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Apart from my last sig which some dubbed as perverted, and the censored Rebecca pic I posted not out of pervertedness, but for the lol factor (hence having the comedic "Too hot for you" across the censor bar), when have I ever been perverted?

In your case it isn't about perversion. It's about when you raped Fox.

And yes the "Too hot for you" was funny. It was actually the first thing I said when I saw Rebecca after I started playing Blazing Sword.

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Well Cym and Des need to learn how to lighten up. Yeah we're perverted but its just for fun. We never take our jokes TOO far (like talking about graphic rape or something). I only strive to get a "Masu you bastard!" or "Perv" response. XD

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Well Cym and Des need to learn how to lighten up. Yeah we're perverted but its just for fun. We never take our jokes TOO far (like talking about graphic rape or something). I only strive to get a "Masu you bastard!" or "Perv" response. XD

Congratulations they will no longer ever think of posting their picture and I for one think it is better

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Well Cym and Des need to learn how to lighten up. Yeah we're perverted but its just for fun. We never take our jokes TOO far (like talking about graphic rape or something). I only strive to get a "Masu you bastard!" or "Perv" response. XD

You did talk about twincest. Must be a sensitive issue for them.

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Well Cym and Des need to learn how to lighten up. Yeah we're perverted but its just for fun. We never take our jokes TOO far (like talking about graphic rape or something). I only strive to get a "Masu you bastard!" or "Perv" response. XD

That type of thinking tends to have chicks avoid you. It's best to get on the ladies' good side!

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Really, though. There's pretty much nothing to be seriously afraid of. Plenty of girls take part in some kind postyerpicture thread in forums, and nothing much happens other than some guy saying "ur hot" or the odd jerk saying "ur not." Thinking about the "but what if's" is pointless. It won't happen.

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Really, though. There's pretty much nothing to be seriously afraid of. Plenty of girls take part in some kind postyerpicture thread in forums, and nothing much happens other than some guy saying "ur hot" or the odd jerk saying "ur not." Thinking about the "but what if's" is pointless. It won't happen.

You are forgetting that the trust factor between the girls and guys here is 0 for the girls(there may be like 3-5 exceptions though)

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I won't push anybody to put up a picture, but the reasons I've seen given behind the "I would, but ya know" responses are mostly flimsy. If you just dun want to, that's fine.

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I won't push anybody to put up a picture, but the reasons I've seen given behind the "I would, but ya know" responses are mostly flimsy. If you just dun want to, that's fine.


its not like were all smokin weed or sniffin cocain or somthin

(we arent right?)

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I'm just saying, chemistry can be fun. j/k.

No one commented on my picture.

*Feels ignored*

*Sees Lyle's pic again*

Please, for the love of God, don't become a history teacher.

Your pic is cool.=)

Uh, people posts pics on Myspace all the time, why is this any different. I think of this site as my FE myspace.

GIRLS(AND SOME GUYS): No oneEDIT: normal[/endit] will stalk you TRUST ME, also for some of the guys that are worried, no one will stalk you TRUST ME. All you have to do is put a false place of where you live, put Serenes Forest. As for me, I have no camera.

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Your pic is cool.=)

Uh, people posts pics on Myspace all the time, why is this any different. I think of this site as my FE myspace.

GIRLS(AND SOME GUYS): No one will stalk you TRUST ME, also for some of the guys that are worried, no one will stalk you TRUST ME. All you have to do is put a false place of where you live, put Serenes Forest. As for me, I have no camera.

um..........tell that to Faiya and Branded

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EDIT:Yea you better be scared

EDIT AGAIN: I edited the post giving you guys/gals security, I added normal people won't stalk you.

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Go die in a hole.


1.I can't die in some stinking hole

2.don't worry I'm not that mean*or am I*

OK you think we should post our pics now branded

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1.I can't die in some stinking hole

2.don't worry I'm not that mean*or am I*

OK you think we should post our pics now branded

1. I was thinking more of a fiery pit type hole.

2. <_< ...

I don't have any of me here. And unless you want a picture of some guy taking a picture of himself in a mirror, you'll have to wait. Actually that sounds like a good "Fail" Motivator

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