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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"Ohohoho, what a gentleman! Aye, I understand that feelin'. Though, I'm sure it wouldn't take much effort to woo any of the girls here inte yer arms, ahaha!" He slapped Zeff on the back during his laughter, letting it die down to a giggle before continuing. "Aye, aye, I can agree te that. I cannae say I caught much of what was troublin' her, but all the better that she's got such a wonderful group o' people around her. Surely she'll be better in no time at all."

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Even Aeson had been tired by the battle, although it did his heart proud to see everyone getting along so well. However, Celine struck him as rather odd. The perplexing parsnip stood guard over her laundry, as if goblins would snatch it at any moment. Being the nosy dilly dally he was, the priest couldn't help but wander over.

"I once dried my robes with a fire." Aeson mused, recalling his own adventures. "You seem to have more sense than I did, I was certain they would dry better if closer to the fire... unfortunately I was a little too enthusiastic, and managed to reduce my clothes to an ash."

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"No, I do not mind, if it means telling us why the Senians wanted you so badly," Andre said, frowning at Xane. "After all, we all nearly died trying to rescue you, and odds are, that Hale character and Iris both died in the fort."

Nearby, Jacob was shuffling his deck of cards, trying to keep his mind off of the battle earlier that day. That was too damned close for his liking.

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Alfonso didn't expect somebody to talk to him at that resting time, but he smiled no matter. "Ah, yes. I'm writing for my wife and son. Can't expect these things to spell good for Antar, so I want them to know and move to a safer place for now."

"I thought you'd know how a mercenary life is like, you're one yourself!" Alfonso laughed heartily, if only for a moment, until his pained leg remembered him it needed some rest still. "But yes, it's hard to hope things go well all the time. And with the way Senia is acting like right now... I'd say a war would just make it harsher."

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Zeff was getting rather flustered by Franklin's talk of wooing women, and how apparently easy it would be for him to 'get them in his arms'. He decided to drop the subject, and focused his attention elsewhere. "Yeah, I just hope she lasts long enough in battle to be able to get better. That fight we just had was something else..."


Apparently, this was the group that Xane was talking about. A sizable bunch no doubt, but thoroughly worn out from the last battle they had. Almost everyone was huddled around the fire, but there were some that she could see who had chosen to rest elsewhere. She couldn't make out the faces of everyone, but their voices were clear as crystal.

And so stood Vera, enveloped by the darkness. Watching. Waiting.
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Franklin gaped at Zeff, wondering what he was even talking about. "Y'wonder if she'll last? Good golly, Zeff! Did ye even see her swingin' that axe around? The girl's a demon with it! I'll let ye in on a little secret, I tend to watch fights more often then not, even if I'm in them; bit small and out of the way, as it were, and I saw her takin' people down left an' right! Well, before I was taken down meself. But! There's no doubt she'll get better. Just ye wait fer it."

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Chandra chose to sit by the campfire alone, her robes wrapped tightly around her. After expending her magic during the battle, nearly dying, and her healing duties afterwards, the shaman was ready to retire. She spent much of the night people watching, silently observing the interactions around her. Of particular interest was the conversation between Xane, Andre, and Adari. Chandra would stay up to learn what exactly they nearly died for.

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Aeson seemed to have startled the woman, apparently she had not been expecting. "Oh, I do apologize. People say I have the uncanny ability for popping up at inopportune moments." the priest mused, recalling his many previous happens, one involving several dozen broken eggs. "I can't say I've had the chance to speak to you, I'm Aeson, a travelling priest. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

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Rayil glanced up as Erbert came over. "What? Oh, yeah, thanks. I was part of the Feaolian military for a good long while, trained up there. They taught me to be quick and agile. I'm not the strongest ever, but I'm good at not getting hit. I'm not like you, bashing through armor and such."

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"Thanks," Ernce said as he settle under the blanket, though the word was probably lost amidst Zeff and the halfling's conversation. He overhead Andre say that Hale and Iris were probably dead, mumbling just loud enough to hear, "I've never been an optimist," in response.


Having finished grooming Srene with not another peep from Conan Zeke asked, "so uh, are you going to pray or something? I mean, I did agree after all." I don't know why I'm indulging him. Either I'm slipping or I'm just bored. Gods I hope it's just that, boredom.

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"I am indeed, Celine." Aeson replied, wondering if he was indeed meant to stay at the back. "I fathom to think what I would be like with an actual weapon, when I first began it was rather difficult for me to tell who was on which side. I don't think my allies would have appreciated a bonk on the head from me. May I ask what brought you to this group? We seem to be a fairly rag-tag group of people, bringing all sorts of interesting people together."

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Joey continued watching over Caslan and the odd band he had under his blanket while some of them went to sleep. Already it could see its rider fast asleep, the rigors of battle proving rather draining after all.

Tonight, the gelding felt a strange paternal instinct to watch over them. Although it was younger than them in terms of physical years, some even by decades, mental age wise, it was quite close to the end of its middling years, old enough to see its own offspring have foals of their own...if only it had the privilege of mating before it lost the chance forever.

Rest well little two legs, Joey's here to watch over you all, thought the gelding as it remained stationary a few feet away.


Conan waited patiently for Zeke to finish grooming, it was after all rude to disturb someone from their duties. About as rude as keeping another waiting, but the halfling just had to prove he was the better individual on the morale high ground. At least in his mind. After all, what better way to prove one's superior piety than through exemplary behavior?

"Took you long enough to get your task done. No, I do not think it would be any better if you had stopped. Duty was duty after all. But now, people are sleeping and loud prayers will be too disturbing. One must be considerate in the name of pious behavior!" Conan spoke to Zeke in his usual loud tone, "But nonetheless there are more quiet ways to devote oneself to the Shining God. Through MEDITATION! Come! There's a quiet spot by the nearby brook where we can meditate in peace and more importantly, be quiet and UNDISRUPTIVE!"

With jolly enthusiasm, the halfling knight dragged Zeke to the brook that Celine had washed her clothes at and sat down in a meditative position. "Repeat after me! To scour all secrets and to silence all lies! To protect the innocent and prosecute the heretics! To serve the Shining God and uphold His glorious tenets for now and forever! To resist all vile temptations! To serve the people and the pious, and in the darkness shed light to enlighten the lost! Trust not in fighting but faith, and one will never wander astray of the path of light."

"Got all that? I can repeat it again if you wish. Once you remember it all, sit silently and medidate on all those words in THE ORDER THEY WERE RECITED, that is the MOST important. At the same time REFLECT on the deeds you have done today and how they stack up to the CODE which I have made you recited. Always consider how you could have done better. ANY QUESTIONS? If not we meditate for two hours before sleeping."

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Alfonso didn't expect somebody to talk to him at that resting time, but he smiled no matter. "Ah, yes. I'm writing for my wife and son. Can't expect these things to spell good for Antar, so I want them to know and move to a safer place for now."

"I thought you'd know how a mercenary life is like, you're one yourself!" Alfonso laughed heartily, if only for a moment, until his pained leg remembered him it needed some rest still. "But yes, it's hard to hope things go well all the time. And with the way Senia is acting like right now... I'd say a war would just make it harsher."

"Uh Alfonso...aren't Senia and Antar already at war? Hmm...yeh've got loved ones in Antar too? I'm worried about my brother, he holds a breeding market over there. Life's tough when countries are at war and we have ta live with the fear that one of our loved ones might-" he stopped at the thought of his brother falling prey to the Senian forces, wincing.

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Alfonso stopped immediately as he processed Rimsky's words. "...You mean they just started, right? Like, from just now? I'm sure that's a war brewing up too." It can't have possibly started any sooner, maybe in less than thirty days they've made an advance? But then the border would be under so much fire... it'd be hard for me to not notice!


"Good at not getting hit for sure!" Erbert grinned. "You gave them a damn hard time there. I don't mean to downplay my crushing power, but your quickness was very helpful that battle. We worked to our strengths really well. Heck, we had to, and I'm glad we did. Cheers, man." His grin widened a little bit, and then he returned to his meal.

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"Eh, if they ain't tryin' ta kill me, they're probably on my side," Celine said absentmindedly. "I got, uh, business, and you guys are headed my way," she added. "I get good cookin' and I get to gut some Senian bastards. What about you? Can't imagine why I'd throw myself into a fight without a way to defend myself!"

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Aeson listened carefully, Celine certainly had some interesting reasons for joining the group, and she certainly seemed strong willed. "I joined this group to discover the world more, and these people seemed in need of a helping hand. I don't think I have the stomach for fighting, but I want to aid my new friends as best I can."

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"You're certainly brave, trustin' your life to those with steel. . ." Celine's thoughts wandered back to the battle they'd just fought. By numbers alone, her side should've lost. Yet even when things were grimmest, the healers walked in the midst of everything, patching people up as best as they could. ". . .but maybe the world needs more brave people like ya. Those that'll go out an' make sure others are all right. It's piss-easy to look out for yerself. . ."

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"We're all fighting together, each with different roles." Aeson replied, feeling queasy even at the thought of hitting someone with a weapon. "I try to help in my own way. I'm deeply indebted to the others, to defend a man who cannot fend for himself... we're all part of one greater system."

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The concepts Aeson brought up were fairly foreign to Celine. The strong took over, and the weak died, and that was how she lived. Yet the guy in front of her was content to stroll in the midst of battle, weaponless, and bail his fellows out. She fell silent for a bit, trying to understand what could drive someone to do that, and shook her head. "You say you defend others, but you got no weapon. I saw what you and others like you were doin' on the field. I can't make myself do that. I ain't sure I'd understand how you do it, but I gotta take you on your word. Since you can't fight back, I need ta keep the bad guys away from ya. I. . .think I can do that much."

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"It's OK, a lot of people think I'm silly for doing it." Aeson replied, taking note of the confusion on Celine's face. "I can take a few hits myself, but I appreciate that. Hopefully you won't need to save me too often!"

So there was a cheerful cabbage in there after all. Aeson smiled, sitting himself down, happy that the garden of life was so full of wonderful things.

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Xane sighed. Facing the group as a whole, he started. "Right... well, here it goes. You and those who have been traveling with me have only known me as Xane. Well, except for Val that is. The truth is..." He paused, took a deep breath and continued. "The truth is that my true name is Alexander. Alexander Kaino to be precise. The Prince of Antar. Our capital was invaded and I fled while my parents stayed behind to deal with... something that I cannot get into for many reasons right now. But I escaped. I sent a friend to the elves to try and rally support there but I came to Celisa in search for you. For Harrop's Harriers because I need the start of an army. And you're the best there are. Or so the stories say, and now you've proven it. You've fought demons and the Senian soldiers. The two countries are at war because Senia invaded without warning, without anything prompting such an act. And I want to reclaim my country. If you join with me, we will sneak into Antar and head for the capital. There we will attempt to judge the current situation and how best to act. Hopefully I will have heard back from the elves by then and perhaps we will be able to gain military forces from other countries. It will likely not end just with Antar. I suspect that Derrick has his sights set on more than just us." He stopped talking and stared at those around him; his hand subconsciously reaching for his tome in case things went poorly.

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That was an attention getter. Linn shot up, and stared wide eyed at Xane-- at Alexander. "That... That's how you..." He's really the prince? That means... "Then you're... my cousin...!" It at least made sense to her, now. How he knew. She'd never met him, but she knew the name. He was pretty distant family, but family nonetheless. She fell back down to sitting, more confused than before, but at least she wasn't worried anymore! She hadn't even noticed that she'd called him her cousin.

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