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I think my highlights are a Mudkip (it's pretty bad but there shouldn't be many Mudkips around), a really good Sneasel (doesn't have Knock Off though) and a female Marvel Scale Adamant Dratini with Extremespeed (and I think Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance and Dragon Rush). I also got a couple of Chimchars but those seem to get increasingly common.

If anyone wants any just tell me about it.

A Dratini?

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I think my highlights are a Mudkip (it's pretty bad but there shouldn't be many Mudkips around)

suddenly i'm legitimately curious as to whether that may have been one of mine. i've been throwing Mudkips into Wonder Trade and, well, i'm not exactly breeding for IVs, natures or anything else with them

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I may as well participate.

Lv34 Pumpkaboo (mine)->Lv4 Pansear->Lv3 Fletchling->Lv1 Bellsprout->Lv8 Furfrou->Lv1 Charmander. Stopped because it had egg moves and a good nature (Jolly).

Lv35 Pumpkaboo (mine)->Lv30 Garbodor->Lv1 Gastly->Lv1 Gible->Lv6 Combee->Lv22 Wobbuffet->Lv15 Luvdisc(f)->Lv30 Karrablast(j)->Lv7 Scatterbug->Lv18 Sentret(j)->Lv3 Fletchling(j)->Lv1 Piplup->Lv36 Weepinbell(s)->Lv2 Caterpie->Lv1 Fletchling. Stopped because Gale Wings.

And done because I don't want to do any more.

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