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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Well this had appeared to go royally to shit, as it were. Linn ran over to Zeff and began asking him of the battle, atleast she wasn't letting the awkwardness stop her, whilst Elysia saw Andre, who was apparently just now being revived.

"Andre, we're back... well, Hale and Iris stayed back to blow the place up, but we have Xane. I'm still pretty much unhurt so if there's something you need done, I'll try to take care of it instead of one of you guys."

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Seeing the battle was over, Joey returned from the woods. The odd berries it found in some of the bushes were surprisingly exquisite. Trotting over some dead bodies, the gelding looked for its rider. It did spot quite a few dead elves, probably enough to please some dwarf it encountered not too long ago.


His eyes closed, Conan started muttering mantras about his faith and how it would sustain him. Then the healing started. Like a miracle before everyone's eyes(or at least those who would be looking), the halfling glowed dimly in a comforting white light and then a bright flash emitted from his prone form and all his wounds were healed and the halfling knight found himself leaping to his feet, his eyes blazing with zeal!

"THE SHINING GOD SHOWED MERCY! I SHALL BRING MORE ENEMIES DOWN IN HIS GLORIOUS NAME! HAVE AT ME!" Conan declared as he got up brandishing his axe looking none the worse for wear.

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So that battle's over. Guess it's time to get up... Ernce thought as he reached for his lance. Surprisingly the lance he picked up was heavier then the one he'd come into battle with. Oh well, he had no attachment to his lance unlike his shield. Using it as a makeshift cane he limped over to Zeke. "Hey get up, battle's over," Ernce said as he approached the pegasus rider who'd gone down with him. No response. "Damnit, I don't want to carry you. My body can't take it right now." Kneeling to the ground he began to shake the unconscious rider. "Seriously, wake up. You took more hits than I did. You're either pretty study or you've got a crazy will to live. Get up." Then Linn burst onto the scene out of nowhere. ​Does that mean they were successful? But where are Hale and Iris? He looked towards the now burning fort. They're not still inside are they...?


"Hale... the fire's..." Iris trailed off as the fire kept raging and they were still in the burning fort. Not to mention she thought she could hear approaching footsteps, though it could have been her imagination. While there was no place for her in Senia she still didn't want to die.


"Un... Morning already?" Zeke responded as Ernce continued to shake him, the latter stopping when he heard Zeke's voice. "Oh I'm alive! It's a miracle!" he said enthusiastically. Ernce gave him a strange glance before, feeling oddly religious, mumbling, "the shining god does that from time to time."

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A familiar voice rang out. He looked back and sure enough, there was Linn, with an understandable expression painted on her face. He had come too close to death to let petty grievances get in his way right now. "Well...the enemy, they're tougher than I would have imagined. One of the commanders...she...she was too strong. She even took out Andre," he managed to say.

"I'm fine though--well, compared to everyone else," he said. He had incurred his fair share of wounds but, had recieved ample medical attention throughout the fight, for which he was truly grateful. "But I think I'll be able to walk," he said, trying to prove his point he stepped forward but stumbled awkwardly. Or not...

Aldrick had certainly given him a run for his money.

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Celine surveyed the battle. Miraculously, she was the only one to walk out unharmed. She saw Zeff talk to one of the women that had gone with the weird elf-guy into the fort. Best to leave him alone. Instead, she noticed a familiar once-sick horse walking on the battlefield. Its rider was missing. "Ya look lost," she told it pointedly. "How 'bout we find that master of yours, hmmm?" I think this horse belonged to an elf.

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"Oh, Gods..." She was stunned. Even Andre? Who, or what did they go up against? Zeff didn't look at fine as he said, and he proved it by stumbling during his attempt to walk. She quickly grabbed his arm to try and keep him up, slightly embarrassed, but she was afraid he was about to fall over. Geez! "H-Hey, you don't have to try and look cool, alright? If you're hurt, just sit tight, and the rest of us'll get the healers around." She let him go and started looking for whatever healers were around, eyes falling on Chandra first. "Hey, Chandra!" she started as she went over, "are you good enough to start healing the others? Even the ones that are still up aren't doing so well."


"By the God himself!" shouted Franklin, jumping farther back than anyone probably thought a halfling ever could. "Yer alive? Great goodness, ye seemed dead as a doorknob! What fantastical magic did ye just run through yerself!?"

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Oh, someone else feels like being my new rider...oh, no, okaaaaay, it's that the girl with scary choice of battle cries, Joey thought when Celine approached it. The gelding started moving slowly, to make sure Celine kept pace. It did not take long before it found Caslan...thanks to recognising Mehr who it remembered fought alongside its rider. Tsk tsk, both our riders sleeping at this time, what lazy bums, Joey neighed to Mehr.

Not very gently, Joey began nudging at Caslan, Oi, wake up. I ate some berries and now I'm hungry. It's rider didn't look too badly hurt, thanks to the new armour he bought. At least all the innards were in the body and intact and Caslan didn't look like he was bleeding out.


Conan shook his head, "It is faith, a sign of my devotion to the Shining God! He rewards my unshakable belief in his absolute majesty with these miracles of rejuvenating nature. My only displeasure about it is how I can't use it to tend to the wounds of others." Placing a mailed fist on Franklin's shoulders, "It is good to see you are still healthy my friend. I'm sorry for not being diligent enough in my vigilance and fell unconscious. Very irresponsible for a guardian to not be there to protect his charge, heh."

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"Oh, that looks like him!" Celine exclaimed. "It doesn't look like he's dead. Perhaps he's just sleeping." She couldn't help but smile. "HEY CASLAN, I SPILLED WATER ALL OVER YOUR BOOKS!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. She turned to the horse. "I'd rather not carry him. I might break something."

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Looking cool...? That's not... "H-hey! I told you I'm fine!" he yelled after Linn. Using his sword to prop himself upright, he hobbled after her. "Listen, I'm fine really...there's other people that need help more than I do," he said. A solemn look washed on his face.

"Tend to those two first," he said, nodding to Rimsky and Caslan. "I just need some rest..." he proclaimed. He placed himself onto the ground beneath him. Truth be told, he felt so tired, but he really could afford to be napping when they had to mobilize as soon as possible.

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Between the nudging, the yelling(especially the yelling) and the horrible smell of blood, Caslan sat up quickly and clamped his ears, "Ow, ow ,ow! Hey, the ears aren't just for show you know!"

Pfft...weak, Joey thought as it began to drag Caslan to his feet. "Woah, ouch...hey...stop it Joey!" At which point the gelding snorted and opened its mouth letting the elf drop back down.

"Ah..." that wasn't very helpful, "Oh, hey, Celine, can you get healer over? Can't really move well, pain." Looking at Rimsky nearby who was still alive, "Plus he probably needs help too."

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"Oh, his name is Joey? Alright. . .Joey, you make sure that your rider doesn't do anything stupid. I'll go fetch a healer." She ran off in the general direction of "someone standing", and stopped when she saw Zeff. "You okay? Where'd the healers go?"

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"Well, I'm sure I could be worse," he laughed. "How about you though Celine? You okay?" he inquired. Must've been a rough first battle for her...but honestly...she's looks likes she's in pretty good shape.

"As for a healer, there's one right there," he said, pointing to Chandra.

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After taking a moment to catch his breath, Aleric made his way across the battlefield, healing unconscious allies where he found them. He also checked the Senian bodies for signs of life, though none showed any. Though I don't think my employers would approve. They have enough reasons to be suspicious of me without me healing their enemies.

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Zeff hobbled after her, which just worried her more. "I-I know, I know. I'm just worried, okay? I come back and you're all like this..." She shook her head. She wasn't going to argue with him over his condition. If he thinks he's good, let him. No good'll come out of trying to argue his state into him. "Just try to take it easy." Speaking of Caslan, as he'd nodded to him, she noticed him getting pulled up by his horse. Oh, no... "Caslan!" she shouted, rushing over. "A-Are you okay? Where does it hurt? You need a healer, right?"


"Oh, think nothin' of it! I'm far better off than most of the Harriers around, at the moment. Perhaps ye should start usin' yer abnormal halflin' strength t'get most of the ones on the ground all rounded up. Seems a few of them are already startin' t'get themselves up and at 'em," he said, pointing at the small group of them that had gathered. "Best to get ourselves on our way, before that witch of a mage shows herself back up again!"

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"Me? I guess they didn't think I was a threat, even though I splattered several of 'em. Idiots," she spat. "I found a couple of our guys, and one requested a healer. I know you're walkin' an' stuff, but you don't look too good yourself. Those guys are over there," she said, as she motioned towards Joey. "Can ya keep 'em company? Thanks!" Without waiting to see whether the other woman was busy, she tapped Chandra on the shoulder. "Hey, someone asked for you over there. Can ya give 'em a hand?"

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He wanted to inquire how the mission had gone inside the fort, but before he had the chance, Linn had run off to help Caslan. He mused to himself a bit. She seemed awfully fond of him. It made him think of how Reva would have reacted had she seen him like this. Unlike Linn, she probably would have started scolding him for taking up such a dangerous job. He felt a pang of remorse, and struggled to hold back the tears that were forming in his eyes. Life's been tough Reva, it really has...

"Hah, well, as long as you're alright, there's no problem then," he said to Celine.

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"Linn...Linn! You're safe!" Caslan exclaimed when he heard her voice and tried to stand up. That made a few sores in his body suddenly trying their best to remind the elven mage they exist. Collapsing back on his knee, Caslan inhaled sharply as he gritted his teeth, "Whoo...yeah, need a healer. But I think a healer's on the way."

Lying on his back, putting as little stress on his body, Caslan continued, "Took three enemies to bring me down. It's hard to dodge so many people, and Zeff protected me, would have been much worse if he didn't. Good thing you weren't out here with us. It was so scary, so many enemies. We kept falling one by one. Just...so many."


Conan wasted not time to start dragging Raelyn towards the gathering mercenaries when he heard Franklin say some magical words. Dropping the woman, Conan gripped his axe, his expression determined, "Witch? WITCH? WHERE DID YOU SEE THE ENEMY's FOUL PRACTITIONER OF DARK MAGIC? I SHALL MAKE HER REPENT BY WORDS OR BLADES IF NEED BE!"

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Looking around Ernce saw that a few other people were getting up and helping out with the wounded. "Hey, can you walk?" he asked Zeke. "If you can we should probably go and try to help out with the wounded." Standing up and leaning on his lance for support Ernce offered Zeke his hand. Zeke took it and Ernce tried to pull up the lighter man only to fail and tumble to the ground, thankfully avoiding the pegasus rider. "Damnit!" Ernce curse as he fell. "Looks like you'll be stuck here until either I or you get healed," Ernce said, once again standing up. "I'll go try to find a healer, you sit tight."

As Ernce walked away Zeke called out to him. "If you could find a halfling who goes by Conan he should have some sort of healing potion if he did what I asked him to. Feel free to drink it if it helps you help out others."

"Sure." Ernce said before limping over to the group of standing mercs. It would've taken him some time to find Conan if he hadn't been shouting about witches and repentance. How do those two get along at all? "You're Conan correct?" Ernce asked the shouting halfling. "You're buddy Zeke wants his healing potion you bought for him."

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Linn frowned at him, as he tried to get himself up. "First Zeff and now you! What is it with men? Geez... Stay still, alright? But, I am glad that you're safe." Her expression cooled and she gave him a soft smile as she listened to him talk of the fight, hoping it would cheer him up a little. He really seems to like me... Well, I would hope so. I try to be friendly to everyone! "You sit tight. I'm gonna go back over there and see how everyone else's doing. Just wanted to make sure you were alright. Chandra'll be over soon, okay?" She shot him another smile and brought herself back over to the gathering group of mercenaries. The ground was a good enough seat, so she sat herself. "I hope Hale and Iris are going to be alright," she said to no one in particular, gazing back at the burning fort.


"Eh!? There's nae witch ye buffoon! She's gone, calm yerself!" As much as he enjoyed the man's company when he wasn't screaming, he couldn't stand it when he was. Spotting the man he'd heard called Ernce walking up, he took that chance to slip over to where everyone else was gathering, and simply hung around, humming to himself.

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Linn returned much more quickly than he had expected. "Hm? Hale and Iris...? You mean to tell me they didn't come out with you? I...hope that was part of the plan...?"

"Oh, and uh, how's Caslan doing?" he added. Slightly ashamed he couldn't do more to protect his comrade. In fact, he hadn't done a very good job at protecting anyone...

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"Sure," Caslan replied smiling. When Linn was gone, the elf looked at Joey, "I don't know why but, seeing her safe made me feel a bit better."

Joey snorted, Stallions...it's all in their heads.


"Oh, I see," Conan said as he bent down to pick Raelyn up, "Sorry about that miss," only to notice when he turned around, Franklin had grown a few feet taller, sported heavier armour and a spear to boot. The halfling even looked chillingly similar to a human soldier who was part of their mercenary. Conan dropped Raelyn a second time in shock as he yelled, "WHAT SORCERY IS...oh...right, my bad yes, Zeke needs his potion, here take it." Conan passed the intact potion to Ernce before resuming his task of dragging Raelyn to the gathering mercenaries. Really quick eh that Franklin. I'm getting too out of good old halfling sport. Gotta work on my hide and seek skills.

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"U-Uhm... I hope so. Hale ferried us all--Elysia, Xane, Vera, and myself--out of the fort and remained with Iris. I assume things are going according to plan if it's all on fire. I just hope they make it out." She tried to look at him while she spoke, but it still felt awkward. Dang it, even now?

"Caslan seems fine, except for being more than a bit beaten. I told him to come over when he was all healed up. I hope one of the healers gets to him soon. I don't think I could take it if one of the other elves died, let alone one of you all." I'm really glad no one seems to actually be dead.

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"...Right," Ernce said, taking the potion after a brief pause. Note to self, announce my presence when speaking to him in the future. For the sake of the mercenary group. Doing as Zeke instructed Ernce took a quick sip of the potion, immediately feeling some strength return to his muscles though he still had to hold himself up with his lance. Limping back over to Zeke he extended his hand to Zeke once again and managed to pull Zeke of the ground successfully. "There ya go. Now just get up on your pegasus and I'm sure it'll be able to walk you around. I'm gonna go see if anyone else needs help." Turning away from Zeke he once again looked at the fort. Still no sign of either of 'em. Hope they're okay... Pushing the negative thoughts from his head he limped back over to the group of standing mercs. "There anyone who needs priority healing? Zeke gave me permission to use his potion."

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"I know," Hale said, as he began concentrating his magic on the wall. The light door slowly appeared as the fire raged on outside. It was almost complete, when someone entered from the hallway.

"Stop right there," Selia said, lowering the dark barrier around her as she moved closer to the intruders. "So, it was a distraction, to break out the prisoners. Nicely done. Now turn around and surrender."

Hale froze when he first heard the woman's voice, cancelling the portal. He slowly turned around, blinking when he saw the Senian commander.

"What makes you think you can stop me, without collateral damage?" he asked, drawing his sword. He meant the building, of course.

"Collateral... Wait, you're a soldier," Selia said, shifting her attention to Iris for a moment. "Were you part of the group from the village?"


The enemy seemed to be retreating to their fortress of flames, for the time being. Andre took a quick swig of his elixir, before making an announcement.

"Alright, cut the chatter. Everyone who isn't a healer and can walk needs to get out of here. Linn and Elysia can show you the way to the forest!" he managed to bellow out, before going to track down Adari.

He managed to track down Adari, all right, and she was on the ground. Not a good sign.

"Sayina, can you come over here? It's Adari."

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Vera! She's here!? That was a name he hadn't heard for a long time. To think she would be here of all places. I wonder..."That woman, Vera you said her name was? How did you meet her? Is she here or...?" If luck was on their side, she'd been contracted to kill one of the enemy. If luck was against them though...

There didn't seem to be anyone here who'd have drawn the ire of a noble or any other person of importance. Though...that was just wishful thinking. He couldn't possibly know about everyone's past, and if she really was aiming to kill one of the Harrier's, he wouldn't have a clue who it would be.

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