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I need help with a topic for my research paper...


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Im currently doing the IB diploma and am now at the stage where I need to think up a topic for my extended essay (EE- also known as the painful journey of a 4000 word research paper). My subject of research is Biology, preferably to do with water.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Notes: I cannot do investigations on living organisms (barring plants and microorganisms)

I can conduct experiments up to university laboratory level

Edited by Akinaoki
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Why sharks will eventually evolve so that they become flying sharks.

You can even incorporate social science into it by detailing how they will systematically conquer Earth

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judging by the time of edit of the OP, i can only conclude that you thought i was being facetious (hint: i wasn't). the 2003 nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to two researchers who studied aquaporins, which are basically proteins that permit water flow into cells. there are all sorts of things you can write about them.

also this probably shouldn't be in serious discussion

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