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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"I ain't trustin' nothin' until that damn assassin's gone'n left us. Too much happenin'..." he muttered to himself. Franklin kept a tough grip on his sword. If this was Hale, he wouldn't have waited so long to leave the woods. At least, those were Frank's thoughts. It should've been clear 'nough that we were the Harriers.

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There was something Zeff needed to ask Hale, but he decided that now was not the time, and that there were more pressing matters at hand. "I'm glad that you're safe Hale," he said. Earlier, when Linn told him about the fire in the fort, and Hale being left behind he had feared the worst. But perhaps he had simply underestimated Hale.

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Ernce looked over to the man claiming to be Hale. There was something disturbing about the man's bloody blade but he paid it no mind, there was something else that needed asking. Hell, he was probably the only conscious person who cared enough to ask about Iris' lack of presence, the rest probably assuming she betrayed them and Hale cut her down or she died during the operation. Ernce had no idea why he needed to know what had happened. Maybe it was because he'd trusted her. "What happened to Iris?" Can't get much more direct than that...

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Rimsky quickly moved to where Mehr lay along with his bow and arrows. Silently picking them up, he readied it for action. So Hale had showed up, huh? Well it was about time...

But why did it take so long for him to show up?

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"...Alright, which one of you shot at me?" Hale asked, irritatedly.

"I did," Chandra said solidly. "An army is after us and you show up hooded and bloody. Course I shot you."

She had no regrets in her attack, especially considering that Hale was unharmed.

"Good to see you're alive. Just stop dressing like an assassin."

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"Don't attack what you can't make out if you know someone's missing. That's how tragedy strikes," Hale responded to Chandra, as he nodded to Zeff. Then, Ernce, Iris's handler here, asked about her. "She rejoined the Senian Army, after helping me set up the explosion. She'll be fine."

Lastly, there was the new girl -who was a bit of a ruffian, if he recalled correctly- was wondering about the resemblance between himself and Xane.

"It would be the latter. Xane over there's the one with the lance, and I'm the one with the sword, if it's easier for you to remember that way," he said, apparently finally noticing the blood on his blade, and beginning to wipe it off.

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"So, what happened in the fort? Y'didn't come out with th'rest of 'em. What kept ye?" Franklin asked, breaking the silence after Hale spoke. To be honest, while he was happy, and this did seem like the real Hale, it still felt far too convenient. We fight such a fight, and not a thing goes wrong inside the fort? Y'can't expect me to believe it went off without a hitch.

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"... What do you think? I set fire to the fort," Hale responded to the halfling. "It would've been faster, but there was an incident, so I sent Elysia Linn and the prisoners off and had to do it alone with Iris. Plus, I got into a fight with a dark mage, so that delayed me."

He wasn't going to mention Selia. Not just yet.

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Well that's certainly unexpected. "How'd she manage to pull that off?" he accidentally asked out loud. The thought that Senians would just let her join back up confused him. Surely they'd have suspected her of sabotage if she was found inside a burning fortress when she hadn't been there before the battle started. It didn't make logical sense.

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"The Senian commander hadn't recalled meeting her, and just assumed she was being held hostage from the previous incident," Hale said, to Ernce. Then, the ruffian spoke up. The half-elf turned. "I'm alright with them, but I don't really like wielding them. Why? And, why was everyone about to run away?"

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"'cause our half-suicidial prince thought we were in a pickle," Celine spoke up. "If ya guys, say, dressed the same, an' went two separate directions, an' made sure that no one got a good, long look at your mugs, whaddya think the Senians would do? 'specially if some of us were to go with each of ya?"


Raelyn resisted the urge to punch Celine's lights out.

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"Because there's an assassin that's been hired to kill me and yet they just left me alive in the dungeon for days. We thought it was a trap, so people we getting ready to flee. As for the resemblance between the two of us, it's just random chance probably." Alexander glanced at Hale and frowned briefly.

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"... I doubt they'd sacrifice that many men to set up a trap, " Hale said, with a frown to his look-alike. And back to the inquisition. "I think they might just split up and hunt both groups down. Well, if they were in any shape to do so."

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"An' it'll be harder for them to mount any sort of organized attack if they're busy chasin' us," Celine continued. "Conflictin' information is a damn good way to keep people on their toes. Works real well against certain navies, too."

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Alexander shook his head. "No, they would likely be able to tell the difference between us now. Specifically the fact that he uses light magic and I use earth would be the major tell. Perhaps that is why they didn't kill me right away though. Perhaps they needed to make sure that I was in fact me."

Adari shrugged. "We're not splittin up. That's that. I suppose the bigger question is what we're gonna do with her," she said as she pointed to Vera. "Andre?"

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Aeson didn't quite understand everything that was going on. Princes and assassins, plots and wars... the priest was quite sure there was a badger mentioned somewhere in the mix also. Despite his obvious confusion, the group needed to move, Senia was involved and people needed to pick a direction.

"This does sound rather perplexing." Aeson pitched in, having remained fairly out of the way for quite some time now. "Perhaps if you were to only use magic when you needed to? If you're not casting anything, people might not think you were magical at all! When I was back at home in Senia, there was one gentleman who was convinced I was a stage performer instead of a healer... it took a long time until a situation arose where I could convince him otherwise."

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Zeff looked back at Vera when Adari made mention of her. She was standing there, but ever since Hale appeared she hadn't really said much besides quibbling with Celine a little. Was what she said true? Did she really want to kill him? If that was the case, then why now? She had so many chances to do so, even before he left to join the Harriers. Even before then she could have easily killed him if that's what she really wanted to do. So why did she suddenly decide that now--tonight--would be the best time to try? What made tonight that much more different than any other night?

He began to replay the day's events in his mind. The battle outside the fort. Xane revealing his status as a prince. Linn revealing her status as a princess. Vera's appearance. Linn getting taken hostage. Vera asking for Xane's life. His own proclamations. His subsequent duel with her. Linn suddenly taking on the appearance of Reva and saving him. Him being inches away from killing Vera. Him getting stopped by some unknown force. And then the reappearance of Hale. When he played the events back in his head like that, it was clear. It couldn't have been Reva. Keeping himself sure of that was the only thing forcing him to not breakdown.

In the end, he said nothing to influence Andre's decision. He wouldn't plead for Vera's life, but he wasn't going to ask for her death. He tried to take her life with his own hands, and failed. That was it. He didn't want a second chance, so whatever Andre decided was what he would live with.

Being a mercenary...it was definitely changing him. For better or for worse, that was still to be seen.

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"Not too keen on the split up, if y'want me opinion. The prince's makin' right good points, and it's an entire army. They'll have the means to chase both groups, and when they catch up, we'll be that much worse off to fight 'em back." Franklin crossed his arms and sat down by the fire again. He was tired, and sleep didn't seem so bad now, despite there being an assassin in their midst. Speaking of her...

"I say kill the wench. She's tried to kill enough of us already, even her own royalty. Not that she much seems t'care, but I don't think we need to leave her alive overnight to cut our throats, or let the senians know where we are. After that, should just sleep, the lot of ye. Seems the princess's already taken that step. Would be good t'follow." He laid himself down in front of the fire and grunted, staring at the night sky.

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"We just ruined one of their outposts," Hale said, with a frown. "They can't chase us just yet."

"... As much as killing her would be convenient, she might have some information. Someone search her, take anything that could be a weapon, including tomes, and then break her hands and one or both legs. As soon as we get to relative safety, she'll be doing some explaining. What we do with her then depends on how much we learn," Andre said, as he put his weapon away. "Anyways, I want the watch doubled tonight, as a precaution. If the Senians come, that'll help us react faster. "

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"Andre. No. We're not torturin her. There's no point in breakin her legs or hands. That's just cruel. We can tie her up and force her ta be unable ta fight back without hurtin her. She was hired ta fight us here, just like we're hired ta fight other people. I won't let ya." Adari stood up and moved in between the others and Vera.

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"Right, and what happens when she slips out of those ropes in the middle of the night?" Andre asked Adari, crossing his arms. "She gets a weapon, and suddenly some of our number die, for no good reason. Or she escapes, and we then definitely will have the Senian army on our tail. We need to do that in order to have some safety in keeping her prisoner. Now, stand aside."

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"We're already havin a double guard. They can watch her and if we're watchin and keepin the weapons away from her, do you really think she'd be able ta do much? Or are ya doubtin tha ability of yer mercs? I'm not movin." She crossed her own arms and stared at her boss.

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Well this certainly was something Ernce didn't think he'd be witnessing for a while, his bosses fighting. Though he had no place to interrupt them and instead focused on more pressing matters. Like putting Linn down now that it was certain that the Harriers were staying here for the night. He considered putting her by Caslan -the two elves seemed to get along rather well and Ernce doubted Caslan would mind- but he figured Xane may want to see his nearly killed cousin. Nodding to Alfonso as he passed the older knight Ernce then turned to look at Xane. "So, seeing as you're her closest relative do want her?" Ernce realized he was probably being far to direct but he honestly didn't care.


Zeke let out a sigh of relief when it was made clear they were for the most part safe, dismounting Srene in the process. Knowing Conan would likely try to resume their interrupted meditation Zeke quickly retrieved his own blanket from his pegasus and, after finding a comfortable spot on the ground, wrapped himself in it and proceeded to go to sleep.

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