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Boney's quest for shipping

Guest meibum

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Um guys, I wasn't gonna say anything at first because I was afraid of bothering you and others but I don't think I can keep silent actually. I know its suppossed to be a parody but it comes across as mean-spirited in regards to Emerald at least.. Parodies are suppossed to make fun of people for what they're actually like(albeit with some exxageration) but instead you completely replaced him for what I imagine what is suppossed to be your typical cheeto-hand encrusted, pizzafaced neckbeard scum of the earth brony.. Which.. He acts nothing like.. That's nots a parody, its replacing his personality entirely when you could've easily parodied him with how he actually acts(believe me I do it everyday he's a dingus) I'd talk about how everyone else was depicted too but I don't know if they're offended or they're actually okay with it so yeah.

I'd assume the others are fine with being out of character but with Emerald its obvious you guys like taking potshots at him with this story and also in the chat and the fact on this very thread you replied to a user by saying "usernamehere x emeraldfox" The only reason I'm actually bringing it up and got brave enough to post this anyways is because I know Emerald won't say anything himself because he doesn't tend to get involved with things like this, but it actually bothered him a lot. He already knows you guys don't like him and you're making it more obvious, and I just don't like seeing anyone I care about hurt. All I'm asking is to be more considerate next time and maybe ask people before you go writing things like this? Just to be safe? Hell, I don't really like it when people write me into stories/playthroughs without being asked either regardless of depiction but I'm okay with it this time. I just don't want you guys to accidently offend anyone in the future, whether its friends or people I don't know.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to start an arguement because I'm not, I don't wanna bother anyone or start conflict and its okay if you guys don't get along. Its okay if you guys don't have the same sense of humor and if theres anything Emerald has done to bother you guys personally just tell me and I'll talk to him about it but, let's all just try to be more civil and less hurtful about things next time.


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This wasn't a parody.

Boney acts nothing like Boney, PkLucas acts nothing like PkLucas and so on so fourth.

Emerald has already said a lot though actually and although we've tried to explain it to him (see disclaimer) he just wants to make a stink about it because well he just wants to try and write stabs at shmo or I any chance he gets.

This story is just a bunch of over the top nonsense and nothing more (as I've said before).

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...Letty said gently looking into Boney's kawaii anime Lucky Star eyes. She began to feel her saliva build up in her mouth as she looked at those eyes, she began to lick Boney's eyes violently and he was crying the whole time.

A pool of tears filled Letty's mouth as she spit them back into Boney's eyes so he could absorb them and cry more. Boney pushed her away and she fell on the ground screaming in pain at Boney's abuse.


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taking anything emerald (or any internet stranger) says to such a personal extent to write a convoluted attempt at "brush it off" humour sounds like a personal issue to me.

i still havent read the OP but skimmed what lettuce wrote

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This wasn't a parody.

Boney acts nothing like Boney, PkLucas acts nothing like PkLucas and so on so fourth.

Emerald has already said a lot though actually and although we've tried to explain it to him (see disclaimer) he just wants to make a stink about it because well he just wants to try and write stabs at shmo or I any chance he gets.

This story is just a bunch of over the top nonsense and nothing more (as I've said before).

Ah, alright.

I just think its kinda silly to let your personal feelings get in the way of a story, I haven't seen him say anything to you on SF at all either so theres no reason for you guys to try to get a rise out of him here, keep it in the chat at least yeah? Though I'd rather all of three of you to not snark at each other and instigate drama at all, its not really my place to tell anyone what to do.

As a person who uses/lurks on numerous forums, I can attest to this.


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