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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Yeah, it's always been like that. I believe dondon would argue that you should be able to see everything, which I continuously resisted when I was "in charge".

And Elie, send me the thing whenever you can and I'll try it out!

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I'm playing with my daughter and it just came to me as to how to easily add in Demosielle.

Clarification on hex/anathema means I'll be really close to deployment

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I was bored so I decided to rank the skills in the Awakening meta, as early as it may be:


Fighter (no ban)
Barbarian (no ban)
Dread Fighter (no ban)


Pegasus Knight
Wyvern Rider
Dark Mage




Dread Fighter



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Wouldn't a VLOOKUP(IF($A$1=X,"Value",FALSE) type of statement work? What are you going for here

@Espinosa; I want to send you a dropbox link tonight to my excel spreadsheet. It currently accounts for all but like 8 skills and provides a Forecast for battle (not the actual outcome yet).

I'm not sure how we're handling Hex/Anathema yet (I'm assuming that if an enemy H/A, that it's active only in battle, but Charm and Solidarity are active all the time? I need a bit of clarification on that. Other than those few aura skills, I have Weapon Triangle calcs, Forging, everything DLC related sans Shadowgift (even if we're ignoring it/banning it, it's still there just in case we want to test it in the meta in the future), effectiveness calcs, parents for all kids sans Morgan at the moment, and all character data for MAX STATS set in such a way that even children are accounted for, except currently Morgan (which I know how to set up, I just haven't done it yet). It gets a bit messy for kids but it's still pretty practically designed because at the moment, everything is populated into Data Validation Lists (drop down boxes) with the exception of Current Hit Points. Espi, if you've got a project in the works that's great but I'm like 85% done with a comprehensive FE:A LAMS and don't want you to burn time where it could be more optimally spent elsewhere ;)

All Weaponry, Forge accountability, Class Options and Skills based on Character and Class are already implemented, and I've even set up a display that checks for which skills activate in battle based on RN, and displays that skill and modifies Actual damage accordingly. Integrity actually chipped in and built a macro that performs a Max=100/Min=0 display for HIT/CRT/DMG in the Forecast. Saved me some time :D

I've also built in Gangrel, Aversa, Priam, etc.

I guess to say all that's left is:

  • Finishing up inclusion of Supports and Aura-type skills (after confirming their functionality in our simulated environment) After confirmation, I plan to have this done tonight
  • Accomodating for a few wildcard skills (Specifically: Vantage, Galeforce and Counter) I've got two ideas for handling Vantage and Galeforce but I have put that on the backburner as I want to finish the other things in this list first before I dcide how I want to handle this. Counter, I'm really not sure on; basically considering building a "Post-Round Damage Taken: Attacker" panel for healing, and just have Counter provide negative values where Lifesteal from Nosferatu/Aversa's Night, Sol and Lifetaker provide positive values towards HP. Actually I like this idea more than my other, I'll work on this.
  • Creating a dropdown list for Turncount Will be done tonight
  • Building Morgan into the system Just time consuming but I plan to have this done tonight
  • Accounting for Healing in a way that looks practical (Notably; Relief, Lifetaker, Sol, Renewal and Lifesteal from Nosferatu/Aversa's Night) See #2, since Counter is effectively a Post-NonMiss update, just inverted
  • I guess building in Shadowgift for Morgan & Aversa but this is really low priority
  • Creating the Forecast Outcome (which will display the actual damage taken per round, after weighing RN vs Calc'd values)
  • Updating the Copy/Paste Forecast Outcome into a format that looks nicer when pulling straight from Excel and pasting here into SF's post boxes
  • Handling HP after a battle has "occurred" (I think that this is something that should just be done manually since if you're running simulations to check for various outcomes, you can see what the damage/outcome would be but actually having it happen should be based on you, the user)
After finishing these all out, this can be translated into a GoogleSheets document, and while the dropdown menus won't work (since apparently Data Validation doesn't perform the same on GoogleSheets), all the data will be accountable for in a List type format where you can just type shit in and everything autopopulates where it needs to, such as stat values, etc

Creating an Averages version of this wouldn't be too difficult, I just need to create a new table for Avg Stats and replace that over the Max Class Stats table that i've already got built for this scenario

I think that when I'm done with this, it can be condensed heavily for a FE4/5 calculator (removing erroneous skills, units, forging and class variety selection). Removing Skills, sans Lethality, would pretty much give you a FE6/7 simulator, and leaving in some skills for the FE8 skills would have it function perfectly for an FE8 simulator. Those'll be my next projects.


If Anybody has a Skype and would like to have me give them a brief showing of the progress made already, let me know either here or PM my inbox and I'll give you a visual demonstration. I'm not quite ready to release it to the public as I want to finish 1-5 on my list before pushing this out

**Edit 2**

In what order does Aether proc? Luna, then Sol? I just had a hilarious idea of Aether procc'ing 8 times

Just noticed that in a Link Arena scenario, I don't think Relief should ever ever activate, since it's description is Recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn if no units are within a 3 tile radius.

That being said; I've actually pretty cleanly introduced Counter and the like, into the Forecast system. I'm still tweaking it but will likely have it done by tonight.

Anathema	.
Hex		.
Galeforce	.
Vantage		Currently Implementing, good progress made
Bond		Currently Implementing, good progress made
Lifetaker	.
Counter		Currently Implementing, good progress made
Shadowgift	.

Dual Guard+	-Not Implementing?
Dual Strike+	-Not Implementing?
Dual Support+	-Not Implementing?
Relief		-Not Implementing?
Indoor Fighter	-Not Implementing?
Outdoor Fighter	-Not Implementing?

That's my progress on skills with reference to everything. All other skills are fully implemented. I'm a bit behind on the Forecast because last night at 1am I decided to completely revamp it to make it about 400% more useful.

ToDo List now:

  • Finish the above skills
  • Supports
  • Set up Morgan
Edited by Elieson
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You should recover the HP when no other unit is left alive. Still don't see anyone actually bothering with this skill outside of averages meta where everyone only has 4 skills (or do they?).

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You should recover the HP when no other unit is left alive. Still don't see anyone actually bothering with this skill outside of averages meta where everyone only has 4 skills (or do they?).

In a Tier 1 Meta, it might work out?

*I updated the post above since you replied, Espi* Sorry I didn't send it to you, I've been so busy trying to finish setting up the Forecast that I didn't want to send you a half:done sheet. In theory, Relief only works when nobody is near you. If you're the last unit alive, enemies have no choice but to be near you. That's why I think it's removable-worthy.

I'm still building it in (All I'd need to do to change how it works is force the HP recovery bonus to H*0.2 instead of 0 like it's currently set at)

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Forgot to say, but the rankings reflect the tiers of class sets (e.g. Barbarian class set including Barbarian, Warrior and Berserker skills).

Wasn't sure about Thief's placement because literally the only usable skill is Lucky Seven, assuming Lethality is banned (maybe I should've included a 'Thief (no ban)' as well... but then Myrmidon should also probably go up). Lucky Seven is admittedly quite a rocking skill however.

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Thieves are good since they give access to the Lucky Seven skill and the fastest class (well, Swordmasters give Assassin and Vantage/Swordfaire/Avoid+10/Astra). Thieves can't be that high because Lucky Seven is like the only skill they give that's beneficial, other than Lethality (which is subject to).

Priest/Cleric higher because Miracle is just that good

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Well Hex/Anathema were surprisingly easy to build in.

To Do

Fix selectable dropdown list for all Robin Classes
Fix selectable dropdown list for all Robin Skills
Fix selectable dropdown list for all Morgan Classes
Add selectable dropdown list for all Morgan Skills
Add selectable dropdown list for all Morgan Parents
Finish coding Relief and Bond
Add in damage modifiers to account for increased pre-crit damage for Ignis, Luna, (Aether's Luna) and Vengeance
Create Multiwindow for FORECAST, accommodating for Braves and Vantage
Create condensed CopyPasta "Results" Screen
Spotted a glitch with teams that run the same unit, which is a problem for my redesign. I'll figure this one out later as in a Drafting meta, things still work properly

Unsure of how to approach, I don't think I really need to mess around with code since it's essentially just another turn, but for one specific unit
Not sure if this is really worth coding, since updating HP is pretty much a manual thing in my system and you'd have to be braindead to not be able to add 1/2MaxHP-to-Current-HP
Sort of ramshackle, but it's being implemented

Dual Guard+	-Not Implementing
Dual Strike+	-Not Implementing
Dual Support+	-Not Implementing unless I introduce Supports
Indoor Fighter	-Not Implementing
Outdoor Fighter	-Not Implementing

Do the bottom 5 skills being _excluded_ from the FE13 Calc Sheet sound like a decent idea for everyone?

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If it's easier and quicker to do some of the parts manually, then that's good (after all, you have to ask the player if they're using the Galeforce turn). It doesn't happen to render the outcome as HTML, does it?

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After I get everything finalized in the Forecast, it will don't worry.

Espi, I can't get into my Dropbox, but I can e-mail. What's your gmail? (PM it to me if)

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Actually forget that. I'm releasing the beta.

Fire Emblem Awakening Link Arena Mod Sheet V.BETA|0.8

Step 0: This currently requires MS Excel. If you do not have MS Excel on your computer, this won't work at all.

Step 1: Download the link above by clicking the big blue letters, which happens to also be this link right here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwg2Se_NpeouVFdKaE1JMGw3WHc/view?usp=sharing

Step 2: Unzip it

Step 3: Open it up, and be sure to enable Macros (otherwise a few of the Forecast options will come out looking really funny) *Thanks to Integrity for this code*

Step 4: When operating it, fill in your Team Data entirely using the Battling_Teams Sheet

Step 5: Jump to the Forecast Sheet.

Step 6: Manually type in your Turn # in A2 to calculate skills like Lucky Seven, Odd Rhythm, etc, into the Forecast sheet, and also to backcalculate numbers into the Battling Teams sheet.

Step 7: Select in Cell A4, the Attacker, and in Cell A6, the Defender. It's color coded and really easy to spot, and it's dynamic based on your team (Left Player is the top half, Bottom player is the right half, separated by a Separation line).

Step 8: To see your battle outcome (i.e. Damage to opponent per swing), Forecast displays this in B19 and B20. Everything else exists for calculation purposes, and also for verification


  • A few things are incomplete, noted above in my other post.
  • This is currently only a Max Stats simulator.
  • You can still type in the cells that have Dropdown lists, just be aware that if your text doesn't match up with the list requirement, a popup error will yell at you to try again. Inserting "Lonqu" for instance, will give you an error and make you try again.
  • The Forecast sheet will eventually include scenarios for all possible battle instances due to doubling on either side, vantage activating, brave strikes and battles that don't result in a counter occurring (1-range v non-1 range, and Siege tomes)
  • A new sheet will be created called Outcome, which will display the results of your Forecast, into a simple Copy/Paste format for you as the host to throw into threads like this one. I can't really work on this yet because Forecast needs to be done.
  • In the Battling Teams sheet, this is where you Manage your HP (in Row 9).
  • Robin and Morgan don't really work, so please don't select them at this time
  • There exists a DropDown list for the rows for each Character, Parent, Skills, Weapon (E) and Tier 1 Class. • Battle Class and • Forge Type update based on your selection of Weapon (E) and Tier 1 Class. Pretty much everything is based off of selecting a Character, though. You'll see when you get there.
  • Weapon (1) - Weapon (5) is all placeholder information slots for you, the host (or the player if they want to run mocks). These don't calculate into anything.
  • Supports pretty much don't exist, that's why it's grey'd out
  • Selecting a new Character will not replace Class/Skills/Weaponry information. Numbers will still calculate. If you select Chrom->Lord->Great Lord (M)->Silver Lance, and then change Chrom to Cordelia, Cordelia will still be calculated as a Great Lord (M) with a Silver Lance. Just be wary that if you're updating a character, update them completely before proceeding to the Forecast.
  • Highlighting a bunch of cells and hitting the Delete key will clear things out pretty effectively. Feel free to do this only for Rows 2-7 and Rows 28-42 in the Battling_Teams sheet. Doing this to other cells will pretty much blow up the calculator.
  • Currently, if you build teams with same-units (Say, you're both running Brady), the Forecast accounts for the left-most Brady in the Battling Teams sheet. I need to tweak a bit of code on that but for now this gets the job done. Temp Fix; Change the name of the Left Player's unit temporarily in BATTLING_TEAMS, then unselect+reselect the correct unit in FORECAST
  • Brave forges currently don't accommodate for Crit. I'll have this done eventually but there's far more to be done with calculations so for now if you want to account for crit, just leave the Forge Type cell empty and add in your own numbers
  • Banned things can still be selected and calculate properly, like Aggressor. Use judgment and fill the sheets out properly when running mocks,


  • Fix issue where having the same unit on each team causes a calculation error *See above for temp workaround*
  • Add Supports/PairUp/Dual Atk&Grd?
    • Complete Bond and Relief implementation (for proper Vengeance calculation and for copypaste details for OUTCOME)
    • Add all possible Robin Skills/Classes for dropdown list selection
    • Add all possible Morgan Skills/Classes/Parents for dropdown list selection
    • Add defensive procs into calculations (Miracle, Pavise and Aegis)
    • Build in Forge mechanic for Crit handling
    • Add dropdown list for Turncount
      • Finish FORECAST so that a completed battle is brought up, not just a single strike of combat
      • Create OUTCOME
      • Build a version of this for Averages!NoReclass

When the above is done (Supports and BugFix aside), Alpha Ver.1.0 will be released.

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I compiled this list earlier to see which units could stand a chance to not get doubled by Speed+2!Assassin/SM!SpeedAsset!RobinF, limited strictly to parents meta:

Parents speed tiers

52 - Assassin/SM!RobinF
50 - FalconKnight!RobinF, Assassin/SM!RobinM
49 - Valkyrie/Trickster!RobinF
48 - Berserker!RobinM, Bride!RobinF, DarkFlier!RobinF, Hero!RobinF

49 - FalconKnight!Sumia, Assassin/SM!Lon'qu, Assassin!Panne, Assassin/SM!Olivia, Assassin/SM!Say'ri
48 - SM/Assassin!Sully, Assassin/SM!Gaius, FalconKnight!Cordelia

One needs 48 speed to avoid getting doubled by such an MU, and the list of units who can accomplish that is quite narrow indeed. However, a) Speed+2 takes up a skill slot and may never result in you doubling anyone on the opposite team, b) Assassin/SM raw stats are rather mediocre outside of speed and skill, c) it seems like Assassins are nowhere near comfortable just casually attacking people and expecting to get away with it for too long.

But yeah, among parents, these are the fastest of the fastest before weapon bonuses, like Yewfelle, Forseti and Balmung.

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Berserker is a good class in this setup IMO because of the speed to avoid getting doubled, Axefaire and Weapons with 1~2 range and Def+5 (also Titania's Axe lul). Assassins aren't that threatening sadly, bar their huge speed. Its kinda balanced, in a strange yet nice.

Espi have u checked out my sheet?

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Are Walhart, Aversa, Yen'fay and Priam banned? I don't see any reason for them not to be, they're not better than the parents are really.

Oh also Emmeryn and Gangrel, I forget about them.

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Id allow them in; emm is essentially Lissa. Gangrel might be interesting, as would YenFay thanks to rutgerspeed

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Yeah Elie, I'm about to try it out (been LTCing Shadow Dragon)...

Some thoughts on the postgame units -

Gangrel - same class set as Henry (Thief/Dark Mage/Barbarian), but with different modifiers. Could be a faster Sorc. Also, fastest non-MU zerker?

Walhart - don't see much point in a Conqueror. It's a faster General with poorer strength/defence? +4 str/def is neat if you want to run a mean General with a bunch of breaker skills from the Wyvern Rider class set.

Emmeryn - Lissa clone with higher mag/spd.

Yen'fai - Myrmidon/Archer/Wyvern Rider with +4 spd modifier. Yeah, he's ridiculous.

Aversa - interesting class set combo of Peg Knight/Wyvern/Dark Mage. Shadowgift allows her to use dark mage as Dark Flier or Dark Knight (useful for Tomebreaker mirrors?).

Priam - Merc/Myrmidon/Fighter. Fuck this guy.

I suppose there's no reason to keep these out of the meta (if anything, players can agree to exclude them).

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Horace and ZM, PM me (and for the time being, Espinosa) with your teams.

Proposed Rules (if you both agree, I'll RN who selects first):

  • Any Unit (No children)
  • Draft Selection (Alternate picking, RN selects who goes first)
  • Robin!M and Robin!F count as unique units
  • Max Stats
  • Aggressor, Counter and Lethality are banned
  • Bond restricted to one instance per team
  • No equipment restrictions, but Brave Weaponry cannot be forged (Waste/Celice's Gale included)
  • No Supports structured, PairUp and Dual [Atk/Grd] not accounted for
  • Posted teams will not reflect augmented stats via weaponry or skills
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