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Protean Greninja


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Care to add a bit more substance to this OP? I'm thinking this is best merged with another topic.

Edited by Shuuda
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The ability can backfire cause you change types and therefore inherit different weaknesses.

Unless the opponent predicts what move you'll use(which may or may not be difficult depending on how large Greninja's movepool is), this isn't much of a problem since you can change types immediately with Greninja's high speed.

But Greninja is still pretty frail regardless.

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4 slots syndrome...


Surf/hidro pump

Ice beam

Rapid Spin/ Recover

works better than whichever 4 moves greninja picks, i guess.

Also, in order to use some of those moves simultaneously, you have to run a mixed set, which might hurt his overall offense.

Edited by Nobody
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U-Turning into something more helpful should be pretty good with that kind of speed.

Is it confirmed if his type resets when he goes back into his Pokéball or is he going to remain with the last type he had?

Its type resets to water/dark

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overpowered? no, probably not

fun as hell to use? oh definitely. i've got a very good feeling about the mind games i could potentially play with a Protean Greninja, especially now i've seen in-game that Protean takes effect BEFORE the move does its thing. not sure whether that absolutely definitely means instant STAB, but i can dream right

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as i understand it, yes: they've redone the Hidden Power formula to both cut out base power determination and include Fairy

i was mostly thinking Toxic for both the obvious utility and to give it Fairy, Grass, Bug AND Fighting resists, and Spikes for an Electric resist. doesn't leave much room for a decent offensive spread (i don't think it gets Earthquake), but oh well

obviously with its frailty, sprouting resists isn't exactly going to make it 100% invincible, but idk i still find the idea amusing and it could be helpful in a pinch

Edited by bookofholsety
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