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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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I have a Modest Spheal with Max Def and SpD as Brave Aaron(I think it's brave) for trade. Didn't check it's stat though

Oh, I'd really appreciate those. What would you like in return?

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I have some Wish Eevees, Galeforce Fletchling, Magician Fennekin......nothing special really in IVs though. I could try to breed something else for better IVs though.

Oh, and lots and lots of Dittos with varying natures and perfect IVs, though they're not that hard to get overall I suppose...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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No problem And thanks for the pokemon! I gave you a Rock Head Aaron, but I also had a female Sturdy one. Gave you the first because recoiless rock head, but would you rather have had the Sturdy female?

Edited by LuxSpes
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Nah, that's fine; I'd prefer to run a Head Smash Aggron, so that's perfect! Good luck breeding wish onto your future eevees! We should totally battle tomorrow; my eevee team is finished (and probably gonna be curb-stomped, but I want to try them out)!

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Nah, that's fine; I'd prefer to run a Head Smash Aggron, so that's perfect! Good luck breeding wish onto your future eevees! We should totally battle tomorrow; my eevee team is finished (and probably gonna be curb-stomped, but I want to try them out)!

I'm currently training them to make sure they're at least lvl 50. And don't sell yourself too short. It's been a while since I played a serious battle, but I won't pull any punches either!

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then it's ok for Bagon (atk - hp I guess) and Squirtle; if you can breed a female Timid Charmander then I'll take that too.

Okay, I have the Female Timid Solar Power Charmander ready, but apparently both parents leveled up too much, and forgot Dragon Pulse, so the baby doesn't have Dragon Pulse. I really hope this isn't a deal breaker, because female starters are a pain to breed for, but if it's a problem, I'd be willing to throw in a 3 or 4 IV male Charmander w/Dragon Pulse so you could breed them.

I also have some Modest Deinos with perfect IV in 3 of def/satk/sdef/spd

I'd like one, with no preference to the IV spread. My offers are right here

Do you have a female one, with IVs in HP and Sp.Def? If you do, then I'll have one.

I have the following female Charmanders with Solar Power:

Modest w/SpAtk and Spd

Timid w/HP and SpAtk

Lonely w/Hp and Spd

I have Males with 3 or 4 perfect IVs and Solar Power

Also, the Modest one has Dragon Pulse as an Egg Move, but it forgot it because of Day care level ups, so you'd have to use a Heart Scale to reteach it if you wanted.

I have a 4 IV Dedenne in Defense, sp attack, sp def, and speed, if anybody wants one.

I'll take it. My offers are the same as the stuff I offered Sylphid above.

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I have the following female Charmanders with Solar Power:

Modest w/SpAtk and Spd

Timid w/HP and SpAtk

Lonely w/Hp and Spd

I'm afraid none of those suit my purposes. If you still have it, I'm interested in that Dratini.

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Okay, I have the Female Timid Solar Power Charmander ready, but apparently both parents leveled up too much, and forgot Dragon Pulse, so the baby doesn't have Dragon Pulse. I really hope this isn't a deal breaker, because female starters are a pain to breed for, but if it's a problem, I'd be willing to throw in a 3 or 4 IV male Charmander w/Dragon Pulse so you could breed them.

I'll take both male and female then. Guess I can give you a pair of Eevees in exchange..? Unfortunately I don't have any female one with its HA Ability :x

Anyway send me a poke when you want to trade.

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I go to reply, and 3 more replies all happen at once.

You have too many great ones to choose from DX
I'll take that Togepi, since I don't have one yet

Okay then, I'm online and ready whenever.

I'll take both male and female then. Guess I can give you a pair of Eevees in exchange..? Unfortunately I don't have any female one with its HA Ability :x

Anyway send me a poke when you want to trade.

Nah, you can just give me the three and any ol' filler pokemon. I'm fine with a 3 for 4 trade

Thank you for the trade.

Thank you as well!

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