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Finally done!


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After a bit of confusion, solvable problems and concept, I made my first ever unspliced, from scratch, and original portrait frame. Every last bit of detail is made by me.


Credits to me for this concept and to my little sister for correcting the eye and hair. This is Nesier's portrait frame.

Unfinished Battle Animations:


Lyon Lord Animation which is still in work and idle.


New Eirika Lord Animation which is still newly began.

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Thanks for the reply! I'm still starting and this is just my first time. For those who know how to make the portrait better and decent, please just comment. Practice makes perfect after all.

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When in doubt, look at references! This is the FE7 sprite sheet that I use.

I think the easiest one that I can explain is her bangs. Take a look at the sprite sheet I linked. Copy the entire image, paste it into your favorite image editor, and zoom in on Serra's bangs. Notice how they're outlined by one "line" of dark shade, with the medium shade dotted around to give it definition? Try using that technique on the "front" half of the border. It'll still look. . .not quite right, but that's several other issues (symmetry in terms of where the hair part is in terms of the nose, etc.)

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This isn't a fix; it's just a quick tweak for comparison.

> Your head is way too big.

49px is the average head height. If you can't figure out how to scale, compare your mugs to the originals. If the sizing doesn't match up, then you're probably doing it wrong.

> Uneven linework.

Your lines are really wiggly and lack definition. Unless she's meant to have seaweed hair, I don't think that's the texture you want. Try smoothing your lines out more.

> Pillow shading.

Don't line up colors on top of each other. This gives an embossed effect that you really don't want unless you're trying to shade tubes.

> Tiny as fuck.

She's tiny as hell. You have 96x80px to use; might as well put that space to use.

> Too many colors/don't use pure white/black.

Your palette was consistent, at least, but there was one color too many. In most cases, white can be substituted for the lightest skin tone. As a general rule, we don't use pure white (#ffffff) or pure black (#000000) because these two colors are commonly used in lieu of a transparent background. That, and they're really just stark as hell and don't work very well. Your border color is different than vanilla, but that's not really an issue.

> Lack of definition/definite form/definite light source.

Everything is kind of blobby and shapeless, and the lack of a definite light source doesn't really help any. Try being bolder with shading. Just because you have 3 colors doesn't mean you have to always use them on everything.

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Thanks... maybe I'll use your post as a guideline, In fact I think I'm gonna start all over again from blank. True the head seems a bit big, the body is kinda small and shading is worst. Okay gotta work on it first.

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Okay this is the draft for the remake of my first failed attempt. Comment for criticism or correction of any errors. No vulgar posts please...


And some unfinished and uncolored weapon sprites reserved for my Fire Emblem game.


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Okay this is the draft for the remake of my first failed attempt. Comment for criticism or correction of any errors. No vulgar posts please...


She's making a o_0 face because the eyes aren't the same height, so probably make the further eye bigger. The nose is at a really sharp angle, too, I'd just not even use the whole upper part of it since FE style obscures it anyway.

What Aeo said about your lines too, they're a bit better here but still jaggy and all over the place, you've got to evenly distribute the line weights, there's a term for that but I can't remember what it is. The hair in particular is where a lot of strangeness is happening, the bangs are noodly and almost wavy but her hair is completely straight. The way you defined the bangs make it look like she's wearing a headband too, I don't really see any reason to have that line in the center of her head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just found this topic while browsing. I can't help much, but let's see if anything I say is worthwhile...

First, map palette. Every source seems to have this slightly different, but this shooouuuld serve whatever purpose you're going for:

ddb1bc12b4e09d3a673827dc66975be0.pngSorry if the organization is horrible, but the blues would loop around and the red doesn't fit anywhere <_<"

The mug itself is a major improvement, but it's still got some massive pillowshading going on, especially on the hair (also notably on the cloak). I'm pretty awful at hair and can't really give fixes, but I can say that 9 times out of 10, you'll want to antialias instead of pillow shading:


Here's a direct comparison (more or less, since I accidentally made the right curve thin out, too, whoops ^-^; ):


Antialiasing will also help the armor piece look less-boring, and it gives you the ability to show a lot more detail in a small area.

Also, if you're going for FEGBA style, the outline shouldn't just be "not black", but rather a dark purple.

Lastly, that nose is really dark and prominent.

As for the new lineart, the only thing that really stands out to me is the left pauldron (our point of view) turning into a really sharp, straight line halfway down when the right pauldron implies it should be curved.

Hope you got something out of this!

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