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War For Our Future - Character bios


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Alright, wanted my second character's bio done first.


Name: Cassandra
Birthday: July 14th
Birthplace: Southern Plegia
Last Known Residence: Unknown (last seen in Port Ferox)
Class: Assassin (GBA version)
Speciality: Persuasion, killing blows
Voiced By: Lauren Landa
Crit/Skill Activation Quotes:

"I hope you've been praying..."

"Looks like we're done here."

"Sorry it had to be like this..."

"I'm through playing around with you!"

Appearance: Medium build (around 5'5) with short, dark red hair and several native tattoos on her arms. Body-wise, she's very similar to Lethe, but obviously without the tail and cat-ears. Her attire is similar to that of Jaffar's in FE7, but dark blue and with a sash around the midriff. She also wears a fingerless white glove on her left hand, which hides an deep scar on her palm.
Bio: An affable thief from southern Plegia whose business has been sullied by the arrival of the Annas on the continent and the subsequent monopoly on monetary trade. She's been trying to locate the Dreamers or a commander of the Annas for months, but to no avail, and has decided to content herself to hiding out in Port Ferox until business can pick up. In battle, she is cold, calculating, and precise in her killing blows; out of it, she's reserved, but willing to cut loose if she so chooses. She's also best at persuasion, due to her natural looks, though she tends to deny this is how she sways people to her side on an issue due to a general lack of self-confidence.

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Kat: Tara Platt

Sorin: Brandon Karrer

Anon: Nolan North

Carter: Karen Strassman

Poly: DC Douglas

Wiz: Doug Erholtz

Lags: Michelle Ruff

Phoibus: Liam O'Brien

Dusko: Steve Valentine

Breezy: Corey Gagne

Klotho: Laura Bailey

Cassandra: Lauren Landa

Ace: Wendee Lee

Alicia: Caitlin Glass

Yuffie: Yuri Lowenthal

Silvia: Jennifer Hale

Dan: Quinton Flynn

Edited by Suzuka Gongen
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If you know of any characters you'd like them to sound like, I can grab their VAs for you.

Well, when I did my first playthough of Awakening I went with the second female voice which I believe is Wendee Lee, so Wendee Lee for Ace Tactician.

As for Alicia Taylor... I always imagined her sounding like Princess Vivi from One Piece (Funimation dub version).

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Well, when I did my first playthough of Awakening I went with the second female voice which I believe is Wendee Lee, so Wendee Lee for Ace Tactician.

As for Alicia Taylor... I always imagined her sounding like Princess Vivi from One Piece (Funimation dub version).


Also, Caitlin Glass was the one you were thinking of for Alicia. She was also Winry from FMA & Cammy from Street Fighter.

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Also, Caitlin Glass was the one you were thinking of for Alicia. She was also Winry from FMA & Cammy from Street Fighter.

Cammy cannot match up to the ever superior Jessica Strauss (Juri, Saki-senpai, and Hanako), or Laura Bailey (Chunners, and Risette).

Fun fact - next week, Troy Baker's going to be at Eirtakon!

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Name: Silvia Argell
Age: 20
Birthday: February 14th
Birthplace: Currently unknown, although it may be somewhere in Plegia.
Last Known Residence: Law's End, Plegia

Class: Bride (wielder of lances, bows and staves)
Speciality: Silvia has the ability to break open tomes and - though with much difficulty - wield the magic locked inside them. Her corruption and memory wipe from Grima also gave her the ability to use dark magic, although it's not an ability she uses often (if, at all).

She also makes for a pretty decent decoy, according to herself... and herself alone.
Voiced By: Jennifer Hale
Crit/Skill Activation Quotes:
"Can I show you how it's done?"
"I'll try to make it painless..."
"I'm done with you!"
"Check and mate!"

Appearance: Silvia has platinum blonde, chest-length hair that she keeps tied away into two twin-tails with white ribbons, a pale complextion and wide hazel eyes. She's a bit on the shorter side, standing only at five feet, four inches,

Personality: On first appearance, Silvia is a distant girl, quick to bury herself in books and studies and shut out human contact. She doesn't reveal much in this initial relationship, save the slightest hints of her true personality, but if one does make the effort, Silvia can quickly warm up to the person and let the initial distance fade.

Once it does, Silvia's true personality is reminisent of the fey: a girl of a cunning and devious mind driven by her curiosity and desire for exploration and adventures. She is very goal-oriented and focuses intently on the task in front of her, often ignoring everything else - including basic needs - to ensure its completion. She's known to be a bit ruthless when getting said tasks done, and either blatantly ignores or eliminates any obstacles in her way. She's also a bit of a tease and quite playful with her friends.

Bio: Silvia's earliest memory is at the age of 16, finding herself in the middle of a meadow without any clue as to who she was or anything about her past. She was taken into a group of vigilantes named "The Shepherds", and through their quest for peace, she set out on her own quest to repair her fractured memories.

Said quest was never completed: the only memories she managed to recall were permenantly wiped by a stray curse cast by her friend and eventual lover Henry, or the ones relayed to her by Princess Say'ri mysterious companion Silver (who turned out to be her twin brother), or the Fell Dragon Grima, who revealed that she was the vessal for its return.

Grima was eventually defeated, but at a price: Silvia gave her life willingly to end Grima for good, and spent a year in a state of purgatory, runnning from Outrealm to Outrealm in search of the correct one. She eventually found it, and was reunited with the love of her life Henry, and her son from another time and dimenson, Morgan.

Another year has passe, and Silvia's curiosity grants the best of her when she discovers another Outrealm portal and decides to explore it, only to end up in a war-torn world conquered by the Annas.

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I'm surprised no-one has picked Claudia Black, Jennifer Hale or Tara Strong yet.

EDIT: Wait, no, Vashiane picked Jennifer!

Ali Hillis is another person I'm hoping gets picked eventually too. And Jessica Strauss.

Edited by YayForYuffie
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