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I don't think I have a best friend


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I am super choosy when it comes to friends and it's not hard for me to cut a bad friend (like cancer) out of my life permanently.

As a result I am surrounded with only the best and most loving of friends.

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It's fine to have multiple friends who aren't too intimate with you and most people would relate to that, I think. Just don't indulge in the common disillusion of thinking you have formed any tangible bonds with people whom you do not know offline.

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I didnt have a best friend until I was 16. I havent seen or spoken to her in 4-5 years...

My current best friend, I have only hung out with once outside of work.

It's ok Soul. There is nothing wrong with not having a best friend. And when you have one, you will know it.

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I've got bros, people who I'd do a lot for and would do a lot for me

I've got friends who I can talk to and can talk to me

Can't say I've ever had a best friend, that is, someone I could point to and say without question stands out above everyone else I know in terms of what it means to be a friend and would say the same of me

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I had best friends once and it was great and then it sucked

I think I have a best friend, but I wouldn't want to reveal it because it might hurt my other friends' feelings. Also an emperor should conceal his wishes from his ministers so that they can't play patsy with him to gain favor.

Just as well, a man of your power has only pawns and enemies

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It's not a weird thing at all, it just means you care about everyone equally.

Why the heck are all my posts so damn flowery all the sudden.

Back on topic, I don't believe I have an official "best friend", just a lot of good friends. Honestly, there's no one I've ever met who I was confident with sharing secrets and the like with, I'm just too skeptical for my own good most of the time. Either way, it's fine, how you roll is how you roll, not everyone always has a best friend.

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Growing up, I thought everyone was my friend, which made me rather naive and innocent. Nowadays, I can only marvel at how much of a fool i was for being too trusting and oblivious, which led me to being used. So now, I went from everyone being my friends, to loneliness and solitude. But there were a few that I could call good friends, but I didn't see them often enough to get very close to them. As for my best friend, well she without a doubt is the only person I know that I can count on, even though I don't like to rely on her. Still, because of her, I now understand the actual value of having friends and surrounding myself with the right people and she has all of my trust

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I only have 5 really close friends and a girlfriend so yeah (I distance myself from almost everyone else)... I mean I've always had a few people I'm really close to, and before word got out that I'm a boxer who can run fast (and for a long time) I was bullied a lot. (I was overweight way back in elementary school) But now those people try to act friendly towards me and I know they only do it because most likely they are scared of me.

So outside of my family and the 6 people I'm really close to I don't trust anyone until I spend a fair amount of time with them. Oh right, just a question to the OP. You may not have a best friend but do you have close friends?

Edited by Junpei Iori
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