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Fëanor created a firewall around his tumtum burning Esmund's hand, "oh how precious. You may have caught me off guard before, but there's no way a powerful fire elf will lose to a wimpy air user." Fëanor waved Esmund's pink flag around to mock him and then began to lick it with his tongue suggestively.

"The air element isn't wimpy! It's really cool!" Soles protested as she stood up and joined Esmund's side.

Fëanor burst out into laughter at the sight of the two. "You know what. I've changed my mind. I think I want your girl too."

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Esmund quickly slid off his gauntlet and reached his hand out to touch Soles'. His burns healed quickly. "Soles. Heal those bruises he's left on you and stand back, ready to help. I believe in you." Esmund put back on his gauntlet and stared down Feanor. Esmund smiled. He had an idea. Esmund put out his right hand forward, focusing a blade of wind around it, almost turning his arm into a sword. "Hey Feanor, come a little closer." without a moment of hesitation, Esmund sent a powerful gust of wind behind Feanor, sending him flying towards his arm.

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Aleksander stood up silently and walked off into the depths of the woods. He continued to wander around in almost a circle until he suddenly spun around and slammed his fist into a tree. Why had he not been smarter with keeping his emotions in check? He probably chased Athena off with his grandiose declarations of protection and loyalty, and he honestly couldn't blame her.

Before anything else could creep into his head, he heard the sound of crackling flames and angry shouting off in the distance. Aleksander strode forward and hid in a bush, watching as - who else? - Feanor & Esmund seemed to be in a fight again. Then he noticed Feanor had dropped his and Esmund's flags on the ground after Esmund blew him closer to punch him in the face, and quickly leapt upon them, snatching them away before either of them could notice, and disappearing just as quickly back into the foliage.

"Two more flags for the team... now, what's the best way back to Felina and our actual flag?"

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Sonny leaped into the pond after Krunath, and picked his body up and threw it to the surface.

Krunath's body continued to be pummeled by Sonny's punches, leaving him unconscious.

Sonny continued to beat the body, until his eyes faded back to normal as he collapsed to the ground.

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The dog from earlier came over by Chris once again, and began to glow. "AROOOOOOOOO" the dog became extremely muscular and gained human features such as arms and legs. "I'm liking the look of your flag there cutie, now watch as me, Alex, the captain of the Pumas, takes it from you!"

[spoiler=NPC Event Dog]


Alex kicked up his Nike's into the air, and released a foul smell upon the area, making it difficult to breathe.

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Soles was frozen and shaking (as usual) while she watched Esmund and Feanor battle. Fire is weak to air and it's not like I can do anything to help, there's no way we'll be able to win.. we'll never be able to keep our flag at this rate. Speaking of our flag, where is it..!!? Soles saw Aleksander quickly snag the flag off the ground and dash off as Esmund and Feanor were in the midst of combat. "H-hey wait!" Soles easily caught up to Aleksander as he was running, "What do you think you're doing!?" Soles used her wings to give her enough momentum to tackle Aleksander to the ground, her shapely body pressed against his back. Soles let out a quick yelp and slapped Aleksander across the face.

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"Don't appreciate the barging in on my little rest there....

Calm down man....

And nice try with that little smell...."

Chris jabs his broom into the ground and creates a cyclone around him, clearing the air.


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Aleksander felt the sting of Soles' slap, but then had an idea to regain the upper hand. Without warning, he concentrated his magical energy to increase his body temperature to the point that nobody would be able to even touch him without suffering serious tissue damage. He had tried this tactic once before, and it worked back then, so he hoped it would work now. He gripped Soles' wrists and flung her off, hoping that his plan would prevent her from attempting another magically-aided tackle.

"I'm getting the upper hand for my team, which your partner doesn't seem too interested in doing! In fact, I'd say he seems more interested in Feanor than even you!"

Aleksander began to run yet again, creating walls of flame behind him so as to keep Soles from chasing after him again, as he prayed that Felina was still where he'd left her and that Athena was on her way back to them.

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The liquid hits the bush and melts it, and Alex grins as he sees Chris bent down behind it. "Nice try cutie, but you're gonna hafta try again!" Alex rushed in to kick Chris, but then stopped in his tracks as he looked at his face. "...Son?" Alex began to cry and picked up Chris for a hug. "I can't believe I finally found you!" Alex began to lick Chris with great vigor.

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Athena was using her sensing powers to locate Aleksander. She had given him an arrow before and instructed him to go back and protect Felina, which he obviously didn't listen to as she could sense he was close by. Men...

Suddenly Athena stumbled upon the fight between Feanor and Esmund. Esmund was using his wind magic to suck Feanor towards his blade like attack. Athena pulled out one of her shadow arrows and shot it at Esmund, throwing his balance off and ruining the manoeuvre. "There's not even a flag around either of you morons."

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Soles quickly healed the burns Aleksander caused on her wrists and got herself oriented. The sun was high and in the sky, powering up Soles' light magic. I'm not going to let Esmund down again. Soles held her hand up to the sky, fingers spread. Quickly Soles' body evaporated into a sparkling dust and was swept away by the wind. Soles reappeared in front of Aleksander quickly creating a light screen for him to crash into, cutting into his flesh as he broke through the glass and slowing down his speed significantly."At least Esmy fights for his flags and doesn't cheaply steal them while people are fighting each other, pussy."

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Fëanor was shocked to see Athena, "babe alert." Fëanor walked over to Athena and kissed her hand, "have you come to fight along side me, my love? Perhaps even allow me to deflower you and populate this earth with more elven children?" Fëanor looked around and noticed he wasn't holding Esmund's flag anymore, he must have dropped it while fighting with Esmund. Soles wasn't around either, "yoh faggot. I think your girlfriend ran off with your flag again. Man she must really hate you."

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