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Rosalina Playable in Super Mario 3D World?


Playable Rosalina  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Rosalina will be playable in Super Mario 3D World based on what's shown?

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This article suggests that Rosalina is a playable character in Super Mario 3D World.


As you can see above, the stamp screenshot that was released seems to showcase player icons. Looks like Mario, Peach, Toad and Luigi's player icons fit perfectly into the stamp collection lineup, but what about that other icon that looks quite similar? Hit the jump to see some speculation.


Could these icons represent a playable Rosalina? We know that the Comet Observatory from Super Mario Galaxy appears in the game somehow, but we don't know the details behind it. With that said, the icons above certainly seem to correspond to Rosalina. There's even one with two Lumas surrounding it!

So what do you guys think?

I'm tempted to believe it since I don't see why else Rosalina would get a sticker icon in the same vein as Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad. Though at the same time, I'm quite doubtful that they'd pick Rosalina as a playable character over other characters like Yoshi and Wario. Either way, Rosalina's appearance in Super Mario 3D World is practically confirmed with the sticker silhouette.

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Will instantly go buy a preorder if this is true.

Also if it's true, then Rosalina just got in a mainstream Mario game BEFORE Waluigi haha.

Edited by Professor Palutena
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Will instantly go buy a preorder if this is true.

Also if it's true, then Rosalina just got in a mainstream Mario game BEFORE Waluigi haha.

Well, Rosalina was before as a non playable character while Waluigi was only created to serve as a partner for Wario in Mario Tennis

I find it unlikely but it would be really good if it was true.

One of those look a lot like Peach's, maybe Daisy?

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One of those look a lot like Peach's, maybe Daisy?

Ah, now that I look at it again, there is a stamp that appears to be Daisy! It's in the bottom right corner. Oh, if we can play as her too, I'll be even happier! I love Daisy!

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Of course. Out of the the three Mario Princess's she is my favourite. She's basically the mother of the universe(or is it galaxy?), has a neat backstory, and the lumas that accompany her are really cute and charming.

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