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Don't you hate it when people blast their car's speakers at full volume?


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On the other hand, you'll probably only have to hear those decibels for a few seconds at most before they're gone and out of your life forever. They'll have to live with that ear damage for the rest of their life

Unless you're in a parking lot =< My poor sensitive dad nearly had a heart attack

And unless they're your neighbours and they're just blasting music from their garage (they don't live there anymore though~)

My brother decided to just blast heavy metally music right back at them x3

(Oh and @Mew, my neighbours were girls!! But they also had guy friends over, so it was both. Maybe there are more males doing it than females, but I say let's not form more stereotypes here~)

But my dad is no fun and told him to stop because he didn't want any neighbours complaining to the police or anything =3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I haven't had this experience quite so much with girls, but I've heard guys drive by with their windows down and their shades on, blasting rap music at full volume. They think they're so cool.

wow you literally just described me. except i listen to house music. i drive a bright red car too, even named her cherry

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this never really happened in streets..

but during lunch time, most of 3rd floor classes in school always tuned up a music and turned their speaker volume to the max (every class had it), making the whole school crowded with noisy mixed songs x__x

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