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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"Yes... he kind of did. If commander Agnius were here, he'd probably go on about his past, unexperienced knights and how they'd forget to cover their backs and died in the simplest missions to bring down rogues and pirates. He really expected everybody to die eventually, and preached that, if Antar was attacked by any neighbour in our state, we wouldn't so much as last half a season." Alfonso stopped for a moment, contemplating his memories in a vacant sight. "He was quite grim and harsh in training, but I thought that was his way of hammering character into the recruits. From what I know, he's now retired and living in the capital, probably as suspicious as ever." Looking back out of his distant gaze, it seemed Aeson had joined the listening too.

With another faint smile, Alfonso continued. "Not all commanders were as down-putting as mine. I know a platoon assigned to the eastern coastal towns had a pretty bright, young commander. Caleb was his name, and many said he'd be a promising general in times of war. I didn't know him, so I can't say how much of the praise is deserved." Alfonso shrugged for but a moment. "And in the west, we had Agnius and few other names, none all that notable. I guess it was an awkward split... but bringing down all of rogues and pirates didn't usually take much. It was a pretty peaceful era."

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Peaceful. . .huh. "I suppose with relative peace, a little bit of pessimism would be good for the new recruits," Raelyn said slowly. "If only the rest of the world had to deal with petty outlaws. . ." She trailed off, and sighed. "Ah, listen to me, I sound like an old lady! Why'd you come all the way out here? It sounds like you had a pretty sweet deal going on at home!"

If the world really was at peace, places like this fort would be unnecessary.

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"My name's Celine." On cue, the pirate's stomach growled. "Ah, I remember seein' ya! You're the one doin' all the cooking! Ah, we'll have time for food talk later. Where do ya wanna go next?"

"Ah, she looks like one of ours," Chandra replied as she pointed out Bertha. The shaman continued as they walked to the knight. "Yes, I'm handling the cooking with a little help. I just hope it's good..."

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Alfonso nodded. "I can't say for the rest of the world, but that's how Antar was in the recent past. Yet... that was what had me dissatisfied." The knight sighed. "I was raised in a family of soldiers that server well in the war from 100 years ago. I grew alongside expectations of knighthood from my family, naturally, and actually grew expectations about the military life myself."

Taking a short pause to readjust his position with the lance, Alfonso briefly continued. "With these lazy years Antar had... it was a downer to all I had invested my youth for. Most of the days, I had nothing but showing myself when called for, and sparring, for work. In the end... life had stopped, it was boring. I was bound to my service, and that service didn't make me grow and learn. It was that way for a bit too long." He paused once again. Indeed, the prime of my life wasted doing little... it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

"...My wife was a great influence at that time. She gave me incentive to learn from other means. I found out, in books of all things, the idealist stories of knighthood I was charmed for. It was bittersweet for me, already past my 30s by then. That way, I left my services just to see life a different way. A knight-errant, sometimes a mercenary." Alfonso shrugged for a moment, a thought coming to him. "Some people might say I dropped my career for a lousy dream, but I feel more... satisfied, and capable. Being resilient is a blessing, as I can fight my hardest to live and provide for my family --though my son is already pulling his weight lately!" The knight smiled, gaze slowly meeting the battlefield, shifting his expression to serious quickly. "... With what Senia has been doing, I think I'd be in for a rough awakening if I stayed in the army, as well."

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"Ya HOPE it's good? Lady, you're cookin' is amazing! Most of the lousy inns I know would kill to have ya on their staff!" Celine said heartily, as she guided Chandra towards Bertha. Where I grew up. . .they'd literally murder one of their employees to get someone like her on their side.


"Ah, the stories of those that lost their way. . .that's not pleasant," Raelyn replied, a small frown on her face. She'd seen more than enough of those in her time, and while she was obliged to serve them, she didn't like watching grown men cry over lost time. "Your wife sounds like a lovely woman, and your son should be proud to have someone like you as a father. You're fighting for something you believe in! It's one thing to put down bandits, but quite another when fighting against a proper military. I pray that your home never sees those days. . ." The fairy tales never cover the horrors of war.

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Mind distracted by the bodies around them, Alfonso barely noted Raelyn's first words. It's almost as if I could see my past comrades in these piles. A war will certainly break out after so long, in the end.. The knight worried briefly, unaware of the tragic world events that already happened.

He turned back his attention as Raelyn spoke of his family. "Oh, thank you." He smiled faintly, the kind words did calm his heart. "I might send them a letter soon, in fact. With all that is happening, Antar might not be so safe. My wife is Feaolian, so I'm sure she and our son can stay with her relatives there, if things do get worse."

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"Ya HOPE it's good? Lady, you're cookin' is amazing! Most of the lousy inns I know would kill to have ya on their staff!" Celine said heartily, as she guided Chandra towards Bertha. Where I grew up. . .they'd literally murder one of their employees to get someone like her on their side.

"Well, I'm glad I have a fan." Chandra couldn't help but smile at Celine's enthusiastic comments. "And because of that, if you have anything you'd like to eat, I'll be sure to put it on the menu."

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A few minutes of riding cleared his thoughts and as he got his stamina back, Caslan rode around the crowd looking for a particular elf. Spotting Linn, the elven mage pulled up close to her. Oh, she seems busy, thought Caslan slowing down to keep pace nearby.


With all the healing and fighting done, Conan marched alongside the group, clanking merrily with all the metal on him. Looking for Andre, the halfling asked in his usual loud voice with great carrying quality, "So, where are we heading sir? More Senians who soil this land to be repulsed?"

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That night, as the Harriers sat around the camp they had set up, finishing up the healing that still needed to be done, getting ready to eat, taking care of weapons, or just sitting around, Xane sat a distance off from the camp, staring up at the stars, deep in thought. Closing his eyes, he nodded. It was time. Standing up, he walked back towards the campfire, to where Andre and Adari were sitting. "There's something I wish to discuss with you and your men. This involves all of them. If you don't mind?"

Rayil was sitting by the fire, enjoying the warmth. The battle today had taken a lot out of him but he was just happy to be alive right now.

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Linn had helped Zeff to a comfortable seat around the fire, placing herself near it too. She wasn't hungry. Her mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts, between the safety of Iris and Hale, to her bloodline, to the Harriers and that fight, and a small part of it was still stuck on talking to Zeff. She wasn't going to get a chance to muse over it any longer, as Xane walked back over to the fire, saying to Andre and Adari that he had something to discuss with the whole group. Of course, her mind shot to worst case scenario, but she shut that thought up quickly. He wouldn't just up and tell everyone about me, not after saying he wouldn't so much. But...what could it be, then?

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Despite any sort of interesting happenings that may be... happening, Elysia was still sound asleep, having been dropped off near the fire and wrapped up in a blanket at some point between arriving at the camp site and the current moment.

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Rimsky was still awake, reminiscing about the past, his life as a horse breeder, with relatives all around. He didn't get much profits when he moved to Celisa, nor did he get the action that he was experiencing now, yet those times were peaceful. Thoughts drifted to his brother, who decided to stay in Antar when the rest of the family moved to Celisa. He wanted to continue their trade in Antar since he saw bigger profits and had most of his friends residing there. Rimsky hoped he would be safe, for if the Senians really were invading Antar... he feared the worst.

"Gah!" he mumbled to himself, " I think I'll have some target practice now. No use fearing about the possibilities. There, there, Mehr, I know its getting gloomier, but Master Rimsky will occupy you now!"

And with that, Rimsky started to string his bow and figure out what his targets would be... maybe big leaves.


Mehr just stood there quietly, eager to see what her master would do. She was being her usual, restless self.

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Most of us only barely survived the last battle, is this really the best time for an announcement? Aleric almost voiced his concerns, only stopping because he knew it must be important. Still, most of them are probably too tired for this, he thought as he scanned the group from a spot by the fire.

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Celine was quite content after dinner. Per Raelyn's prodding, she'd changed into something that wasn't stained with blood, and had managed to find a small brook to wash out her previous set of clothes. She stood watch by them near the fire, quite content to stay put.


Raelyn's most recent brush with death had left her exhausted. She sat some distance from the fire, supported by a tree. This isn't a bad place to sleep. . .

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Pulling Joey along, Caslan sat down beside Linn as Joey stood nearby, radiating all the heat that a mammal of its size would. Producing a rather large blanket from his mount, Caslan offered it to Linn and Zeff and said with a slight smile, "It's big enough to include the three of us, and perhaps a halfling as well."

At the back of his head, Caslan was suddenly reminded that he had spent a good deal of gold on the blanket that was clearly too large for personal use, why did he even buy it? He had the sinking feeling the travelling merchant in the desert was named Richard and looked oddly familiar.


Shoving himself through the crowd, Conan made his presence known to Zeke as the plucky knight asked, "So how are you doing my faithless companion? Ready to say your prayers before sleep?"

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If it had been any other time, Linn probably would've happily shared a blanket with the others, but she wasn't feeling too cozy at the moment. "Sorry. I'll have to decline the blanket. You can share it with Zeff, though, I'm sure he'd appreciate that. The fire's warm enough for myself." She put on a smile. I hate this awkward feeling. Maybe when Xane's done talking to the group, I can talk to him about all of this.


Franklin, standing nearby, overheard the mention of blanket, and strolled on over with a whistle. "If there's ne one here that wishes to use yer lovely piece of fabric, I certainly wouldn't mind warmin' me toes under it."

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Quite disappointed with Linn's reply, Caslan nonetheless nodded and went over to drape the blanket around Zeff. When Franklin turned up, Caslan replied, "Sure, it's big enough to add another person alongside you, might as well make the most out of it."

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Having let Ernce off near the fire Zeke had been grooming his pegasus when Conan showed up. As such he didn't really register Conan's question until he had said, "sure, whatever" as he was focused on giving Srene a good grooming in thanks for watching over him after he'd lost consciousness. In fact he had nearly died twice before being knocked unconscious... maybe there really was someone up there looking out for him; whether or not it was the Shining God Conan held in such high regard had yet to be decided on by the Feoalin.


Though he was sitting relatively close to the fire Ernce still felt cold for some odd reason. When he saw Xane approach Andre and Adari he moved closer assuming something important was about to happen. He ended up only hearing Xane asking whether or not Andre and Adari minded something. Though he also heard something about a blanket from the halfling that had ducked away from Conan as he had asked about Zeke's potion. Apparently there was room for one more and he was, or liked to believe at least, on good terms with Caslan and Zeff. It wasn't like he had anything to lose from talking to them anyway. "Mind if I take the last spot?" he asked as he walked up to the group.

Edited by Oersted
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Zeff hadn't really been paying attention to much of anything. That last battle had left him to weary, and the news Linn had brought about Vera was leaving a bad taste in his mouth. Then not to mention things still hadn't straightened out between him and Linn--but that wasn't really something he cared to address at the moment. It was probably in both of their best interests to bring it up later, rather than now.

He was surprised to find Caslan had approached him and draped him with a blanket, a rather large one at that. But none the less it was a welcome gesture, and snapped him out of his thoughts. "Thanks," he muttered. Franklin, the curious halfling had slipped in as well, and not a moment too soon, Ernce had approached, asking if he could claim the last spot. Zeff shrugged, "sure, why not? Go ahead," he said.

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Alfonso also sat close to the fire, like most. However, he had himself busy with a set assignment -- a piece of parchment in hand, he was writing, and stopped every once in a while to think as he stared to the paper. Hmm, I'll have to ask where's the nearest town we might stop at, then I'll pay a messenger to deliver this to Amalda.


As soon as the group had set up camp, Erbert went for his large backpack and took a pouch with some salted jerky -- handy to bring in journeys, he always thought. Taking a good share, he took a bite and walked over to join the people around the fire. Before he had noticed, he'd sat himself close to Rayil, the swordsman that fought with him in that crazy battle. "Hey, good fighting out there. That's a fine sword hand." He said with a tired grin, giving a thumbs up to the fellow. Erbert quickly shifted his attention back to eating his share of jerky, no matter.

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Seeing how dejected Caslan seemed, Linn couldn't help but feel awful. "Caslan, I really am sorry. A lot happened tonight, and I can't bring myself to cuddle up to people after it all. Try not to get too disappointed." She offered him a smile, a real one, as best as she could put on.


"Glory be, a warm place to rest!" Franklin exclaimed as he dove himself underneath the cover next to the other men. "I must say, Zeff, was it? Yer sword fightin's quite good. Who taught ye how to swing yer sword like that, lad? It's got such drive behind it!"

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"Well, I think you may be overestimating my ability just a bit," he said, scratching the back of his head in modest display. "I'm actually self-taught. Picked up a lot of stuff just reading books and tutorials and the like," he shrugged. "But yeah, mostly just learning as I go along really." Hopefully, I wont get myself killed on account of rough swordplay...

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"Oh, ye must be jokin' with me! Fer someone self taught, yer much better than I'd expect! Keep at it and I'm sure ye'll be a force worth reckonin' with!" He laughed heartily, sticking his hands out at the fire. "With a skill in swords as good as yer skill at talkin', y'don't happen t'have someone you fancy, do ye? I hate t'admit it, but I caught yer consolin' that Celine girl. Y'handled it better'n anyone could've, I'd say."

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"A force to be reckoned with eh? Well, I suppose that's a desirable end goal," he said with a small laugh. Franklin's next question caused him to choke up a little. There was someone he fancied--but he felt no desire to share that part of his past. "W-well," he said, "I...no, not in particular. I'm...not exactly looking for that kind of relationship right now, so."

"But, as for Celine, well, it doesn't really bother me if you overheard the conversation or anything. But in any case, I just said what I thought needed to be said. I'm just glad she decided to join up with us instead of wandering around on her own like she was doing. What she's been through...well, it's hard recovering from that," he said. "I hope she'll be able to manage..."

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Rimsky was about to start his target practice when he noticed Alfonso sitting near the fire, about to write on a parchment. Deciding more conversation was good, he brought Mehr along with him, sat next to Alfonso, and casually commented, " Writin' a letter, I see. I bet its to a loved one too. Must be tough, workin' as a mercenary."

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