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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Shit! Iris froze. Of course Selia would be the one to find them and, not only that, of course she'd recognized her. "Y-Yes..." Iris said meekly. There was no turning back at this point, she'd likely die here. "B-But you were there too!" Iris said in a last ditch effort. If there was any chance of getting out alive it'd be through confusing Selia. She didn't seem to remember being a Thrall. "Y-You killed all those people at the village... and then these people came and you almost killed them too! All because Aldrick told you to!"

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"She was in the cell with Xane. And, she was with us, but..." she looked around, frowning a bit, "I guess she didn't come with the rest of us through the forest. Not that I'm complaining, she said she was an assassin and threatened to kill me." Of course, that was after that fact, but Zeff doesn't need to know that right now.

Ernce had walked over, potion in hand, offering it around. "Go and give it to Caslan. He needs it the most, the healers seem to be preoccupied over here."

It was then that Andre bellowed for them all to start moving through the woods. She glanced back at Caslan still on the ground, but figured he'd be taken care of. Andre wouldn't leave someone behind. Standing up, she extended a hand to Zeff. "Here. I saw you hobbling after I told you to take it easy, so don't try to get out of me helping you to walk. Please..."

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Xane had stopped on the edge of the forest, not wanting to appear on the battlefield when it wasn't needed. Too much of a risk. Seeing people start to leave, he nodded. This was the proof he needed. Regardless of the outcome of the village battle, he had seen enough. Tonight. Tonight I will ask them.


Hearing his name, Sayina rushed over, and cursed as he saw both Toqua and Adari on the ground. Placing himself near Adari first, he slowly started to chant a complex healing spell. Nearby, both of their mounts were watching anxiously. They had been trained not to interfere with Sayina, just as they had been taught to protect their masters if they were downed. But they didn't have to like it. As Adari stirred, Sayina breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Toqua. Soon the half-dwarf was cursing the skies loudly and Sayina was leaning against his own horse for support. Saving so many lives had drained him, and he barely had the strength to pull himself onto his horse. "Ready to head out when you are sir."


Rayil stirred, and then stood up. That last hit... he shuddered, remembering the feeling of hopelessness as the dark magic had hit him. He'd expected to die, but somehow he had survived. Seeing others start to retreat, he followed, glancing behind at the carnage they were leaving with a heavy heart.

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"Alright," Ernce said in brief acknowledgement before walking over to Caslan. "Here," he said as he helped the elven water mage into sitting position and handed him the potion. "Take some of this, in the very least you'll be able to get on your horse -Joey right?"

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Threatened to kill you?! That part had shocked him a little, but he quickly calmed himself and began to think things through. If it was just a threat...she probably wasn't contracted. So, maybe Linn just ticked her off or something...He would have inquired more, but Andre had signaled for everyone to begin moving so he figured that would have to wait until later. He'd have to keep an eye out for Linn, in case his suspicions proved false and Vera really did plan on killing her.

"I--fine," he said, grasping her hand and pulling himself up off the ground. He tried not to put too much strain on her, as to not pull her back down onto the ground. Admittedly, he was having to lean on her a little more than he thought. "Er, sorry about this..." he said sheepishly. He sheathed his sword, and signaled for Linn that he was ready to start moving.

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"Ugh." The second jolt briefly brought Raelyn back to the realm of the living. Soon enough, pain and exhaustion got the better of her, and she drifted off again.

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She smiled. Good, no arguing. Helping him up, she threw his arm around her shoulder, and let him brace himself. "Don't worry too much. I might be weak, but I'm not that weak. Just let me know if I'm going too fast, a-alright?" She had to admit, it was a bit awkward. It was also tempting to apologize right then and there, but it was definitely not the time, so she shoved that temptation into the back of her mind. Besides, he'd probably just end up walking on his own if you tried, and he's in no state to do so. At least he's not that heavy. She started walking, making sure he was keeping up, and followed after Elysia. "Come on, everyone that's up! Try to keep up with Elysia and I!"

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"Oh thanks," Caslan said as he imbibed the potion, feeling his vitality returning, "You should give some to Rimsky there."

With that Caslan got up and onto Joey to go with the group.


Finally finished dragging Raelyn to Aeson, Conan called, "Good brother! I have wounded who needs tending!"

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"What? I've never been to that village," Selia responded, slightly confused. "And Al wouldn't do that. I know him. He saved my life, I've saved his before, and he wouldn't do that . Your squad was wiped out by mercenaries, from what I heard, so why are you... Oh, so it was you."

"Huh? Me?" Hale asked.

"You, and the mercenaries, who're coercing her into saying such lies. Have you no shame, sir?"

"..." The light mage didn't respond, for some reason.


"Check to make sure we aren't missing anyone, then follow the others," Andre responded, before offering Adari his elixir. "A report on what the hell happened after that mage hit me would be nice, though."

Further away, Jacob stirred, fixed up by a roaming healer. Despite feeling sore, he picked himself up and decided to follow the others, aching with every step.

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Iris, while frustrated with Selia's clear lack of memory, was more frustrated with Hale. "Why don't you say anything Hale?" she asked quietly, at a loss. You know her don't you? Knock some sense into her or something... With Hale proving to be of no help Iris had to try again. "How can't you remember that...? It was because of your slaughter of the villagers that I almost died to some over emotional elf. Harrop even saved me from her..." Iris mumbled, losing what little momentum she'd built up. Any attempt would be useless anyway. At the moment all she was doing was stalling. If it came to blows she'd probably die either to Selia or the fort collapsing on her.


"What? We're leaving?" Zeke asked no one in particular. Weren't some of their allies still in the fort? Were they just abandoning them or had they gotten out and were waiting for them somewhere up ahead? Ugh. It hurt Zeke's brain to try and make sense of it all. He'd just follow orders for now. Guiding Srene towards Ernce he called out to the man. Zeke'd seen him glancing at the fort several times, he was clearly worried. "Let's go, ya? They're probably already out and waiting for us. Catch up when you're done helpin' him," Zeke said pointing to Rimsky. "If you want I'll even let ya ride on Srene as thanks for helpin' me."

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"Yeah...I'll be fine though really. The faster we get out of here the better," he said. There was a short pause before he spoke again, "listen Linn, I--uh," he wanted to say something, but the awkwardness of the situation was getting to him.

He shook his head. "Nevermind..." he whispered.

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"Alright, if you're sure." She brought her pace up just a bit, believing he'd keep up. Though she wasn't expecting him to say anything else. His fumbling made her think he was feeling almost as awkward as she was, so she had to try and say something. "Zeff, it's... It's alright. I-I want to talk to you too. Just, after, when we're not stumbling for our lives." She laughed slightly, hoping it would make the situation just a bit less awkward.

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"Hale? Interesting coincidence. Nonetheless, you can stop anytime," Selia said. "They're not able to hurt you, now."

In response to that, Hale quickly moved behind Iris.

"Listen," he whispered.. "She doesn't remember any of that, because Aldrick's tampered with her mind. She's not going to believe a word you say. Just play along, and we'll get you out alright." Then, the man place his sword around and in front of the dwelf's neck. To Selia, he said, "Alright, you got me. Don't move, or she gets it."


"Don't. Move."

"Ugh..." The commander was frustrated, now, but couldn't do anything.

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Zeff was slightly rattled by Linn's apparent mind-reading, but quickly recomposed himself. "Yeah, perhaps that might be for the best," he said. "Though, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the only one who's stumbling," he said, smiling a bit. It was a weary looking smile, but it was there none the less.

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Surprised that Hale was willing to actively put her safety above his own Iris tried to ask "what are you doing" though all she managed to say was "wha-" before Hale had put the blade at her throat. I've no choice but to trust in Hale now. I hope he knows what he's doing... "Do what he says commander!" She did her best to sound desperate. "Please!"

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Linn glanced back over at Zeff, seeing that he was actually smiling. I got him to smile? Alright! Yes! She pulled her own out, and kept on walking. "Then let's have you stumble on out of these woods." She was starting to feel a whole lot better about everything.


Franklin had kept himself up with the group, humming to himself as he walked along. Perhaps a bit o' chatter will make this walk more bearable. Though, he wondered if anyone would be up for talking. Of those that had remained standing at the end of the fight, Zeff seemed like he was flirting, Aleric had his hands full with healing, and... well, I could try to speak to her. "'Scuse me, Celine, was it? How're ye handlin' yerself after that grand battle?"

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"... Alright," Selia said, resignedly. "What do you want?"

"I want you to just stay right there," Hale said, coldly, as he began to conjure up a light portal once more. The enemy dark mage complied and just stood there, as the escape route was made. Then, the hostage taker and hostage began to slowly inch towards the portal. As soon as the former lowered his blade, though, a purple sphere was conjured up and slammed into him, taking the man straight through the portal.

"What a fool. That should be the last of him, thank the Lady," Selia said, as the portal closed. "This part of the fortress is collapsing, though, so come on. I'll shield you from the flames. "

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Wordlessly taking Caslan advice Ernce walked over to the fallen dwarven archer. "Oi, Rimsky you still alive? I got some potion if ya want it."

Rimsky opened his eyes once more to see Ernce standing next to him, offering him a potion. He checked his surroundings- the battle was seemingly over, Chandra and Caslan were up, and there were... flames coming from the fort?

Getting up and sitting on the ground, he replied to Ernce, " Oh, heya Ernce. I'll drink it if ya don't mind... but why are there flames at the fortress over there? What happened? Did we...win?"

If the Harriers had really won that battle, Rimsky wouldn't believe it.

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"Thanks..." Iris said, completely dumbfounded. So, I'm Senian once again. But... No, she would have stop thinking like that for now. For now she was a loyal vassal to the king and a proud member of the military. Unless, she wanted to die of course. Then by all means she would, right at this very moment, attack Selia with all her might and die for her new belief, or lack of belief in the king. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. She wouldn't knowingly engage in downright suicide. For now she'd go back to simply being a nameless soldier in the Senian military.


"Yeah we won alright. Haven't seen Hale or Iris though. I think they're still inside or they somehow got ahead of us," Ernce said as he extended his hand to Rimsky. "C'mon, we're pulling outa this war zone. Boss' orders."

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Chandra gasped as the Sayina’s healing magic entered her body. Though not fully recovered, the shaman was able to lift herself up and get her bearings. As she was coming to, voices from all over entered her mind. Sayina’s command to heal the mounts. Linn’s plea to heal Zeff. Zeff’s insistence to heal the others first. Celine tapping her shoulder to heal someone else. Chandra truly wished that everyone would shut the hell up until enough blood got back into her brain so she could refocus her strength on healing. The shaman was embarrassed to think such a thing, almost as if she had said it out loud.

Chandra closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. Immediately after, she turned to Rimsky and began healing his wounds. She then turned to Caslan and Zeff and did the same. The shaman pointed to Rimsky and Caslan.

“You two should pick some people up. I’ll see to anymore that need healing.”

Wearily, Chandra crossed the battlefield to reach the other survivors, using her staff as a cane for support. She took great effort not to trip over the bodies and weapons all over.

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Aeson climbed to his feet wearily, certain that the assault had sent him to the great spud bucket in the sky. Still, he was grateful that Sayina had done HIS work. The priest readied himself to aid the others, although his middle still ached from the battle - perhaps he'd gotten a little too involved in the fighting. A bruised Conan brought over Raelyn, one of the fighters he'd been with earlier.

"I shall do my best." the priest winced, bringing his staff over Raelyn, his energies revitalizing his fallen ally. His work would not be done, he would go on to visit Erbert and repeat the process. He was astounded to find even the mighty Alfonso had fallen.

"My friend, please stay with us." he grimaced, the body of Alfosno lying nearly lifeless below him. "You were strong... you protected others, it's my turn to help you."

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Good, they were starting to move. Elysia just had to keep going, keep leading... Xane was right ahead now, he hadn't gone onto the battlefield, soon he would turn too, and they would lead the others back to safety.

All Elysia had to do was ignore how heavy her legs were getting, how sharply her breaths were coming... that her chest was starting to hurt as she did so. It was all she could do to bring the bottle of elixir to her mouth with shaking hands... her wounds were healed but the strange brew might restore some of her energy, if only for a time. Blast, to no avail, it would seem... re-corking the bottle, Elysia took her notice off of her surroundings for the slightest of moments... not a great idea when you're that shaky.

And so the ice mage tumbled over an outhanging root, and to the forest floor she went. This wouldn't have been so bad, if not for the fact that when she tried to right herself, her weary arms wouldn't support her weight, and he fell straight back down.

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And thing were looking up until Elysia collapsed onto the floor of the woods, Linn gasping and hurrying herself over with Zeff in tow. "Hey, hey! Just hold on a sec, we'll get you up," she said in response to the woman trying to push herself back up. "She...expended herself pretty badly in the fort. I know you're not in the best shape, Zeff, but could you help me carry her? She can't be much heavier than I am, and I'm as light as they come." She made sure Zeff was standing firm before she let go of his arm, doing her best to pull Elysia up to her feet. "Okay... Now, just... You take her other arm, over your shoulder...and we...should be good," she said through grunts. Having to lift someone's entire body weight wasn't the easiest task for her, even if said person was an elf.

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