue, the swordsman was watching out for it. He quickly dived forward (a string of curses followed) as he saw the spell descend to him. The blast only hit ground. The swordsman got back to his feet unscathed.


[1,5,3] = miss!

Chandra: 18/18

Senian Swordsman E: 8/24

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"You should probably atleast stick around long enough to speak to our leader... you'd still be in there if we hadn't shown up... besides, if you head to find Aldrick alone, you might be taken for an enemy and killed by the others..." Elysia noted, as the prisoner girl began to take her leave... Linn was acting really strange, which she would inquire about shortly, but this seemed a more pressing issue.

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Yes, I'd still be in there, and things would have been going much more smoothly had you and your band of mercenaries not decided to confront the entire battalion that was stationed here. But Elysia was right, as it stood, finding Aldrick in that mess of a battle would be far too painstaking and cumbersome.

"Fine. Perhaps you have a point," said Vera as she sat herself down onto the foliage--quite a ways away from the other three. "So tell me, what does a band of mercenaries like you have to do with the Senian army? Surely they wouldn't go through all the trouble to kidnap one person and then just call it a day," she said. "Either there's something about you," she said, nodding to Xane, "Or there's something about your entire group."

Or they're completely delusional and I'm wasting my time here. But I suppose I'll find that out for myself when I speak to their leader.

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Oh, so the stupid girl isn't useless, Raelyn thought to herself as she saw Celine take down one of the flying enemies. I bet I can do better. She spied an archer who still hadn't quite registered the death of one of his comrades.

Raelyn buried her sword in his back. His scream was no doubt from the sight of a bloody blade protruding from his chest. With a grunt, she freed her sword, and smirked.

Archer B - dead

Raelyn - 15/15

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Enemy Phase 3

Three of the enemy fliers survived the initial onslaught, and the first two quickly swooped in to bring down the enemy soldier. The first bolt of lightning was blocked, miraculously leaving the man standing, but the fireball did him in.


Runic activates! MAG + 3 now 9!


15-2 = 13 points of damage! Ernce Blocks!

Ernce 1/21


Runic activates! MAG + 3 now 9!


10-2 = 8 points of damage! Ernce is defeated!

Ernce 0/21

Meanwhile, the sole remaining rider spotted a flier, and, bow in hand, fired an arrow at them. Her aim was true, but through some twist of fate, the pegasus rider didn't go down.


Hit! 19 - 8 = 11 points of damage! Miracle activates!

Zeke 1/11

The last of the magical fliers found a vulnerable healer. After a gust of wind, he was surprised to find that the enemy was still standing. What a hardy cleric.


Runic activates! MAG + 3 now 9!

Hit! 14-4 = 10 points of damage!

Aeson 11/21

The knight shook off the axe blow and continued to protect his allies.

Senian Knight A defends his team! Activates shield! (2)

His ward, the designated marksman, spotted the weakened pegasus rider, and quickly fired off a shot. There was no reaction, so he must've hit armor armor. Curses!


Hit! 20-8 = 12 points of damage! Zeke is defeated!

Zeke 0/18

Revive activates!

Zeke 4/18

The squad medic was concerned for his leader's health, and so, addressed the axe wound. It was quickly erased.

"Thanks," the knight said, before stepping back in front of the cleric.

Senian Medic B heals Senian Knight A!

Senian Knight A 33/33

Meanwhile, the squad mage was out for blood. A spear of ice was launched towards the enemy fighter, hitting him right in the arm. That would leave a mark..


Overcast activates! SPD -5 MAG + 5! Now 5/15 respectively.


17-2 = 15 points of damage!

Erbert 2/21 HP.

The Senian swordsman went after the shifty-looking halfling, but was interrupted by an even more obnoxious armored one. He managed to scratch the knight, but just barely. That armor was thicker than it looked.


Zealous activates! HP -2 STR SKL DEF +2! Now 11/9/7


15-13 = 2 points of damage!

Conan 19/21

The soldier and the shaman, survivors of their squad, decided to try and engage a mage and an axewoman, respectively. Both failed, as both of their targets were too slippery to hit.


12-14 = miss!

Caslan 15/15


10-10 = Miss!

Celine 30/30

The newcomer swordsman, the last man standing after his squad's massacre, caught sight of the miraculously surviving pegasus rider. With a swing of his blade, that miracle was brought to an end, and the man was knocked off of his mount.



14-8 = 6 points of damage! Zeke is defeated!

Zeke 0/18

Frustrated with his lack of damage, another swordsman angrily drunk a part of his tonic.

Senian Swordsman F drinks a tonic!

MT: 11 HIT: 12 HP: 15/15

Zealous ends

The mercenaries had slain just about half of their forces, impressively enough. But, that would have to come to an end.

"Well done, mercenary," Selia shouted over at the apparent leader of this group. "You've done admirably. Pray tell, what is your name?"

"I'm Andre Harrop, of the Harrop Mercenaries," Andre replied, as he approached the enemy commander. "You wouldn't happen to be the thrall, would you? It'd be a shame to put such a talent to the sword because she was a shaman's plaything."

"The Daybringer, a thrall? I assure you you're mistaken. I fight for my comrades. Unfortunately, that means having to stop you. Farewell, Sir Harrop."


Before the mecenary leader could react, the dark mage launched two orbs of purple light at him, striking him dead on. The rays of violet struck him directly, and this time the resulting orb of light could be described as similar to the dawn sky. When it dissipated, Andre was left standing, it seemed.

"Such.. power... Could it... really be.....?" he managed to get out, before falling to the ground, motionless.


Arc Strike Activates! STR -15 MT + 15! New Might: 38

Critical Hit!

2(46-1) = 90 points of damage! Andre is defeated!

Andre 0/33

"You took a lot more punishment than I could," Jacob said, as he resumed helping Zeff get to the back lines. "You need to try not to bite off more than you can chew. That's all."

"You should listen to your own advice," Simon said, before spearing the mercenary through the back. He quickly removed the lance, and kicked the other wounded mercenary to the ground, before returning to his side of the battlefield. "Worthless trash. You picked the wrong fortress to siege."


Critical Hit!

2(19-7) = 24 points of damage! Jacob is defeated!

Jacob 0/18

Simon's lieutenant, an axewielder, spotted an vulnerable healer in the meantime, and gave him a good chop of the axe.


(Brute B is a typo. This is Brute C.)

Hit! 17-9 = 8 points of damage!

Aleric 13/21

The squad medic decided to congratulate the swordsman for bringing down that pesky pegasus, so she fixed him up.

Senian Medic C Heals Senian Swordsman E!

Senian Swordsman E 24/24

Simon's favorite mage, while his allies were causing chaos, went for the enemy horseman. It was not to be, as the cavalier hung on despite the flames.


Hit! 26-7 = 19 points of damage!

Alfonso 14/39

The last member of Alvin's squad decided to end his pacifism, and went after the already injured priest. Alas, the man was left barely standing.



14-4 = 10 points of damage!

Aeson 1/21

Poison activates! Rayil 12/18

Other Phase

Enraged by Andre's defeat, Adari charged the would-be thrall, aiming to strike her down with a single blow. The Harrier's second in command swung her sword, and in turn the enemy commander tried to block the blow with her arm. The blade came down and...

An unseen force repelled the sword blow for the most part, leaving only a shallow cut. How?

"Nicely done," Selia remarked, examining the wound. "A few more of those, and you'd be able to bring me down. Alas, I cannot allow that. Goodbye."

The woman shot a sphere of purple light at the nomadic mercenary, turned around, and began to return to her squad, not even bothering to look back at the violet explosion.

(OOC: Flavor is subject to change upon talking to scorri.)



26-21 = 5 points of damage! Selia 28/33


39-2 = 37 points of damage! Adari is defeated!

Selia 28/33

Adari 0/24

Sayina fled to the back lines and healed Alfonso up. They were going to need their sturdier mercenaries if they were to survive this ordeal.

Sayina heals Alfonso!

Alfonso 38/39

Toqua, meanwhile, covered his sole squadmate. He had survived the thrall's magic once before, so he could surely do it another time, right?

Toqua defends Sayina!

Senian Rider B 21/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)


Senian Flier B 15/15 Hit Tome C (Anima) - (Aggressive)

Senian Flier C 15/15 Hit Tome C (Anima) - (Aggressive)

Senian Flier D 15/15 Hit Tome C (Anima) - (Aggressive)


Senian Knight A 33/33 Plain Axe (Shielding his team)

Senian Archer A 9/9 Offensive Bow C (Subvert)

Senian Medic B 9/9 Healing Staff C (Aggressive)

Senian Mage B 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)


Senian Swordsman A 15/21 Killing Edge C - (Aggressive)


Senian Soldier A 18/18 Plain Lance (Aggressive)

Senian Occultist B 12/12 Hit Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)


Senian Soldier B 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Soldier C 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Soldier D 24/24 Speed Lance C (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Soldier E 24/24 Speed Lance C (Passive-aggressive)


Senian Swordsman E 24/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (Subvert)


Senian Knight D 27/27 Defending Lance C (Defending Senian Swordsman F)

Senian Swordsman F 15/15 Resisting Sword C (Aggressive)


Selia 28/33 Pandia (Erratic)

Senian Duelist A 15/15 Defending Sword C (Passive-subvert)

Senian Minstrel A 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)

Senian Brute B 21/21 Speed Axe C (Passive-aggressive)


Simon 24/24 Brave Lance B (Erratic)

Senian Brute C 24/24 Killer Axe C + (Aggressive)

Senian Medic C 9/9 Healing Staff C (Aggressive)

Senian Mage C 12/12 Hit Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)


Senian Occultist D 12/12 Speed Tome C (Dark) (Offensive))




Andre 0/33 Speed Sword B (Erratic)

Adari 0/24 Killer Bow B (Erratic)

Sayina 24/24 Healing Staff C (Erratic)

Toqua 33/33 Speed Axe C (Defending Sayina)




Conan 19/21

Raelyn 15/15

Aeson 1/21

Franklin 10/18


Ernce 0/21

Zeke 0/18

Leon 0/21

Celine 30/30


Zeff 0/24

Caslan 15/15

Chandra 18/18

Rimsky 21/21


Rayil 12/18

Alfonso 38/39

Jacob 0/18

Erbert 2/21


Bertha 29/30

Malachi 0/21

Aleric 13/21

Player Phase 4, Go!


Once Xane was through, Hale ended the spell, and turned back to Iris, seemingly out of breath.

"Right, so could you lead me to the supply room?" he asked, once he regained his strength. "There's probably oil in there, which we need."

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