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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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I have a Jolly DDLarvitar with 31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 IVs, two Male Adamant Corphish with Adaptability, x / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 and Aqua Jet / Superpower / Dragon Dance and ~20 4 IVs Eevee with Bold / Timid nature and Wish + Store Power that I don't need.

Anyone interested? I'm looking for Regenerator Foongus and Rain Dish Tentacool with good IVs at the moment, but other pokemon with good IVs and nature are ok

I'm interested in one of all three. I've bred a few new things since last time, so here's a list of any Pokemon I have with 3 or 4 perfect IVs, with noteworthy Egg Moves/Natures/Hidden Abilities.

Bulbasaur w/Chlorophyll (some Calm ones)

Modest Charmanders w/Dragon Pulse and Solar Power

Squirtle w/Rain Dish (I have one spare, or I have a 5x31 w/o Rain Dish, both male)

Adamant Dratini w/Marvel Scale (although my best spare is still only 3x31, so I'd have to breed if you wanted 4x31)

Togepi (since it has nothing else special, I can evolve it to Togetic and save you the trouble)

Naive Bagon w/Dragon Dance and Sheer Force (Becomes Moxie)

Chespin w/Bulletproof

TImid Fennekin w/Wish and Magician

Timid Froakie w/Protean

Modest Goomy w/Gooey

I could also get you a Fletchling w/Gale Wings or a Lucario w/Justified, but I'd need time to breed some extras. If you want, I can try to breed for a 5x31 in exchange for the Larvitar, since it also has 5 perfect IVs. Lastly, I can throw in an item if you're looking for any and I have a spare.

I have a lvl 1 Froakie perfect for training that I don't need (I got it from gregosa, but I think I got conned....since it doesn't have the protean ability I asked for and he never fixed the mistake... :dry:). It's here if ya want it. Other than shinies or hidden ability pokes, I don't really need anything else atm; if ya don't have any just send me a dud.

Do you still need a Protean Froakie? I have more than half a box of Froakie from breeding, and most have Protean. If you want it, I'm looking for a Skrelp, although any Y exclusive will do if you don't have one.

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I'm interested in one of all three. I've bred a few new things since last time, so here's a list of any Pokemon I have with 3 or 4 perfect IVs, with noteworthy Egg Moves/Natures/Hidden Abilities.

Bulbasaur w/Chlorophyll (some Calm ones)

Modest Charmanders w/Dragon Pulse and Solar Power

Squirtle w/Rain Dish (I have one spare, or I have a 5x31 w/o Rain Dish, both male)

Adamant Dratini w/Marvel Scale (although my best spare is still only 3x31, so I'd have to breed if you wanted 4x31)

Togepi (since it has nothing else special, I can evolve it to Togetic and save you the trouble)

Naive Bagon w/Dragon Dance and Sheer Force (Becomes Moxie)

Chespin w/Bulletproof

TImid Fennekin w/Wish and Magician

Timid Froakie w/Protean

Modest Goomy w/Gooey

I could also get you a Fletchling w/Gale Wings or a Lucario w/Justified, but I'd need time to breed some extras. If you want, I can try to breed for a 5x31 in exchange for the Larvitar, since it also has 5 perfect IVs. Lastly, I can throw in an item if you're looking for any and I have a spare.

Do you still need a Protean Froakie? I have more than half a box of Froakie from breeding, and most have Protean. If you want it, I'm looking for a Skrelp, although any Y exclusive will do if you don't have one.

Is it possible to have a female Charmander and a female Bagon with their HA abilities?

Also I'd like to know what are Squirtle's IVs and nature (the one with Rain Dish)

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Is it possible to have a female Charmander and a female Bagon with their HA abilities?

Also I'd like to know what are Squirtle's IVs and nature (the one with Rain Dish)

For the first, I have either a Charmeleon from the FS, Lonely nature with perfect HP and Spd, or a Modest Charmander w/Dragon Pulse and perfect SpAtk and Spd.

For the second, I have a Naive DD Bagon with perfect HP and Atk, or one with perfect Atk and Def, or a Quiet Shelgon with perfect Atk and SpDef.

The Squirtle is Quirky (neutral nature) with x/x/31/31/31/31. You probably wouldn't want the 5 IV one anyway, since it also has perfect Atk and a Hardy nature (neutral again)

Also, I forgot that I have a Timid male Charizard with 31/x/31/x/31/31 that I could breed with a female w/Solar Power, if you wanted a Timid Charmander instead.

Would you like me to try to breed for a better female Charmander/Bagon?

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Oh, your very welcome!

Someone actually wants to use my Safari...??? It doesn't give very good pokemon, so I didn't think people would register me. Oh well, even if its just for pokedex completion, its nice to feel useful! :)

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Oh, your very welcome!

Someone actually wants to use my Safari...??? It doesn't give very good pokemon, so I didn't think people would register me. Oh well, even if its just for pokedex completion, its nice to feel useful! :)

Your Safari was useful to me.

It has combees which are usually a pain to get(especially a female one) that I used as a sweet scent user for EV training. The Vivillon is still nice for the region pattern.

Edited by LuxSpes
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For the first, I have either a Charmeleon from the FS, Lonely nature with perfect HP and Spd, or a Modest Charmander w/Dragon Pulse and perfect SpAtk and Spd.

For the second, I have a Naive DD Bagon with perfect HP and Atk, or one with perfect Atk and Def, or a Quiet Shelgon with perfect Atk and SpDef.

The Squirtle is Quirky (neutral nature) with x/x/31/31/31/31. You probably wouldn't want the 5 IV one anyway, since it also has perfect Atk and a Hardy nature (neutral again)

Also, I forgot that I have a Timid male Charizard with 31/x/31/x/31/31 that I could breed with a female w/Solar Power, if you wanted a Timid Charmander instead.

Would you like me to try to breed for a better female Charmander/Bagon?

then it's ok for Bagon (atk - hp I guess) and Squirtle; if you can breed a female Timid Charmander then I'll take that too.

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Does anyone here have huge varient of Pumpaboo that they'd be willing to trade? I don't necessarily care about IVs, and I'm willing to give one of my Goomy's in exchange.

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Since I'm bored, I'm re-creating a new casual team based on one of my emulated Hoenn runs; can anyone find me an Aron and a Spheal? I'd prefer a good nature and good IVs if possible, but at the very least I just need the pokemon. Don't have much to offer in the way of rarities, but I'll see what I can get you if you can help me.

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I've got a whole bunch of Jolly Drilbur to trade off, the first of which has five perfect IVs.

Female: 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Mold Breaker

The other Drilburs all have four VIs (spread across everything, except for Sp.Atk). They have varying abilities, though mostly Sand Rush and Mold Breaker.

Is anyone interested? I'll only trade the five IV one for something equal, but as for the others, I'm happy to listen to any offers.

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I've got a whole bunch of Jolly Drilbur to trade off, the first of which has five perfect IVs.

Female: 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Mold Breaker

The other Drilburs all have four VIs (spread across everything, except for Sp.Atk). They have varying abilities, though mostly Sand Rush and Mold Breaker.

Is anyone interested? I'll only trade the five IV one for something equal, but as for the others, I'm happy to listen to any offers.

I'm interested in the 5 IVs Female; I can offer a Jolly 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Pinsir with Moxie and Quick Attack + Close Combat as egg moves or a Jolly 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Torchic with Speed Boost (and every other Pokémon that was listed in the pastebin that I linked some posts ago as well)

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I've got a whole bunch of Jolly Drilbur to trade off, the first of which has five perfect IVs.

Female: 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Mold Breaker

The other Drilburs all have four VIs (spread across everything, except for Sp.Atk). They have varying abilities, though mostly Sand Rush and Mold Breaker.

Is anyone interested? I'll only trade the five IV one for something equal, but as for the others, I'm happy to listen to any offers.

I could use one. Preferably one with Sand Rush and IVs at least atk and spd.

I have bunch of Adamant Dratinis with 31 IVs in 3 of HP/atk/def/sdef/spd

I also have some Modest Deinos with perfect IV in 3 of def/satk/sdef/spd

I also have some unhatched eggs with same parents as those guys, but can't guarantee the IVs

Edited by Sylphid
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I've got a whole bunch of Jolly Drilbur to trade off, the first of which has five perfect IVs.

Female: 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Mold Breaker

The other Drilburs all have four VIs (spread across everything, except for Sp.Atk). They have varying abilities, though mostly Sand Rush and Mold Breaker.

Is anyone interested? I'll only trade the five IV one for something equal, but as for the others, I'm happy to listen to any offers.

I'd be interested in a Sand Rush Female Drilbur, or Male if you don't have that.

Copy/pasted from my offer to Richard:

Here's a list of any Pokemon I have with 3 or 4 perfect IVs, with noteworthy Egg Moves/Natures/Hidden Abilities.

Bulbasaur w/Chlorophyll (some Calm ones)

Modest Charmanders w/Dragon Pulse and Solar Power

Squirtle w/Rain Dish (I have one spare, or I have a 5x31 w/o Rain Dish, both male)

Adamant Dratini w/Marvel Scale (although my best spare is still only 3x31, so I'd have to breed if you wanted 4x31)

Togepi (since it has nothing else special, I can evolve it to Togetic and save you the trouble)

Naive Bagon w/Dragon Dance and Sheer Force (Becomes Moxie)

Chespin w/Bulletproof

TImid Fennekin w/Wish and Magician

Timid Froakie w/Protean

Modest Goomy w/Gooey

I could also get you a Fletchling w/Gale Wings, a Helioptile with Solar Power or a Lucario w/Justified, but I'd need time to breed some extras.

I know some of these are things you've traded me, or I've already traded to you, but I'm too lazy to figure out which ones and remove them.

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I'm interested in the 5 IVs Female; I can offer a Jolly 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Pinsir with Moxie and Quick Attack + Close Combat as egg moves or a Jolly 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 Torchic with Speed Boost (and every other Pokémon that was listed in the pastebin that I linked some posts ago as well)

This is such a hard choice, but I think I'll go for that Pinsir.

I could use one. Preferably one with Sand Rush and IVs at least atk and spd.

I have bunch of Adamant Dratinis with 31 IVs in 3 of HP/atk/def/sdef/spd

I also have some Modest Deinos with perfect IV in 3 of def/satk/sdef/spd

I also have some unhatched eggs with same parents as those guys, but can't guarantee the IVs

I'll take a Deino, with the IVs in Sp.Atk and Spe.

Modest Charmanders w/Dragon Pulse and Solar Power

Do you have a female one, with IVs in HP and Sp.Def? If you do, then I'll have one.

Incidently, if anyone has Pinsirite they don't need, I'd be willing to gather just about any mega stone available in Y, barring Mawilite, in exchange.

Edited by Shuuda
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I'll be logging off soon, but I will be playing my game for the next few hours. Feel free to open up the trade with me, and I'll give you what you want.

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Incidently, if anyone has Pinsirite they don't need, I'd be willing to gather just about any mega stone available in Y, barring Mawilite, in exchange.

I guess I could trade mine...



I mean, I have an unopened copy of Y, but I don't want to open it and beat the game just for a few Mega Stones...

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I guess I could trade mine...



I mean, I have an unopened copy of Y, but I don't want to open it and beat the game just for a few Mega Stones...

Ummm....that's what I'm doing.....>_>

I'm justifying it by making my Y version be for pokemon team building, and my X version be for Pokedex completion. That way I don't have to pry megastones away from people in order to get them all.

Also: Aron and Spheal. Anyone???

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Ummm....that's what I'm doing.....>_>

I'm justifying it by making my Y version be for pokemon team building, and my X version be for Pokedex completion. That way I don't have to pry megastones away from people in order to get them all.

Also: Aron and Spheal. Anyone???

I have a Modest Spheal with Max Def and SpD as Brave Aaron(I think it's brave) for trade. Didn't check it's stat though

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