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Reasons for missing class


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Please fuck off, Zerker.

Social anxiety disorder and depression -> being too afraid in the moment to get my feet in the door when late or when I haven't completed an assignment, getting progressively worse as I miss first one day, then two, then a week of classes.

I've signed up for over a dozen courses over three years (a full-time student courseload is around 4 a semester, on other peoples' suggestions I've dialed back from that initially to three to two to one), and completed one

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I hate to admit this, but I have missed class for a great deals of different reasons. The main reason being "I didn't need to be there." Which is the type of cover for the following reasons: the class is podcasted, the professor sucks, his/her lectures are boring and I don't learn anything, lectures are posted online anyway, I already have a guaranteed good grade, there's no roll call so no reason to show up.

Strangely enough, I don't ever recall missing class because I was sick. I have also missed it for work. Finishing homework/essay for another class is also a popular option.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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Does university count? If so, then

- I had an interview at the same time, so I took the lecturer's permission from before and skipped the class

- I was part of the committee in organizing a full-day conference so I skipped a few classes on the day before that to perform my duties, again with the lecturers' permissions

- I had another event that started in the middle of another class, so I took the lecturer's permission and walked out in the middle of the class. Lecturer even marked me as being "present" for that class.

- I overslept and missed a freaking quiz; lecturer did not accept my excuse and never took a make-up quiz for anybody :(

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Either the prof said we didn't have to come, or I had to do something super important and I knew we weren't going to do anything important in class that day. I also skipped calc lecture once because I forgot to do a short paper that was due right afterwards.

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Here professor is the statistics on why this online community missed class:

Feeling like sh*t.

-needed to do homework that was due that day

i don't think i'll learn anything by going to that class

there was a sub


Too Asian

and missing class to miss a presentation

"I didn't give a fuck”

Instructor's incompetence

Bomb threats

Professor: Interesting reasons. Can you tell me where the surveys is conducted, and the names of the participants?

Shinpichu's real name: sure. on Serene Forest forums, the users were: Meyeon, Captin Falcon, Zerker, Phoenix Wright, Kitty of Time, Bacteriophage and shadowofchaos

missed class to work on that classe's lab is my own reason for missing class

Edited by sifer
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- slept-in.

- forgetting to plug my phone in, hence no alarm going off.

- studying/doing work for more important classes.

- too tired.

- sick.

- appointments (doctor/dentist).

That's all I can think of atm...

Edited by ePamplemouss
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as has been said before, sometimes I feel like I won't learn anything or the class is covering something I already know

our lectures are recorded online so... there's really no reason to go a lot of the time

sometimes I can't be bothered, especially if the class is at 8am on a monday morning... or 5pm on a friday

I walk to uni, and if it rains, I can't be assed going

once I was genuinely sick

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I walk to uni, and if it rains, I can't be assed going

Ooooh, I forgot this one! If the weather is very bad, I won't go, as I walk as well~

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Oh yeah that reminds me

There was one time

It snowed

Like it didn't stick or anything but it was really fucking windy and cold and while I didn't personally skip that day

Many did and I can't blame them one bit and I wish I did too

That was sometime after Sandy I believe, I was sleeping over a friend's dorm at the time because we're out of gas on the island

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I try to never miss class, but sometimes it happens.

-not wanting to go

-fear of teacher yelling at you for not doing something assigned x_x

-stomach ache

-something going on in another class (guest speaker or visitor)


-parents wouldn't let me go to school because the roads were kind of bad when it snowed even though school was still in session

Edited by DancingDanny
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I'm in college and I miss class because

- I'm sick

- I stayed up too late

- Family emergency

- or sometimes I just didn't feel like it

lmaoo this makes me sound awful

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> If you have, for any reason, missed class, what were your reasons for being absent?

No limit for reasons; just list as many as you can think of.

This can include mundane things like sickness, studying for tests in other classes, playing hooky, etc.

Kidney stone, missed a week

General sickness that has a vomiting or sever diarrhea component, maybe fever if it makes me feel ridiculously bad.

The professor annoys me or doesn't teach well

Sleeping in (those days i wake up after missing all of my classes and realize i subconciously turned off the alarm clock and went back to bed...)

I was working until 4-5 in the morning to hand in a lab report

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Back when I used to go to school :

-illness (happened too often to my liking)

-death of relatives

-various appointments, usually doctor


Snow happens, but usually that means the whole establishment is closed for the day so I don't really miss anything. Those days are usually retaken later.

Strikes also happened during my first college year, though I wasn't involved in them. Missed a few days.

Edited by Woodshooter
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> If you have, for any reason, missed class, what were your reasons for being absent?

No limit for reasons; just list as many as you can think of.

This can include mundane things like sickness, studying for tests in other classes, playing hooky, etc.

Thanks in advance.

1.I need to take a break. Going to school everyday is just too stressful. I should be enjoying my life, not ruining it.

2.I am sick. I know if I try, I will make it to school and study without problem. But really, I am just too tired to try.

3.I meet my old friend on the way to school. I havent seen him for a while so I will spend time with him instead. Classes can wait.

4.I get into an accident. Damn it, my uniform is all dirty and my hands are bleeding. No school today!

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