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Finally get the game - Pokemon Y PLATHROUGH TOPIC!

JSND Alter Dragon Boner

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Yeah, got lucky and got the game

In order to make it interesting I'm going to use a condition where "I should change my team before every gym based on what kind of species are catchable around the area"

For example, back in RBY I can only use say.... Bulbasaur until the second gym. During the second gym, I can only use Belsprout, Abra, Magikarp, Sandshrew/Ekans because they are alvailable right after the first gym, but before the second gym

And since I will type as I play, forgive me if there was a slight(or a lot of) mistype

That being said

- Language Selection

Wow thats new, and there's still no Indonesian Language?

*Chooses English

Proffesor Sycamore ask if I am a Boy or a Girl.


But theres not option to say so >_>

Name: JSND

Middle appearance

- Home

Wow, a fletchling pecked me, thats new

"Its a movie about a 72 years old with his cat pokemon"


Meanwhile, outside the home, two unknown girl is going to get their own pokemon

Silly girls, real mean ride Rhyhorm

"This is Trevor, he never miss a single question"


Nickname Time!

Because using my own nickname straight out is boring.....

Name: JSND

Nickname: The-O


Starter time! I picked a Female Chespin and name it Jet Icarus

Rival Battle #1:

Use Vine Whip and then use Tackle. I am surprised the game gives you such a nice move this early

On my way to the next town I caught

Pidgey Female - Lameberd


Fletchling Female - Nightwing

Scatterbug Male - Senbonzakura


For some reason this forest remind me of Viridian Forest, minus the super annoying Metapods.

And Poison

Especially the poison

Male Pansage - Dentist



Btw Strings Shot is now -2 on speed? wow

- Outside the forest

"Schoolboy Brighton want to battle"


- Santalune(?) Town


Got some Great Ball and some Free X Attack and Defense. Sweet

- First Gym Time!


Level 9 Chespin

Level 11 Fletchling

Level 3 Pidgey

Level 4 Pansage

Level 3 Scatterbug


Team: Surskit, Vivilion

Strategy: Chespin Rollout Solo

- Route 22

Now that we have finished the first gym, pokemon that is acquired before this route will be retired

New Captures:

Female Litleo - Shishioh

Male Bidoof - Quincomptnce

Female Bunnelsby - Digellytuff

Female Azurill - Asura


And.... I just realized im moving in the wrong direction so

- Route 4

EXP Share get. I turn it off for convenience

Female Flabebe - Fleridian

Thats it for my team for the second gym

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Time to go to the next town

- Route 4

Simple stuff, go around and get all the Items and beat everyone

Littleo is simply amazing with its STAB Headbutt

TM Return Get

- Luminose City

This town is hard to navigate hory shiet

"Sycamore used to be an assistant of prof.Rowan of Sinnoh"





Because Gen 4's Pokemon Battle in a children's room is not hardcore enough

Not to mention Gen 1 exist but eh

[spoiler=Pokemon on Laboratory]

Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle


Sycamore is pretty tough, if only because I forgot to heal at poke center

Either way, Litleo can handle them just fine. Squirtle is handled by Flabebe

Pick Bulbasaur - Female - Basilisaurus

I decided to try some Super Training so, sadly this is a short update

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But Chespin is not usable anymore :Kappa:

Anyway lets continue

After knowing where to go I decided to go to Route 5

- Double Battle vs Plusle and Minun

Basilisaurus & Quincompetence sweep. Quincompetence evolved into Bibarel for more FRAUD DETECTED

I decided to try some of the Resto Le Na fight before moving on, although thanks to buying Swords Dance, I need to sell some stuff to pay for it(3000)

They demand you to finish each battle in 2 turns


Le Nah



[spoiler=LTC on Pokemon]

It’s a 3 round fight against a pair of the Elemental Monkeys, for 200-ish EXP per fight for solid grinding spot. I manage a 7 Turns for 14 Mushroom

- Trevor

Basilisaurus used Sleep Powder. Yeah, figure the rest

Basilisaurus evolved into Ivysaur following the next battle with a trainer with a Kadabara

OTW to Camphrier Town

- Camphrier Town

Nothing much to do here. Got Thief TM from a house(with a pretty hilarious scene to boot), and go to the Palace…. Or something

- Route 7

Snorlax Snorlax on a bridge

Who’s the most powerful pokemon in GSC

Oh wait, its Snorlax

That being said, this is the same scenario as Gen 1, Snorlax blocked the bridge, and you need to get the Poke Flute from a Palace in route 6, so, backtrack to route 6

- Route 6

Mandatory trainer battles, and Azurill still won’t evolve

- Parfum Palace

Whoooooo, fetch quest! For some reason this remind me of Ilex Forest!

Including the part where they provide use with a Cut TM!

By the way I got Amulet Coin from the center Room above. Money, here I come

After I caught the damn dog, time to return to Route 7

- Route 7

Snorlax fight out of nowhere!

Thankfully Noble Roar + Sleep Powder OP

Female SNORLAX(Doom) GET!

Daycare Introduction, but thanks to the restriction, I won’t be able to breed some cool stuff

I decided to catch something and swap out Flabebe with Female Roselia(Amelia)

- Battle Chateau

Nice opportunity to train Amelia here! What with Clawitzer and Psyduck to use Mega Drain on

I beat them all and get the Title Viscount. Hopefully I can become a Virion in no time

Wait no, I don’t want his speed

[spoiler=Rival Battle]

Tiemo and Trevor vs Serena and Me

Pikachu + Flabebe


So, yeah switch out to Amelia and then Sweep

- Ambrette Town

Go to the lab and they suggested you to go into the Glittering Cave by

Wait for it



- Glittering Cave and the route before

Rhyhorn riding is kinda cool, but its SO ZETTA SLOOOOWWWWW

There was a Flying Battle Trainer, but I have none so….

The Cave

As for the cave;s population, there’s tons of Machops here and sometimes Lunatone, one of which almost swept my whole team >_>.

Diggelytuff evolves at level 20!

This cave marks the debut of Team Flare, with their(somewhat cool) themesong and surprisingly powerful team, or maybe its my team that is underleveled, I dunno. Did I mention their clothes are ridiculous? Its like Pansear trying to become a clone! But Its a human instead!

At the end of the cave, Fossil get! I choose Sail Fossil

On my way back to the town, I caught a Male Hipopotas and name it “Hipocrates”

And finally I revived a Female Amaura and name it “Auristotele”

I swapped my team up, for the record heres my current (usable) team

[spoiler=Gym 2 Team]


Shishioh – Lv 20 Female Litleo – Naughty(Unerve)

Quincomptn ce – LV 18 Male Bibarel – Bold(Unaware)

Asura – Lv 17 Female Azurill – Impish(Huge Power)

Amelia – Lv 18 Female Roselia – Rash(Natural Cure)

Hipocrates – Lv 16 Male Hippopotas – Sassy(Sand Stream)

Auristotle – Lv 20 Female Amaura – Modest(Refrigerate)


Basilisaurus – Lv 21 Female Ivysaur – Sassy

Digellytuff – Lv 21 Female Diggersby – Modest

Doom – Lv 15 Female Snorlax – Sassy

Fleridian – Lv 10 Female Flabebe – Lax

So, yeah that’s it for now, tune in next for maybe the second gym

And yeah this take TOO long for a gym to gym journey. Something is wrong

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Playthrough continue!

I decided to capture some new mons to expand my collection for postgame, and do some backtracking to Route 6:

Male Inkay - Revolier

Male Absol - Blister

Male Croagunk - Coner

Male Mienfoo - Wooshoo

Female Binacle - Anagle

Male Hawlucha - Not Named

Female Meditite - Modus

That being said I rushed to the gym, getting all the TM, and items in the process including golds such as Destiny Knot and Everstone.

Gym Time!


Team: Tyrantrum, Amaura

My Team: Absol, Hipopotas, Bibarel, Roselia, Amaura, Litleo

Whats more to say? Bibarel Sweep the team for lulz. Set up with X items, use Parlyz Heal, and then sweep

Team Review:

MVP: Roselia(Amelia). I can probably solo this portion of the game with this thing. Massive SP.A and good learnset not to mention fast level up.

Honorable Mention:

Absol - You can teach it Rock Smash and Swords Dance for a somewhat gimmicky, strong set up sweeper

Hipopotas - It learns Dig at level 19, which is where the fun starts. I taught it Protect for a combo with Yawn. Amazing capture machine

Litleo - Noble Roar is a good move, and amazing stats
Bibarel - Quincompetent/10

Amaura - DAT Take Down Takes down stuff.

Pokemon that I missed that might have been cool:

Scraggy - Its Scraggy. Nuff said

Kangaskhan - Catchable in Glittering Cafe IIRC. Would be awesome >_>

That being said, here's the team for Third Gym

Sylveesteer - Male Eevee - Timid(20)

Nan dezu ca? - Male Sygiliph - Relaxed(20)

Lorekahontas - Gollet - Docile(19)

Garmbllu - Snubull - Naive(21)

Trikeraitops - Electrike(21)


MOURDRE the Boulder - Impish Whismur(14)

Lets see how it fares against the next gym!

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Remember to turn the 3DS upside down when leveling Inkay :Kappa:

edit: dem evolution methods

someone make Jiglypuff evolve by seeing it from above!

Anyway now that it is fairly easy to go back, i decided to do some backtracking to Lumiose City.

2 Restaurant Fight allows Whismur to Catch up

I bought Buldoze because yes!

After this, I decided to do some runs of Battle Chateau, scoring myself a tons of pokedollars and Mourdre evolved into Loudred, and Grambllu into Granbull

I proceed into Reflection Cave

-Reflection Cave

I got the Gyro Ball TM and Rock Polish TM from the route IIRC, which is hilarious since those two did not work well together on Gollet lol

Tons of annoying random ecounter here, although thanks to Trike, I don't have as much of a hard time

Wobbufet - 6 Leer, 6 Howl, Spark

Everything else: Switches in Grambllu or Nan dezu ca?

Near the end of the cave Trikeraitops evolved into Macnetric

I caught Mr. Mime and name it Mimenotaurus and a Chingling, and bunch of Chingling naming one of it as Chinglebell

- Shalour City

I got the Sothe Balls from Ike, and give it to Sylveesteer, walking a bit and evolve it into Espeon

After this, I decided to move on to the Tower

- Tower of Lucario Boner

I decided to go to the middle room first, and after a long scene, Rival Battles!


- Meowstic

I started with Espeon to give it some EXP for Future Sight. Simple battle, switch in Moudre and watch it spam disarming voice for no apparent reason

- Absol

Buldoze it to death with Granbull

- Braixen

Future Sight and Psybeam from Sigyliph trivializes it. In fact, Sigyliph make it look like a joke

And now they demand you to beat the Gym, somehow, I miss the days when all you need to do is beat gym, and then move but I won't complain much

- Shalour Gym

Overall, the battles are so easy with Future Sights and Golurk around


I still questioned why this chick did not use her two Lucario

- Mienfoo

Reflect from Sigyliph and then Future Sight

- Machoke

I used Triple Charm by Granbull and then sweep Machoke, including wasting its Hyper Potion with my Macnetric

- Hawlucha

Charm Spamming with Granbull is basically a lockdown lol.

Future Sight away

"Alack, alay"

when did this become Indonesia, I dunno

And the jerk ask you to go to the Tower of Lucario Boner. Again

- Lucario Boner Obelisk

Thankfully this trip is not entirely.... useless, since it gives you Low Sweep TM

Also Mega Ring is comfy and easy to wear!

And to make you realize that these people are having a Lucario boner, you even got to have a Lucario battle, which gives yourself a Lucario.

Nickname: Skywalker

To close this portion of the game, Serena gives you the Surf TM! YES

That being said, Team review!

MVP: Sygiliph: Just amazing, beetwen its typing, and surprisingly massive bulk and attack at this part of the game, at least if you did not become overlevelled, which is easy to happen

Honorable Mention:

Granbull - Charm Spam & Intimidate trivializes a lot of battles. Sadly it need Buldoze and simmilar moves to fight its opponent


Loudred: Is never really that amazing in general. Like with most of the rest of the team, its a soemwhat Buldoze spammer that killed the opponent slowly

Gollet: Loudred with better typing. Trivializes the gym like a champ, but I have Sygiliph for that

Espeon: Future Sight OP

Macnetric: even with STAB Spark, it is not all that strong even after evolving, but this guy is MVP against Wobbuffet ecounters, which is something

- Hunting time at Route 12

I manage to get TONS of Heart Scales, so the team is going with

Quirky Tauros - Bullfsaar

Docile Slowpoke - Slowcrates

Docile Heracross - Herakleitos

Timid Tentacool - Storybrocool

Timid Chatot - Commando

Timid Exegutter - Exeggcute

Wow, this is perhaps the best team I ever had in this run

Time to proceed to the third gym

Also I take the free Lapras and name it Presiathan

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Quick double update, because 5th Gym portion is super short

- Gym 4:

After I move on to the town, I manage to get level 27 on Exeggcute and 30 on Tentacool with lucky egg

Tentacool learned this really amazing move that gives -2 Sp.D debuff on hit, practically being "Nasty plot". Eggy gets Egg Bomb on evo, and Confusion at 27

Another notable learn is Chatot learning Round, although it already have Round, and Tauros learning Work Up late into this part


Jumpluff is manhandled by Tauros Intimidate followed by switch around to Tentacool. Heracross loses thanks to Acrobatic being OP

Tentacruel solo wepinbell

Tauros sets up work up on Gogoat

Overall, this is an easy gym fight, no more thanks to my powerful team this time around

There's not much to say about the dungeon before Gym 5, Slowpoke + Tauros handles most of them

For the next gym I noticed the lack of species, you only get Dugtrio, Trapinch, Gible, and 2 Good Rod bait to play with

I decided to get:

Brave Clamperl - Blivalve

Timid Remoraid - Mortillery

Quirky Gible - Medeus

Also Chatot is carried for flying purposes, which is used as a Tank because I forgot to drop it

I grinded Medeus on Chateau, gathering money before the gym


With 2 advantages over my team, Clemont is THE hardest gym leader in the game so far, its not even a contest. This is actually a lucky win

Emolga starts by OHKO'ing my Clamperl with Volt Turn, and onto Magneton

I decided to go to Gible and set up HC, only to find out that it won't work.

While spamming Hype Potion, Mirror shot misses and I used the Dig - DC combo

Helioptle is easier, since Gible take Quick attack really well. I used X Defense and beat Helioptle after setting up Hone Claws, levelling Gible into 37 for Dragon Rush

Hone Clawed Dragon Rush stomps Emolga

Now, for the MVP

Gym 5:

This one is hard to judge for the nice pool of pokemon I used, but ultimately Chatot and Tauros get the title. Chatot already starts with Chatter, a pretty decent STAB at this point of the game, and can sing. Its definitely the best competitor on the team. Tauros need time to get going, using residual damage moves not unlike my previous team and Intimidate on switch.

Honorable Mention goes to Tentacruel and its Acid Surf Combo. Eggy is not worth the effort because Egg Bomb.... bombed, while Heracross usage is limited + Acrobatics is a bitch

Slowpoke does nothing of note

I DO reccomend trying a Sleep Powder/Return/Swords Dance/Bullet Eggy though

Gym 5:

Thanks to the fact that it does something beside dying, Gible gets the title easilly. Ultimately that delayed evolution only hurt my team in the long run

To be honest, my original strategy was to use Protect + Dugtrio for a trolly Stalling built, but I did not expect the gym having unique enemy detection system

The team for Gym 6 would be posted in the next update!

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Gym 6:

Team was:

Reaper - Male Haunter

Weenchester - Female Victreebel

Dagda - Male Sliggoo

Rupiah - Female Drapion

Gym Battle


Team: Mawile, Sylveon, Mr Mime

As usual, the AI of mr Mime prioritizes to screen before movin on, which allows me to do a lot of fun stuff

Mawile is handled by Toxicroak who spams its Buldoze

For Mr Mime, I ordered Weenchester to use Toxic and proceed to use Protect, followed by a switch to Dagda. Repeat until win.

Sylveon is Toxic Stalled with more or less same strategy

For this portion of the game, the MVP was Drapion. This is largely thanks to its Poison typing which means it does not get cockblocked by the gym

For Gym 7, and the journey to the place my team was

Asista-Cat - Female Liepard

Pwneard - Male Pawniard

Fairkey - Female Kelfki

Foomber - Female Amoongus

Hoggy Burr - Male Watchog

Murk'O - Male Murkrow


Following the Ice Cave, Murk'O is switched for Mynxie - Female Jynx

[spoiler=The Ice Cave]

This is the part where the game decided to throw severely overlevelled enemies on your face, and my strategy for most fight involves tanking with Amoongus at least after it evolves and gains significant boost in bulk

Watchog's Super Fang + T-Wave Combo is nothing short of amazing, and Kelfki has nice stats. Pawniard is not as strong as I hope it to be

For Team Flare's battle, Houndoom is defeated by Watchog's Combo followed by my offense.

After this cave Abomasnow Mega Stone GET! And turns out is one more town before the next gym!

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Gym Battle time


Olympia's "strategy" revolves around 3 relatively "Bulky" Psychic to wreck your team

And you can expect what happened when I have 2 immune and 1 weak

Strategy: Give Protect and Torment to the team

Protect against dangerous attack, Torment allows you to tank the weak link, because the game's lolAI is as simple as that

MVP: Klefki takes the spot. Super Bulky, nice all around stats, and hax ability. Dazzling Gleam and Foul Play is fairly amazing

For Team Flare portion, I caught Snover and name it The Snoorve

Most of the battles are done by my Espeon who have Synchronize to get myself a Timid Yveltal with aproximately these IV

HP: 10-11

ATK: 31

DEF: 30-31

SPA: 31

SPD: 29

SPE: 31

As for the battle against Lysandre


After Yveltal Oblivion'ed the Mienshao, and Dark Pulse'd the LION, Klefki sweep through Honckrow and Gyarados is slept by Chatot and get killed. Easy battle, even with team with comparable levels to Lysandre

Now time to move for the eight gym, and FOR GODS SAKE FIX THIS TOWN

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Along with The Snoorve, the team for 8th Gym is

Pup-paya - Female Pupitar

Culinairy - Male Basculin

Torkoal - Female

Lard - Male Sandslash

Bantquetball - Male Durant

And the important battle was


Shauna is trivialized by Abomasnow, with Greninja being unable to do shit, and the others being Goodra who does not deal enough damage. Delcatty is laughed at by Pupitar

Tierno - Talonflame is pretty dangerous after SD, so I OHKO it with Pupitar who is rather overlevelled because I explored the route before the fight!

Roserade and Crawdaunt loses to Abomasnow

Pup-paya evolves into

Wait for it




Trevor - Tyranitar kills Raichu, laugh at Aerodactyl, and switch into Abomasnow for the win


Most disapointing gym leader. I mean, most of my team is 6 teams under this guy and they stomped him. Thanks slow speed and lopsided defensive stats!

Abomasnow - Iron Head x2 from Durant

Avalugg - Torkoal uses Lava Plume

Cyrogonal - WOOD HAMMER

ICE BEAM and 8th Badge! Time for the Pokemon League!

MVP: Abomasnow. I actually used its Mega Form a lot, but it does not matter much. This thing wrecks and trivialized a lot of crucial fights. The best part is the fact that it is pretty underlevelled compared to its team member.

Now, for the pokemon league....

Yeah, too many cool pokemon in Route 21 - Victory Road. In particular, level 59 Zweilous and Noibat? Level 50 Dragonair really?

Theres also Gyarados in Route 22

GG game :Kappa:

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My team for the first Cave

Vadise - Male Dragonite

Bearminator - Male Ursaring

Justice - Female Swarm Scyther

Ludicolous - Male SS Ludicolo

2 Skarmory named Skramble

To easilly grind D nite, I used the Floatzel Horde which gives 5k exp a go. However, note that you have like 6 Rare Candy at this point of the game

The Weavile trainer is a problem because I refuse to catch Poliwrath, so I grind some and OHKO it with Scyther

[spoiler=Last Serena Battle]

Meowstic is trivialized by Skarmory

D Nite laugh at Absol

As for the 2 other scrubs, Ludicolo sets Rain Dance and Sweep like a baws

Before moving on, I hunted a Sturdy Skarmory and get it for the team.

In the second cave, after clearing the trainer, I got myself a Noibat, and evolve it into Noivern and give it Draco Meteor

So, here's the team for the League, maybe with some changes(such as MOAR Skarmory)

- Vadise - Male Dragonite

Hone Claws


Dragon Rush


- Bearminator - Male Ursaring

Scary Face



Rock Smash

Justice - Female Swarm Scyther

X Scissor

Night Slash



Ludicolous - Male SS Ludicolo

LEGEND - Male Sturdy Skarmory


Night Slash

Air Slash


- Windrider - Male Frisk Noivern

Draco Meteor


Super Fang


Edited by Eradicator Boner
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