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Esmund noticed Soles had disappeared. "Ugh...Feanor, you're not even worth it." Esmund spit in Feanor's direction, knowing that would hurt him more than actually fighting. Esmund looked into the distance and saw some light shining. It must be Soles! He began to run with the wind behind him in the direction of the light, stopping when he saw Aleksander knocked over... and Soles standing triumphantly. "Soles! Awesome! What did you do?!" Esmund began jumping and cheering for her.

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Aleksander growled as he felt his arms and legs for cuts and bruises from the screen, of which there were quite a few. He nonetheless still stood up and faced Soles and Esmund, who had apparently just came back over to them, with a snarl on his face, the flags he took around his waist, and a fireball forming in his left hand.

"It's called seizing an opportunity, Soles. And besides, your boyfriend over here seems more high-strung than that. But, to be honest, I've had quite enough of the fighting for today."

Aleksander took the flag that he assumed was theirs and tossed it at Esmund's feet before turning around and walking away. "I'm keeping Feanor's flag, since his partner is working alongside me anyway, but I've no quarry with you two. Now then, I need to go find my partner before this little game ends."

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Soles grabbed her flag from Aleksander and handed it over to Esmund as she jumped into his arms, "just pulling my own weight." Sole smiled warmly as she rested her head on Esmund's shoulders. "Let's get out of here, I'm exhausted."

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Esmund scoffed at the weak gust of air and jumped into it, surfing on it with his own wind magic. "You did awesome out there Soles! I knew you were fighter at heart." Esmund smiled warmly at her and continued to surf them away, disappearing further into the woods. He landed them back at their old hideout and gently set Soles on her feet. "Oops, and I can't forget this!" Esmund tapped Soles' head and made sure her hair was just the way she liked it.

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Athena had finally caught up to Aleksander noticing he had gotten her original flag back from Feanor, "how did you manage to get that?"Athena knew Feanor had his one flagged tied around his biceps, but perhaps he dropped the other one. "I tried to gather some flags of my own, but perhaps it's better if we work as a team instead of flying solo." Athena nudged Aleksander playfully.

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Aleksander felt a breeze behind him, but paid it no mind as he walked off, limping to find Felina as Athena came towards him. Before he could respond to her, though, he felt a twinge of numbness and pain course through his entire body as he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, coughing out blood and attempting to cover up the many lacerations he had from that screen.

"Guh... Athe...na... I'm... sorry..." he choked out before losing consciousness, bleeding from many places on his body, including his mouth and several places on his chest, arms & legs.

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Fëanor had secretly followed Athena, which had brought him right to the culprit of his missing flag. "What's wrong big boy? Can't even manage to fight me for MY flag fair and square." Fëanor spoke loudly as he came out from behind a tree. He recognized Aleksander and Athena from before, but who was this new fellow. "Oy!" Fëanor called out to Chris, "you got a flag or a partner? If not, why not-"

Suddenly Aleksander collapsed. He had cuts all over his body and was losing blood fast, "who did this!?" He turned to face Chris, "y-you?"

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Soles smiled ecstatically as her hair was voluminous and shinning with life once again. Time passed as Soles massaged her healing magic into Esmund's body. "Hey Esmy," she began, "thanks for coming after me instead of staying and fighting Feanor." Soles hugged Esmund tightly from behind and smiled, "I'm really happy I got partnered up with you." Soles let go and tied her flag around her bust once again, "I know we can win this thing if we can just make our powers work in harmony." Soles picked up her gun, "I'm ready to start learning how to use this now." Soles waited for Esmund to put his arms around her again and then quickly turned around and pulled him in for a quick kiss.

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Athena began to panic as she saw Aleksander collapse in front of her. Athena embraced Aleksander's body, little shards of light magic had dug deep into his body. Clearly Soles was a bigger threat than originally thought. Athena put her lips on Aleksander's as she seeped her dark magic into his body to neutralized out the light magic.

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Aleksander opened his eyes, but rather than laying in the forest as he had before he lost consciousness, he found himself in a sea of white, seeing nothing around him for what seemed like miles on end. Slowly, he stood up and began to walk in whatever direction he chose, noting that the wounds he had from before had closed up. After a while, a figure floated towards him, prompting Aleksander to reach for his scythe and find that he no longer had it. As the figure moved closer, Aleksander's expression turned from one of confusion into one of shock, as one name floated into his mind.


"Hello, Aleksander. My, how you've grown since I saw you last."

"This... this is impossible. You're supposed to be dead. So... either I'm dead too... or..."

"There is no 'or...', lad. You've died, and are stuck in purgatory with me. Now, now, don't seem glum; after all, I raised you as my son for years, and..."

Aleksander cut off Therion with a swift punch to the face, forcing him to stagger back somewhat, as much as a floating man could. Aleksander took a quick look to make sure it was indeed Therion; he stood tall and proud of himself, with a pair of faded denim pants and a sleeveless vest with tattoos running down both arms. His face was rugged and covered in facial hair, some of which had noticeable blood stains. Aleksander had no doubt in his mind, this was the man who took his childhood from him.

"You RAISED me?! Like your SON?! You kidnapped me, you demented fuck! You stole me away and turned me into a murderer! You stole my childhood, ruined my family, and scarred me for life!"

"Like it or not, I gave you everything you needed to survive in the world. All you need is power, everything else will come later."

Aleksander spat at Therion in disgust, simply appalled by what he was hearing about how this disease of a man had seen the world in his life.

"You are the purest of scum. Out of my sight."

"Not true, Aleksander. I am your hate. I give you a reason to feel. Without me, you would be a soulless shell of a man wandering aimlessly around the world searching for something you would never have found. I took your family and past life away from you to teach you the way of the world, and you repaid me well."

"If I didn't cooperate with you, you would have killed me. Why should I listen to you now?"

"Because I have yet to fully rest. I still possess attachment to the world, and I can very easily return to the world of the living with another's body and make your pitiful existence even more pitiful. Perhaps I'll start by forcing you to witness the death of a friend..."


Aleksander clutched his head and screamed skywards, and, almost on cue, the sea of white surrounding the two men began to turn dark. Therion's head whipped around as his form started to fade away, much to the shock of Aleksander.


Aleksander's eyes snapped open again. His body was back to being in a great deal of pain, but unlike before, he couldn't notice any blood seeping out from the various gashes on his body. Then again, it was hard to notice that type of thing when somebody's body was pressed tightly towards his own, and his lips were locked with another's.


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Well, this was great. Try to comfort someone and they run off at the first sign of... not even trouble just mild annoyance. No wonder Felina didn't get along with people well. No matter. Their flag was safe. She had fulfilled her end of the bargain and hadn't even had to use magic. A good start to be sure. The less she had to actually fight, the less she had to use the raging storms within her and could rely on wit, the better. Calmly taking her flag, she started to move through the forest, following in Alek's wake. Now that it was daylight, staying put simply gave people a better chance to find her after all, and besides. They were a team, right?


Bah. Alek probably had just run off to be with that other woman than aid his own teammate. "Figures." she grumbled to herself. "Even on a team, I am alone. Guess it's not so bad though, so long as no one else is here."

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Smobum Troll: A big burly giant in a suit walks up to Rikku. He looks to be bigger than the average giant, and has a deep scar down his left eye. "Hello. Who might you be?" his voice was gruff and intimidating.

Hello. I am Rikku, I am one of the newest students here at this school *shows invitation letter*

May I have your name? You seem to be an important individual at this prestigiouse school?

Also where are the other students? I know I am a bit late, but they can't possibly be sent somewhere already?

Edited by sifer
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"My name is Dadan Flarehawk, I'm head of security here. Rikku huh? Yes I do believe we were expecting you, though you are a bit late. Here's a map of the school ground since you didn't get much orientation. The rest of the students are right here." Dadan points to the forest on the map. "I also have your supplies needed." Dadan hands Rikku a ring with the symbol of earth on it. "The game is a simple game of capture the flag, you get three points for maintaining your own, and two for taking another. Five points are taken off if you kill another student. Got it?"

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Esmund felt his face turn bright red as she kissed him. He felt his body producing all sorts of excited and happy feelings. "Soles...I couldn't have dreamed of meeting a more amazing person at this school. I know that together... we can accomplish anything." Esmund looked passionately into her eyes once again and began to kiss her back. When he released her, he still had his arms wrapped around her and was looking into her eyes. Their bodies were so close and he felt like he was floating among the clouds. Esmund smiled warmly as one little tear rolled down his left cheek, a tear of joy.

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Fëanor stripped his flag off the knocked out Aleksander, "see what happens to people who mess with me Chris?" Fëanor tied his flag around his other biceps, so they would not be lost during combat unless someone actually defeated him. "Join my team. If you want to win." Fëanor spoke directed towards Chris as Athena tried to heal Aleksander. "Follow me," Fëanor instructed as he began to walk through to forest. Before long Fëanor was standing face to face with Felina, she appeared to be alone, abandoned by her partner for Athena's devilish charm. "Felina right? An air magic user. By now you may have noticed the two flags I have already obtained by my own merit. Even after my partner abandoned me, just like what your partner seems to have done to you." Fëanor pointed behind him, "they're only about a kilometre and a half that way, locked in a passionate kiss. If you take this school and exercise as seriously as I do, forget about him and team up with me."

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"Or what? You will attack me as well?" asked Felina, giving her glasses a small push upwards. "You want my flag, and I obviously want yours, however there is one key difference. I have no reason to believe you won't abandon me as well or that team betrayals won't be noted down upon our records. I also have no reason to believe that you are at your full power as Aleksander was busy all night running about capturing flags while I was merely guarding mine and never had to fight. I am fresh, unharmed, and more than capable of defeating you. However I am not without mercy. You saw how we took in Athena when she was abandoned by her team. Why don't you join with my team then? We will number four, far larger than any other team, and easily capable of withstanding the might of any of the remaining four teams."

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I gave FLarehawk a slight bow as I accept the ring, it is best not to mess around with cheif of security, an associate of mine did it once, the ending was not pretty.

"Thank you Mr. flarehawk, since the game is capture the flag? Do I start with a flag? or do will one be provided when I reach the area?"

Magic rings, you never know what they do till you activate them. Could be cursed with something and I would never know, nor any of the students for that matter. Well it is safe to assume that these things have tracking spells on them, so I shouldn't take them on well, non-endored school activities, that would be an accuarate phrase.

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Fëanor smiled, "you're a feisty one aren't you? Well sweetheart the thing is I refuse to work with people who spend their time smooching instead of actually playing their game. That would be your partners by the way. And threatening me won't work, I'm a fire element and you're a wind element. I don't need my full power to take out the likes of you." Fëanor shrugged, "furthermore if you left them and teamed up with me that would make us the largest team here." Fëanor waited for Chris to finally catch up and put his around around him with a big grin, "my newest team mate."

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