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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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As Rimsky had been picking on enemies earlier, he was caught off guard by a dark orb of energy, which the enemy commander had sent towards him. He did not have any time to react as it hit him on the chest, bringing him a few feet away from his horse. He had lost conscious temporarily.

But it wasn't long before he regained his conscious, although he was drained of energy. He turned to see Chandra down too, lying in a pool of her blood. Rimsky winced at the sight, hoping she wasn't dead. He tried to move himself closer to her, but to no avail. His limbs would not move.

" Ch-Chandra..." Rimsky murmured, "You still with us?"

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Hale had completely forgotten about Iris until she interrupted his smashing time with Aldrick to try to suggest that they go along with the original plan.

"Right... My apologies," he said, sending the dark magic user into the wall one more time before releasing him, gasping for air. "Just need a torch, and we're set to go."

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Things were dire, and the mercenaries left standing were getting too few. Every fiber in Caslan told him to ride on Joey and flee from this battle. But, he was being paid to buy time, and while he was still alive, he had no choice but to stay and fight. Hale, what's taking your group so long? You better make sure Linn is safe or I'll not forgive you!

Then to his side, the elven mage noticed a dwarven swordsman attack Chandra and about to deal a killing blow. Reflexively, Caslan drew surrounding water from the air and launched an arrow of water that just barely speared the side of the dwarf's sword arm. This no doubt caught the attention of the dwarf who scowled as he brought his vile looking blade close to Caslan. The attack was wide due to the injury sustained to his sword arm, even its keen edge was not enough to turn the miss into a hit.

After evading the attack, Caslan spun around and drew water not just from the air and the one he expended in his earlier attack, but from the nearby pools of blood. With so much water, the elf followed through with Linn's advice on aiming accurately by guiding the mass of water like an extension of one's self, making it manifest as a large soulless serpent of blood and water. The unfortunate dwarven swordsman could not avoid the large deluge of water that came smashing into him with the slow deliberate accuracy of a hunter.

-2Ski, +2Mag

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4332504/ 1,3,2,3,1,6,4,5,5

Caslan hits Senian Swordsman A for 12 damage!

Senian Swordsman A misses!

Caslan Crits for 28 damage!

Caslan 9/15Hp

Senian Swordsman A -27/21

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As Rimsky had been picking on enemies earlier, he was caught off guard by a dark orb of energy, which the enemy commander had sent towards him. He did not have any time to react as it hit him on the chest, bringing him a few feet away from his horse. He had lost conscious temporarily.

But it wasn't long before he regained his conscious, although he was drained of energy. He turned to see Chandra down too, lying in a pool of her blood. Rimsky winced at the sight, hoping she wasn't dead. He tried to move himself closer to her, but to no avail. His limbs would not move.

" Ch-Chandra..." Rimsky murmured, "You still with us?"

The trip to heal Zeff had cost Chandra as one of the swordsmen struck her down. Her hand left Zeff's shoulder as she joined the rest of her comrades on the ground. Blood spread across her new clothes (damn you snike) as her hands instinctively went over her wound. Her head turned towards Rimsky's voice. He was still with them.

"Ah," the shaman replied, for that was all she could manage. Her eyes stayed focused on the area where Rimsky's voice was coming from, though she was having a hard time finding him.

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"Hmph! Signing up for this was a death wish alright..." Erbert muttered, raising his axe once more. "Darn it all, I want tohit something." Angry and annoyed, Erbert rushed at a group of soldiers, without much care for logic anymore. He wanted something down.

His strike was strong, and the soldier's counterattack barely phased Erbert, but it was just not good enough, it wasn't a perfect cleave, it was poor. "Damn, I can't believe it, that was poor." Disengaging the combat, Erbert didn't think of much to expect any longer.


Frowning at what certainly seemed a battle lost, Alfonso didn't give any response as the fighter backed away from the battle he picked, only standing in front of him once more.

Alfonso defends Erbert.
Just a moment more. If they don't show up, I will fit as many of the kids I can onto Rosa and have her rush to the woods. Even if I stay behind and get torn limb by limb. Edited by Xinnidy
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After watching most of his allies get cut down, and knowing that as a healer he was probably next, Aleric's focus was on making sure that at least some of them would make it out alive.

Aleric heals Zeff to full health

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The enemy had come without notice, striking both him and Chandra down--retreating as quickly as them had came. He managed to hold his ground, but Chandra wasn't as fortunate. "Ch-Chandra! Hey!" he managed to yell, as he watched her slip away from him and fall to the ground.

He cursed his himself.

First Jacob, and now Chandra.

His sword clattered to the ground, as he rushed over towards her. He dragged her towards Rimsky, and lay her down. "Oi, you two...you better not die on me y'hear? We're going to get through this..." he said, biting his lip. He felt like he was lying to himself. Andre and Adari, both of them had fallen to the enemy commander. What hope did the rest of them have?

He surveyed the battlefield, and his suspicions had been confirmed. Those that were still left standing were few and far between. Perhaps today is the day...
Death seemed to loom over him now more than ever.

He spotted Caslan off in the distance, beaten and battered but still standing. His magic was far more handy than Zeff's swordfighting, perhaps it would be best if he remain standing, even if Zeff himself had to fall. He rushed over towards Caslan, preparing to defend him.

Zeff activates Zealous
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Enemy Phase 6
The enemy mage shot another spell at the wyvern rider. This time, it hit.
Automatic Critical hit!
2(18-10) = 16 points of damage! Toqua Blocks!
Toqua 12/33
The soldiers ganged up on the surviving enemies, stabbing at them with their spears. Only the first one missed his strike, with each of the others dealing a good amount of damage.
Rayil 18/18
Autocrit! (killer Lance C-)
2(9-5) = 8 points of damage!
Zeff 14/24
11-6 = 5 points of damage!
Caslan 4/15
Autohit! 13-1 = 12 points of damage! Rayil Blocks!
Rayil 12/18
13-6 = 7 points of damage!
14-6= 8 points of damage!
Alfonso 14/39
The two enemy swordsmen smelled blood, and went for the enemy mage. The first's swing went wide, but the second man finished the job.
Caslan 4/15
15-6 = 9 points of damage! Caslan is defeated!
Caslan 0/15
Tonic fades!
Selia, in the meantime, decided to go finish what she had started. Reproducing her tome, the Senian commander tagged the sturdy wyvern rider with a purple orb, but this time, he did not get back up after the light blast.
25-2 = 23 points of damage! Toqua is defeated!
Toqua 0/33
Other Phase
Sayina rode up and healed Alfonso's injuries. This was surely the end of the harriers....
Sayina Heals Alfonso!
Alfonso 38/39

Senian Mage B 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier A 18/18 Plain Lance (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier B 8/24 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier C 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier D 24/24 Speed Lance C (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier E 24/24 Speed Lance C (Aggressive)
Senian Swordsman E 24/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (Subvert)
Senian Knight D 27/27 Defending Lance C (Defending Senian Swordsman F)
Senian Swordsman F 15/15 Resisting Sword C (Aggressive)
Selia 33/33 Pandia (Erratic)
Senian Duelist A 15/15 Defending Sword C (Subvert)
Senian Minstrel A 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)
Senian Brute B 21/21 Speed Axe C (Aggressive)
Andre 0/33 Speed Sword B (Erratic)
Adari 0/24 Killer Bow B (Erratic)
Sayina 24/24 Healing Staff C (Erratic)
Toqua 0/33 Speed Axe C
Conscious PCs
Celine 30/30
Zeff 14/24
Rayil 12/18
Alfonso 38/39
Erbert 21/21
Aleric 13/21
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"Is it!?" She stopped talking for a moment, listened, and sure enough she could hear the sound of metal clashing could be heard over the trees. "Well, what are we waiting here for? We should go and help them!" She said, quickly turning towards the noise and starting to walk. "What are you all waiting for?"

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Xane held a hand up. "Because our job was to escape. At this point... at this point they should be retreating. We can start to head that way, but we should go slowly and carefully. There may be more enemies in these woods."


Rayil spied an enemy mage who had done some serious damage to Toqua just before the wyvern knight fell to the enemy leader. Charging him, he managed to get two quick slashes off, though the man seemed to be less injured than he would have expected. Dodging the magic thrown at him, he quickly backed off and settled himself into a defensive stance for what seemed likely to be the final thrust.



Rayil does 5 the first time, 2 the second time.

Mage B has 1 use of block left.

Rayil: 12/18

Mage B: 8/15

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"Well, they're not here yet. We should at least check," she said as she stopped, tapping her foot. "If Elysia's still hearing them fight, then they're not retreating. I...can't just wait here while they get killed." Why should we wait here anyway? What if they're in trouble? "I'm sure four mages can handle any people hiding in the woods."

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"I'm gonna go on ahead, you guys can choose what you want to do." Elysia noted, as the other two went back and forth on whether they should reinforce the rest of the Harriers. As she said that, the ice mage turned towards the sounds of fighting and began to cut through the forest.

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"Well, they're easy enough to find," Iris said as went to the wall and grabbed a torch. "I suggest we head to the entrance before lighting the oil though. Wouldn't want to walk though fire just to get out."

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Despite wanting to save Caslan, Zeff wasn't able to stand up to two enemies at the same time. While he was busy fending off the attack from one, another one came and took them both by surprise. Damn it, damn it, damn it! He retreated a bit to regain his ground. His comrades were still fighting--but at this point, death seemed inevitable. So he did what he had to. "Hey," he said to one of the axe-men, "give me a good fight, alright?"

The two readied their weapons and clashed at a moment's notice. Zeff's blade was coated in fresh blood, and he himself had incurred no injury. If not to him, then surely to the next...

Death was soon to come, he thought.



Zeff deals 19 damage.

Brute B misses.

Zeff 12/24
Brute B 2/21


"Hmph, I have to desire to get caught up in the squabbling of a mercenary band. I owe no favors, so do what you will," said Vera. Freed from her bonds, she got up and collected her tome off the ground. She eyed Linn, or rather, "Princess Severine" who had bolted after the ice mage. Leaving just herself and Xane in the clearing.

"I do wonder...how long will that 'secret' remain as such?" she said. Not waiting for Xane's answer, she walked off deeper into the woods.

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Erbert found himself not completely massacred by the enemies despite his failure of a bloodlust, thanks old knight!

Eyeing his surroundings, he noticed the other swordsman from his group that could still stand fighting a mage, but something caught Erbert's eyes far more than the others -- he was acting much slower! He seemed to have taken a few blows from the swordsman, and all that summed up in a grin for the wonderful elven fighter.

Gripping his axe and charging again, he charged at the mage mercilessly. "Now you're done for, I hope you enjoy axe season!" With this, Erbert finally cleaved through someone with the fierceness he wished for, The mage, albeit attempts to parry the axe, still couldn't resist his wounds and dropped to the floor, a pool of his blood quickly forming around him.

"One more down... how long do we still have?" Frowning, he returned to his original position.


Alfonso was still deep in his thoughts, still commited to his plan. He kept watching the battlefield ever so silent, and stood in front of Erbert as the time was right.

Alfonso defends Erbert!
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It's that weird guy from when I first joined, Celine thought to herself. Now he's throwing himself into battle. He really should be more careful. We're running low on numbers!

She spied the enemy that Zeff had fought earlier. Her victim didn't stand a chance.



"His skull is thicker than I thought," Celine grumbled to herself, as she wrenched her axe free from her enemy's cloven face.

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It seemed two of them were following, though the other woman they had pulled out of the prison seemed to be departing... a shame, but it didn't seem like she could be convinced otherwise, either way.

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Enemy Phase 7

It looked to be the end, for the Harriers, as the Senians moved to put an end to this bloody battle. Spear after spear, blade after blade, and spell after spell assaulted them, but in the end, only three more fell when the dust settled.


10-7 =3 points of damage!

Zeff 21/24


Rayil 12/18


15 - 7 = 8 points of damage!

Zeff 13/24

Hit! 13-6 = 7 points of damage!

Hit! 11-6 = 5 points of damage!

Alfonso 26/39

Hit! 11-6 = 5 points of damage!

Critical hit! 2(13-6) = 14 points of damage!

Alfonso 7/39


30-9 = 21 points of damage!

Sayina 3/24


Sayina 3/24


43- 1 = 42 points of damage! Rayil is defeated!

Rayil 0/18

Critical hit!

2(21-7) = 28 points of damage! Alfonso is defeated!

Alfonso 0/39


14-2 = 12 points of damage!


18-2 = 16 points of damage! Erbert is defeated!

Erbert 0/21

Other Phase

There was a lull in the combat, so Sayina used this opportunity to finally go and bring his leader back up.

"Ungh," Andre came to with a groan. "... Where the hell is that damn light mage, anyways?"

Sayina revives Andre!

Andre 14/33


"No, we're going to go back to the prison cells. I'll make a warp there, so they don't see us get out," Hale said, walking up to the supply room and taking the torch

from Iris. Before he could get far, though, the man turned around, parried a would-be deadly axe blow from Aldrick, and stabbed the shaman in the chest.


"Not this time," the light mage icily responded, before pushing his enemy into the supply room. "Let's go."

The half elf led the way down the hallway, and to the prison cells. Once he and the former officer were inside, he tossed the torch down the hall, where it promptly

ignited the oil on the floor. For a minute, all that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. Then...


There was a loud explosion that came from inside the fortress. What in blazes..?

"It was a diversion!" Selia said, mostly to herself. "ALL UNITS, FALL BACK TO THE FORTRESS!"

"But Ma'am, what about-"

"They're the diversion. We need to handle what's inside, before dealing with them," the commander responded to her lieutenant. "And they're in no shape to escape, if we hurry. Now let's move!"

With that said, the surviving Senians quickly made their way inside the now-burning fortress, leaving only their dead and the wounded, but still surviving, Harriers.

Narrow Victory

Teams 1 2 5 gain 118 points. Team 3 gains 128 points. Team 4 gains 152 points.

New Average: 338

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Sayina breathed a sigh of relief as the others retreated. Hurrying over to the fallen, he searched out the healers first. Quickly healing Chandra, Leon, and Aeson, he gestured to the fallen. "Quick, patch them up as quickly as you can. We need to get out of here. Find those with horses, and heal them first. They can help load up the worst wounded. Take care of anyone who can't stand before those who can. We need to get out."

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The battle seemed to be over, miraculously. It seemed Hale's team had finally pulled through, and the remaining enemy pulled back within the walls of the fort. Well Reva, I suppose you'll have to wait a little longer, eh? He mused to himself.

Sayina had begun his rounds, healing the healers first to have the work spread out among them. That was good. They'd need to get a lot of people patched up before they could retreat like Andre wanted them too. Surprisingly. He of all people was among those still standing.

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"Sure thing, Xane! We'll be careful."

And as careful as they were, they didn't run into any soldiers on the way there. The only hard part was that reveal, as it still was weighing on Linn's mind, even if she wasn't showing it anymore. She'd definitely have to sit down and explain it to Xane and Elysia at some point, and she was starting to doubt that it was such a good idea for that Vera woman to know. And what about everyone else? Xane might not have any intention of sending me back, but I'm sure Andre isn't going to want to cart around the runaway princess of the elf kingdom. There wasn't much more time to muse on that, as she cleared the woods. The sight was more than she'd expected.

Bodies were strewn everywhere, both of the Senians and the Harriers. She held back a gasp, and her stomach, as she brought herself over to the few people who were still standing. Awkwardly enough, it was Zeff, but there was no time for their squabble at the moment. "Zeff! Zeff what happened...!? Everyone's..." It was hard to believe, that so many of the Harriers had been taken down. She'd seen the army they were facing before escaping into the castle, but she'd never imagined they'd have such power. "Do you... Do you need help, standing, walking, anything? Or, maybe you can help me pick someone up, I-I can try to carry them, or..."


Eh? Not dead? Whatever's kept me alive? The halfing stirred, grunting as he pulled himself to his knees. The arrow had gone into him, yes, but something had stopped it from proving fatal. He pulled his coat open a bit, and laughed. The arrow had gone through the tonic he'd stolen first, producing a shallow wound on him. Something that'd still need to be patched up, but he considered it luck nonetheless. He pulled it out with a hefty grunt, and brought himself over to his halfling friend. "Oi, oi, Conan, you big lug. Come on, lad, getcher self up a little! There's no way someone o' the Shinin' God's gonna let themselves get taken down this easily, aye?"

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