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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"Kickin' Senian ass? Count me in!" Celine blurted out. After the fight at the fort, she was certain that the mercenaries couldn't possibly ally with Senia. . .and any enemy of Senia was a friend of hers!


Raelyn was rudely awakened by Xane's announcement. She shook her head at Celine's outburst. Idiot girl. Listen to what your boss has to say first.

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Zeff looked over to where Linn was, completing abandoning the thoughts he was currently having. Okay, Xane being the prince was one thing but, "What?! C-cousins?" he blurted out. Cousins? That's what she said right? Doesn't that mean she's related to royalty as well? Wait...Oh gods. No...Royalty?! Both of them? That's pretty high profile stuff...And if Vera was here then she might...shit what do I do? Wait. No. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Okay...

Zeff looked around the immediate area, but the foliage was so thick, and the night so dark, that he couldn't really see much beyond the light of the campfire. Should I say something? Wait...No...I'll wait for Andre to speak up and see what he has to say, and then say my piece when that's over.

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"Eh? Cous--" Oh. Oh I didn't just say that, did I? "I, uh... Uhm..." She didn't exactly have anything else she could say. She could only wait for reactions, without anywhere to run to, and too many people to get away from if she tried. She'd made herself worried again.


Franklin was quite surprised, but he didn't say anything. Ahhh, knew this gal was trouble, I did. Not this kind o' trouble, but trouble either way!

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Ernce looked from Xane to Linn to Andre. This is why I never play cards. He turned towards Zeff when the man voiced the confusion that was probably going through a few people's minds, what with Linn being related to the apparent prince of Antar. Ernce on the other hand was too busy thinking of how minute the chances of deserting to have freedom only to end up in a makeshift army could be. Coming out of his thoughts for a moment he realized Linn was unusually unhappy, no doubt related to the fact that she had revealed that she was royalty of some sort. "Doesn't make a difference to me," he said, perhaps in an attempt to comfort Linn; he didn't really know. "Not like you're going to suddenly demand to be treated differently right?"

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Chandra looked on as Xane announced his royal origins and the news that Antar had been invaded. That would certainly explain how Senian forces came all the way out here. What really confused her was Linn's random announcement that she was Xane's cousin. The shaman had no idea why she would make this announcement now. Whether it was true or Linn always made this announcement when confronted with anyone of royalty or wealth, it was of low priority. This wasn't another job; Xane just enlisted them in the greatest war in the past 100 years. This was of course against the army that nearly killed all of them just hours ago. And now that the victory proved themselves to Xane, the shaman wondered if he got himself captured on purpose; that they risked their lives (not to mention a village was wiped out) for a test. If that was the case, Chandra would have no business with this prince. She remained silent however, waiting to see if Andre had the same concerns

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Aeson looked over at Linn, then at Xane... then back at Linn. If he squinted his eyes a little, there was a slight resemblence... although in all honesty if one squinted their eyes enough their own uncle and a mule would be similar enough to wish the farm animal a happy birthday and offer it a bag of walnuts. Still, if Linn and the others were going along with it, Aeson saw no reason not to. It didn't matter if she were the queen of all cucumbers or merely the child of a cauliflower. Approaching the elf, Aeson offered his own words of wisdom. He looked over at Xane and Linn again for comparison, just in case he could see the resemblance from a new angle.

"Perhaps it would have been more appropriate for me to have worn more formal socks?" Aeson joked, wondering if indeed there were standards on socks among royals... were they based on the number stripes or perhaps the colour of the footwear? "Although you weren't wearing socks at all... I guess you're still Linn to me then!"

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Alfonso stopped in his tracks as Xane-- no, Alexander-- truly introduced himself and dropped one of the greatest bombs that the knight would ever dream of. "W-w-what?! Prince? You can't... Xane!" He stood up, face pale as a sheet. "What do you mean, the capital has fallen? No matter how quick, there wasn't a sign of such a momentous army elsewhere. How did they... could you explain this, at least?" The old knight said, some anguish clearly present in his disposition. "Xane... I don't mean ill intentions, but, if you truly are Alexander, my Prince... don't you hold anything that can back your claim?" Alfonso was too absorbed in Xane's speech to even pay mind to what Linn had mentioned.


Erbert whistled. My, oh my. I don't even know where to start... poor old guy seems to have taken it pretty bad, and... what does that elf girl mean by 'cousins'? ...Hmm, the Antarian queen was an elf, hm? Perhaps she's made of finer cloth than I first thought. He would do more than just think to himself, but finishing his meal came first. Not worth discussing on an empty stomach.

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Alexander sighed. "Sadly the only proof, my ring with the Antarian crest, was sent with Kaia. She went to the elves to try and convince them to help us and needed all the proof that she could get that she was from me. A for how they appeared... I only have suspicions based on what I have seen, but my guess would be some sort of warping ability. They appeared out of nowhere, with no warning." Standing up, he threw back the hood of his cloak and looked at each individual mercenary, his face lit by flickering fire light. "I am not demanding that you follow me because I hired you before this. This is... huge. I will take anyone that is willing to join me and will not judge those who do not wish to follow me. Most of you barely know me or have no loyalties to my country at all. But this is bigger than me and bigger than my country. There are things working beneath the surfaces here. The demons that you faced are only a part of it and that part will only continue to grow. We must have a continent free of war if we wish to face the growing danger that approaches. 600 years ago the Dawn Guardians fought back the demons that threatened this world and created the nations we know today.They numbered only six, but their skills vastly surpassed my own and your own. But for some reason, the seal that they created has started to fail. I suspect that I know part of the reason, but truly, the reason does not matter. What matters is that we must stand against this threat to our world. We must defeat Senia and hopefully through that, allow the nations to unite against the larger, growing threat."

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It was reassuring to hear such things from Ernce and Aeson. Good enough for her to figure there wasn't much point in keeping the cat inside the bag. She got herself up and quickly brought herself over to where Alexander was standing, hiding herself behind him slightly. "And I... I guess there's no point in keeping this a secret from you all. Not anymore. It was stupid to think you'd send me back; you're all such wonderful people." She bit her lip and shook her head. "No time like the present, right? I'm... I'm not Linn, like he's not Xane. I'm Severine Thurayya, the queen's... The elf queen's only daughter." And there it was, on the table.

"I, uh... I have some proof, if any of you care. I wear long sleeves for a reason." She rolled up the sleeve on her right arm, and just below the elbow on the inside was a tattoo of the royal crest. "They give this crest to all the family members, a little bit into their teenage years. After you're done growing, so the skin doesn't distort it, or anything. I...was in Inthus, and Aeson helped me escape the guards, even if he didn't know he was doing it at the time. After sixty three years of not being able to leave the palace or the confines of the buildings I was staying in, I...did something drastic." She sighed. It sounded a bit stupid, thinking about it.

"And if he really is Alexander, then he is my cousin. Very distant, but, still." There was something reassuring about having him there; having family there. He'd done so much to help them all so far, giving him the benefit of the doubt didn't feel wrong. "Oh, but, uhm... Please, still call me Linn."

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Alfonso remained silent and pensive throughout Xane's speech. Only to sit down and lower his head as it finished. Warping... that's... he understands all he's saying is too much to bear... I have no reason to not believe him, as much as his news make me wish so.

"...I trust you, Xa-- Prince. I can't deny that I see Senia as a threat to Antar, and your words are too heavy for me to dismiss." He spoke, lifting his head, and then hearing Linn's words, which surprised him much. "Linn... so you're... Silverstar's...?" The man mumbled, and swiftly shook his head in reaction, trying to tame his whirlwind of doubt. "No, I will respect your wishes... Linn." He turned to face the half-elf claiming nobility once again. "If Linn puts her faith in you, then I have made my mind. Prince Alexander--" He swiftly kneeled, as if paying due respect to royalty. "--I may have given up the formalities of knighthood, but what you're asking me is to help my country. I will continue fighting, like I have done for you in the past."


Erbert whistled again. (He really ought to finish his jerky.)

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"Demons? So they weren't just telling stories..." Aleric muttered, then looked directly at Xane, or, Alexander. "I'll be the first to admit that I have more reason to be loyal to Senia than to Antar, but if what you say about the demons is true... What could cause the seal to fail? You may not think that the reason is important, but surely any information you have could be useful..."

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"Prince, shmince," Celine said loudly. "You're goin' against those bastard Senians, and that's all I care 'bout." She cleared her throat. "Fancy trinkets go fer cheap; SHOW me that you're a leader. Talk's cheap." She shot a pointed look at Linn. "An' you, missy. Who you are ain't important. I heard of many a soft, useless noble. Most of 'em would wilt in a real fight. Yet you ain't at home, suppin' on some fancy meal, you're out here with the rest of us. I ain't gonna treat you as anythin' but another merc, got it?"


Raelyn sighed. So much for Andre's word. "A job's a job, no? I don't have any ties to these countries, so as long as I'm being paid, and you guys aren't stepping all over my morals, I'll tag along." She then turned to Linn. "Well, princess, you couldn't have chosen a better place to be. I doubt that anyone interested in harming the elven royal family knows you're here, and if things go badly, you've got quite a few fighters to protect you." If that racist dwarf shows up again, I'll slit her throat first and ask questions later. "You're in a position to see this conflict unfold from outside of your home. I think your perspective will be helpful to your people, even if your mother would be cross with your unannounced leave."

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Linn frowned a little at Celine. "I-I know that. If I wanted to be treated like that I never would've left. I don't expect any of you to treat me any different now, got that?" It was a bit of an order, but she didn't want her standing to make any of them have seconds thoughts on how they'd acted or would act around her. That's the last thing I'd want.

She nodded at Raelyn, but fell awkwardly silent at one thing she'd said. "I think...she'd be more than cross. None of them know I left. I just hope we don't run into anyone sent to take me back. None of you need that."

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"Then why'd you open yer mouth in the first--AAAH!" Celine's retort was cut by a smack upside the head. Raelyn cracked her knuckles, ready to deal another blow.

"Don't mind Celine," Raelyn apologized. "I hope we don't run into any of those people, either, but I'll defend your right to stay with this group. It makes it all the harder to wipe out the royal family in one go. However. . ." Raelyn thought back to her own escape. Her farewells had been tearful, but her mother's words stuck with her. . .family is family, no matter how far apart they are. I pray that you find your happiness out there. ". . .my mother said that I'd always be her daughter, and that she'd be happy if I was happy. I have no idea what she's like. . .but I hope that your mother remembers that she's a mother before a queen."

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"B-Because you deserved to know! Or at least they did. You're not nice at all." She stuck her tongue out at Celine. "I'm glad to hear that Raelyn. And I hope she would. With things the way they are right now, I don't know what she'd put first..."

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"You're actin' like a stuck-up princess, despite all ya said," Celine retorted. "I ain't treatin' you special just 'cause of that. I told ya I didn't care 'bout where ya came from." Raelyn slapped Celine again.

"Leaving a family behind isn't easy, nor is it easy to pretend to be someone you're not. Is it really that hard to ask you to take other people's feelings into consideration?" The former pirate glared at Raelyn.

"She didn't wanna be treated special, so I ain't treatin' her special. Ain't that enough?" Raelyn sighed.

"You're. . .hopeless. . .and I'm sorry, Linn. This isn't the best time for Celine to act like more of an ass than she usually is. . ."

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Aeson pondered about Linn's escape, he didn't remember avoiding any guards. People often said he could appear unnoticed... perhaps he could do the opposite too? He thought on it whilst the people in front of him bickered... perhaps he was a stage magician too?

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Chandra couldn't help but feel a little irritated by Linn's announcement. After Xane or Alexander or whatever he's called now made known his true identity, her's just felt like someone's desperate attempt for attention. Prince or not, Xane was hiring them to fight against Senia, possibly followed by one against all of demonkind. It was shaping up to be the greatest war the world would ever know. Why Linn felt like hijacking the conversation with her identity, the shaman could not understand.

"As surprising as Linn's identity is, we just got offered a job that will plunge us into war and possibly change the face of the world. I think that should take priority."

Chandra may have sounded harsh, but it had to be said. This was about going to war, not a secret princess party.

"Now, with all respect, prince," the shaman said to Xane, "you said we proved ourselves with these past missions. Is that all they were? Tests?" With all the secret reveals going on, Chandra was having a hard time putting trust in her employer.

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It was pointless responding to Celine. Instead she addressed Chandra. "She's right, this is about Alex. I just needed to get that off my chest. Now that I have, I-I think we should work with him. Or, I will, at least. The first fight might've been a test, but I doubt he'd get himself captured just to see how good we are. He's probably surprised that we actually came all this way to save him. Right?" She looked at him as she finished. Even she'd be disappointed if that was another test. We can't have all almost died just for a test. That would be stupid!

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"The job I hired you to do with the demons was both a test and something that needed to be done. Those demons would have continued to overwhelm the villages around there had you not finished them. As for the rest of them," he shook his head. "Me getting captured was never something that I intended to happen. You rescuing me... that was amazing. I owe you all a debt. So no. They weren't all tests." Turning to Andre, Alexander frowned slightly. "You have been very quiet and after all, this is your mercenary squad. What are you thinking right now?"

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Rimsky sighed as he saw Celine acting gung-ho and ready to kick Senian ass. "That girl is a nuisance! Does she expect to easily hold her ground against the vast amount of Senian forces? We were barely able to hold our own in the last battle... she might get herself killed if she goes on like that!" thought Rimsky to himself.

"The Prince of Antar, eh? So the rumors are true... brother, I hope yer safe!" Rimsky mumbled. Then he turned towards Xane and spoke, " Yer requestin' us to fight Senia, eh? I used to live in Antar, and I've got loved ones o'er there, so I'm inclined to join you but, at the end of the day I'm part of Harrop's Harriers. I'm gonna follow the boss' orders."

Rimsky was not concerned about Linn's true identity. He didn't know the girl before anyway, so it didn't matter to him now. He figured he might as well address her as a princess now.

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"I'm wondering why the hell I thought going to rescue you was a good idea," Andre said, bluntly. "If you are who you say we are, we're all marked men and women now thanks to that stunt. Which gives us more of a reason to work with you, sure, except for the fact that you expect us to be part of your personal army. We're mercenaries, not soldiers. Some of us joined up to escape army life, like I did when I formed this band..."

The half-dwarf paused for a moment, as if he was remembering something, then continued.

"That being said, I am not entirely opposed to continuing to offer our services to you, but I want to hear from everyone else on whether or not they're inclined to do so as well. And let me be clear: If we end up in another situation like today, I won't be so willing to risk my men's lives to that extent over your goals of reclamation."

Jacob, meanwhile, was in a bit of a shock. Not only did they just rescue a prince, but they had a princess traveling alongside them all along? This was right out of the folktales!

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"It's not like I asked to get captured or you to rescue me," Xane spat out at Andre. "I attempted to get Val and Val alone to come, but apparently that didn't work. I never intended you to get caught up in this without your consent. There's a reason I made this an offer, not a demand. I'm well aware that some of you aren't suited for or want to be a part of army life. I said I was hiring you. If you don't want to be a part of this, feel free to leave. You were the ones who chose to try and rescue me in the first place."

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"H-Hey, don't be so rude!" Linn said to Alex, quite unsure of why he was using such a tone with the group that'd gone through hell to save him. "You should be on your hands and knees, honestly. I'm only willing to help because you're apparently family." Maybe Alex's used to be treated more like a noble. "A-Anyway, just try to be more polite. I'd say Andre has more than enough reason to be on edge right now." Linn desperately wished she was better at diffusing tension in these kinds of situations.

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"The hell is everyone so tense for?" Celine said to no one in particular. "Those Senian bastards are already on the move, and standin' around ain't gonna stop them. Hell, stayin' out of it ain't gonna help - sooner or later they'll destroy anythin' that ain't kissin' their boots. An' I'd sooner slit my own throat that side with 'em!" Her memories wandered back to that day, when she saw nothing but a ruin of a village, and bodies everywhere. . .it had taken her a long time to bury everyone, but through the entire process, she swore she'd make whoever did it pay. She'd found her target, and she wasn't going to let them get away this time!

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