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Is Olivia worth it?

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If you're going to grind for a Streetpass Team/Double Duel, you're pretty much making a pointless thread.

Anyone's viable in grind so use whomever you'd like. In nogrind she's best left in her utility role instead trying to ever make her combat work.

She already said what I was pretty much going to say.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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If you're going to grind for a Streetpass Team/Double Duel, you're pretty much making a pointless thread.

She already said what I was pretty much going to say.

So that means I could use Olivia and still make her pretty viable as an assassin?

And yes, shadowofchaos, you are Rey

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I honestly don't see why you're making so many threads on optimal setups for each character of if said characters are viable.

You could have just looked at the other threads and see which ones you'd like to go for.

...pretty much what reminded me to get out of the pokemon fandom long ago.

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I like seeing Olivia with capped STR and murdering everything she sees as a dancer.


Yeah, I'm not sure why you're looking for our reassurance. Everyone is pretty much 'viable' -- especially when we compare them when they're maxed out.

Really, it's up to you and how you want to use her.

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Here's the explanation. Awakening is the game where anyone can be good because of infinite experience. In other games where the exp is limited, characters can actually be considered good or bad. Because of skirmishes and DLC, every character is good.

Edited by Duck
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Here's the explanation. Awakening is the game where anyone can be good because of infinite experience. In other games where the exp is limited, characters can actually be considered good or bad. Because of skirmishes and DLC, every character is good.

Ah, i get it now, thanks. I was always used to ignoring most characters in past games because they just couldnt level up.

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Here's the explanation. Awakening is the game where anyone can be good because of infinite experience. In other games where the exp is limited, characters can actually be considered good or bad. Because of skirmishes and DLC, every character is good.


V. true. It's one of the reasons tier lists don't mean as much, and one of the reasons people do so many play-throughs with limitations.

Oh, and if anyone is looking for more rules to play by, you could do a box art play through.

Boxart Playthrough
Chrom Virion Vaike
Tharja Sumia
Say'ri Flavia
Tiki Frederick
Lissa Kellam
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I like seeing Olivia with capped STR and murdering everything she sees as a dancer.

Me too. Thats basically what ends up happening with my Olivias when shes paired with Chrom. (which is almost every run)

Olivia works best for main game as her utility role, but it never hurts to reclass her for a little bit and get dem stats up and reclass her back. :B

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Me too. Thats basically what ends up happening with my Olivias when shes paired with Chrom. (which is almost every run)

Olivia works best for main game as her utility role, but it never hurts to reclass her for a little bit and get dem stats up and reclass her back. :B

Well, i still need this questioned answered that I posted about 3 seconds before your post and its on the first page, so some people might not see it:

"Ok, would Tiki work in streetpass? And I know she has a crappy skillset, but would this be fine?"

"Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, Lifetaker, Quick burn, Strength + 2/Deliverer"

Edited by AssassinSevera
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