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The Legend of Zelda: Ganondorf's Revenge


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Well, I've been working on this for awhile. I got pretty far, but I never actually posted it, so here it is. It's my first story, so don't be surprised if it sucks...

The Legend of Zelda: Ganondorf's Revenge

Chapter 1

On a small island called Estivon...

???: (Jumping on top of him) LINK! WAKE UP!

Link: *Yawn* What do you want, Eli?

Eli: I want you to GET UP to eat breakfast!

Link: Fine...Oh, and...GET OFF OF ME!!

Eli: Sorry...

(Eli walks out of Link's room and Link's mother (Eli's aunt) comes in.

Link: When is she leaving?!

Mother: Link, she's your cousin. You should nicer to her. Besides, she's not leaving for another 3 months, so you'll have to get along with her.

Link: Hmph. Fine. I want breakfast now.

(Link walks into the kitchen)

Link: Eli, what's for breakfast?

Eli: Scrambled Cucco eggs.

Link: Yum. (He takes a bite of one) EWWW!! You SUCK at cooking!

Eli: (crying) Link, you're so MEAN!(She runs into the forest in the back of their yard)

Mother: Link! She could get lost in there! You have to go find her!

Link: Fine...


So, what do you think?

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Sounds funny, mainly because I can't imagine Link ever speaking, as he never does in games. Good start

Obviously you haven't been reading TLS's fan fic then.

Thanks. Next chapter comes tomorrow.

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I wonder what might happen to Eli?

You'll find out soon enough :P

that was the shortest chapter of a story I have ever read but It was definitely good

Don't worry, they get longer.

And I know I said the next chapter would come tomorrow, but since I already finished it, here it is.

Chapter 2

In the forest...

Link: Oh man, where is she?!

(Link runs into a part of the forest with 3 different paths to choose)

Link: Perfect! Now I have to try all 3 paths...

(Link heads toward the right path but it is blocked by a moblin)

Link: Crap...

(The monster tackles Link)

Link: Ouch! Crap, this thing is going to kill me! ( Link tries to escape, but 3 more moblins attack him)

Link: Oh man, this is bad!

(The moblins keep attacking Link. Suddenly, Link hears a voice)

???: Link...You are the Hero chosen by the Gods...You must destroy him...Take this sword...and save the world...

(A blinding light appears and when it's gone, a sword is floating in the air. Link grabs it)

Link: Alright! Now let's see these moblins hurt me! HIYAAAAAH! (Link spins around while holding the sword out and kills the moblins)

Link: Alright...Now I have to find Eli...

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Show me one of my chapters that's shorter then that one.
Chapter 1

(Link is returning to his apartment)

Link: (Sneaking into his apartment)


Link: Hello Mrs. Orlando

Mrs. Orlando: Lincoln Cassidy where is my Rent!

Link: Well... Um... WAIT (Link takes the Thugs wallet out of his pocket)

Mrs. Orlando: Theres only 15 Rupees in here!

Link: Alright my rent give or take 300 Rupees dry.gif

Mrs. Orlando: Next month I throw you out!

Link(Underbreath): Shrew

Link: Oh well time to visit the Pawn shop

Link: Now what can I Pawn?

Link: sad.gif

To Be Continued

That one was pretty short...

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Chapter 3

(Link is walking through the forest when he sees a girl that is about 18 or 19 years old. She is sitting on a tree stump, humming to herself)

Link: Hi.

Girl: Oh, hi!

Link: Did you happen to see a girl that is 8 years old and has long black hair?

Zelda: Yeah, actually I did. She ran past here just a minute ago, crying.

Link: Ok, thanks a lot!

15 minutes later...

Link: Who was that girl? She doesn't live on this island...

(Link walks up to an old abandoned building.)

Link: Eli must be in here! Well...I guess I've got to go in...

Yeah this one was really short, but I promise they'll eventually get longer.

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Here's the next one.

Chapter 4

Link: This place gives me the creeps...I've gotta find Eli and get out of here FAST!

(Just as Link is about to go on, the girl from before comes in.)

Girl: Hello.

Link: What are yo doing in here?

Girl: I wanted to help you find that girl.

Link: Oh, thanks! I'm Link.

Zelda: And I'm Zelda

Link: C'mon we've got to hurry!

Zelda: Right!

An hour later...

Link: Looks like this is a dead end.

???: HELP!!!

Zelda: Link, look at the cieling!

Link: ELI!!

Eli: Link, help me!

???: It looks like you've fallen into my trap!

(Link and Zelda turn around an see a tall man dressed in all black, and red hair.)

Zelda: Ganondorf! What do you want?!

Ganondorf: I've come to kill you and the Hero so you can't cause any trouble later on!

(Ganondorf whistles and a giant spider comes through the door)

Link: Oh, great! A spider!

(The spider charges at Link, but he dodges it)

Link: Take this! (Link swings his sword at the spider, and he hits hit)

Spider: Hisssss!

(Zelda makes a ball of fire appear in her hand and throws it at the spider)

Link: How'd you do that?!

Zelda: That's not important right now! Just kill it!

Link: Alright! (Link jumps on the spider's back and stabs it, which kills it)

Ganondorf: Hmph. You're stronger than I thought. (Ganondorf snaps his fingers and Eli falls to the floor, and Ganondorf dissapears)

Link: Eli, you're okay!

Eli: Link, look what I found!

Zelda: A medallion!

Link: A what?

Zelda: We'll talk about it at your house.

Longest chapter yet!

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one thing I like about this Gannondorf is that he shows up right away like any other zelda boss does at the beginning of the game except he makes one of his grunts do his work instead of getting his hands dirty

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one thing I like about this Gannondorf is that he shows up right away like any other zelda boss does at the beginning of the game except he makes one of his grunts do his work instead of getting his hands dirty

Well if Ganondorf fought them, they'd be dead already,right? So I kinda HAD to make him run away. :P

I actually just finished this a few minutes ago, so I'm gonna be posting alot more chapters each day.

Chapter 5

Link: So what you're saying is that Ganondorf wants to take over the world, and I'm the Hero who was chosen by the gods to defeat him?

Zelda: Yeah, pretty much. That sword you were given is the Master Sword, which is the only way to defeat him. However, the sword is not very powerful in the state it's in right now. You have to collect all 6 of the medallions to unlock it's true power.

Link: Wow. Who exactly are you?!

Zelda: I am Zelda, the princess of Hyrule.

LinK: Um, where's that?

Zelda: Let's just say it's far away from here.

Link: Well, I guess the only option for me is to get the medallions.

Eli: If Link's going, then I'm going too!

Link: Oh no you're not! It's WAY too dangerous!

Eli: I don't care! When I saw Zelda's magic, I was so amazed! I want to learn it too!


Zelda: Alright, then I guess Eli is my new apprentice!

On the beach...

Link: Woah, when did THAT get there?

Zelda: That's the ship we'll be using to get around.

Link: Alright then, let's get this started!

So, what do you think?

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Chapter 6

On the ship...

Link: Ugh, how long has it been?!

Zelda: Um...5 minutes?

Link: Oh.

Zelda: I'm going to start Eli's lesson. You'll have to steer the ship.

Link: Fine...

1 hour later...

Link: Land!

Zelda: It looks like we're here. Eli, we'll continue the lesson later.

Eli: Got it!

Zelda: Link, this is Lake Hylia. We'll find the Water Medallion here. I hope you both can swim.

Link: Yep.

Eli: Yeah.

Zelda: Good. Let's go to the Water Temple then.

In the Water Temple...

Zelda: C'mon Link, just swim across!

Link: NO way! That water's freezing cold!

Zelda: Do it!

Link: NO!


Link: Okay...

Eli: She's scary when she gets mad!

Link: Yeah!

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