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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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whoops ninja'd

I feel like Eirika's Blade might make sense as a more accurate but less powerful brave (but since sword users don't seem really inaccurate in this setting, maybe not).

Book of Naga might make sense to add in, as it bolsters def/res pretty good and might find use in a team that doesn't require its magic users to rely on Mic's Pyre for a slightly less defensive but more offensive option (plus Wyvern/Manakete decimation for the random-yet-likely Nah and Manakete-born Morgans out there)


Simplest way to test maybe something; have a Lv30 Bride attack a Lv.20/20 anybody with an Underdog bow and see what happens?

Edited by Elieson
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whoops ninja'd

I feel like Eirika's Blade might make sense as a more accurate but less powerful brave (but since sword users don't seem really inaccurate in this setting, maybe not).

Book of Naga might make sense to add in, as it bolsters def/res pretty good and might find use in a team that doesn't require its magic users to rely on Mic's Pyre for a slightly less defensive but more offensive option (plus Wyvern/Manakete decimation for the random-yet-likely Nah and Manakete-born Morgans out there)


Simplest way to test maybe something; have a Lv30 Bride attack a Lv.20/20 anybody with an Underdog bow and see what happens?

i forgot about seige tomes being a thing

book of naga is in there

I don't think Eirika's Blade will ever be useful but i'll add it I guess

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I'm still stuck at

Step 4: When operating it, fill in your Team Data entirely using the Battling_Teams Sheet

Step 5: Jump to the Forecast Sheet.

It's a bit too confusing for me. My Excel sheets are always way simpler (since I only remember a couple of tricks from high school).

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I'm still stuck at

It's a bit too confusing for me. My Excel sheets are always way simpler (since I only remember a couple of tricks from high school).

Step 4: Enter both teams' data

Step 5: Pick the battling units

Have you checked it out and running into confusion, or are you just unsure after reading the README thing as to what to expect

Edited by Elieson
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  • 3 weeks later...

We should really finish the Awakening game we started / play some more games. I could finish hosting Horace vs. ZM if Elie is too busy with IRL and imported FE Fates.

Also, I've been looking at the FE if data we've got on-site and I keep thinking what sort of Link Arena metagame that could create. Some skill highlights:

Diamond Strike - When user triggers the battle, physical damage received -10 (Great Knight)

Defensive Formation - During battles, neither the user or enemy can double attack (General)

This basically means units with Knight classset access (MU, Effie, Benoit, their spouses) are fearsome physical walls on player phase, and can't be doubled by magic anymore (in Awakening, Generals seem to be only afraid of effective weaponry and tome users, i.e. Sorcs, and Walhart isn't vulnerable to the former).

Deadly Breath - When user triggers the battle, enemies withIN a 2 tile radius have their HP reduced by 20% after the battle (Revenant Knight)

Overbearing - Unless enemy is on a mount, damage +5 (Revenant Knight)

Mounts haven't been particularly viable in many of the Link Arena metas thus far, so this could be big, and 20% HP damage to allies is huge so I can totally see this skill needing a ban, much like Counter or Lethality. Revenant Knight appears to be very viable for skills, even if you don't stay in it.

Odd Cry - Recover 40% HP at the start of odd-numbered Turns (Managarmr)
Even Nap - Recover 40% HP at the start of even-numbered Turns (Nine-tailed Fox)

These are even more potent than Renewal, and should activate just as often unless we revise what we understand by a "turn". Depends on how good the Managarmr/Fox class is overall taking the stone bonuses and everything into account, but this skill can always be employed by another class.

Strength Seal - After battle, enemy’s Strength -6 until the next Turn (Weapon Master)

Line of Death - During battles, damage +10, damage received +10 (Weapon Master)

Weapon Masters look really scary. You could debuff a unit who could be a potential threat (I guess 'untl the next Turn' implies we -should- make a turn include both PP and EP...), or deal a crapload of damage while putting yourself at risk. What's more, you will never know what skill the WM has until you engage them in combat. Line of Death seems useful with bow users, but they'll have to take damage back on the enemy's turn...

Swallow Strike - When user triggers the battle, double attack threshold +5 (Pegasus Warrior)

Yeah, what the hell.

Mirror Strike - When user triggers the battle, magical damage received -20 (Falcon Warrior)

Kind of a big boost. This might make the caster units a lot less desirable since you can tank them so easily with this equipped.

Sun God - Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn (Golden-kite Warrior)

Will need some kind of clause because you can make unkillable teams of five with this. Way more potent than Bond (1/5 HP over 1/8).

Prescient Victory - When user triggers the battle, damage +4 (Bowman)

Raven Strike - When user triggers the battle, Hit rate +40 (Holy Bowman)

Much better than the crap we had in Awakening. Good earlygame units if you throw in Bowfaire. Holy Bowmen also have S bows and are hard to double. If you can marry one of these to a Pegasus Warrior, you could actually double while avoiding a counter yourself. Seems about as serious as Rolf/Shinon back in PoR days, and Takumi is said to have an OP bow of his own.

Personal skills are also definitely worth investigating, and some of them really make units stand out among others who access the same skills.

Galeforce is exactly as potent as in Awakening, except available to way more units. I can't say more because I don't understand how FE if inheritance works very well.

Shura's Counter will have to be banned; no doubt about it.

A lot of the skills that used to affect hit/avo now affect damage and defence. Pretty good for reliability, but Lucky Seven is still a thing and could be useful on units with Adventurer access and something to do earlygame (shoot arrows? Adventurer already does that).

Classes' caps also seem surprisingly balanced, and a lot of classes can avoid getting doubled by the likes of Trueblades (who are one-dimensional due to swordlock).

I have a feeling the great variety in weapon choices will make many options viable and situationally useful.

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i don't have the time to read through all the fe14 stuff right now, but I think the game with ZM and I was more or less over anyhow, so we agreed to end it.

I'd be up for hosting or playing more games though. My thwomp team was more of a joke team than anything (I even had def+2 on walhart I think) but it actually turned out to be decent, but I think Sorcerors are just better versions of generals since they can heal on counter all the time. They aren't invulnerable against the weak speedy classes I guess, but their defence is still pretty good.

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Oh my god I completely forgot that I was hosting a game after I left for my trip, I just figured you guys would finish it off without me

I'm soooooooooooooooooo sorry

I really don't want to dive into FE14 until we get english translations and a better understanding of how much availability exists with what weaponry exists and all that jazz, as well as a more confirmed averages growth meta.

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I can host the next game. My proposal is reverse sandbag drafting, i.e. two players deliberately try to give each other teams that are as crappy as they can find (choosing just the units).

There are probably many ways to draft in this game. If we strive for more class variety, we could draft for classes instead and let the players decide the units for said classes. With reverse drafting, this could enable the drafting of poorer classes like Taguel and Trickster (but it's best to ban Villager not to have any deadweight units).

I'd be up for hosting or playing more games though. My thwomp team was more of a joke team than anything (I even had def+2 on walhart I think) but it actually turned out to be decent, but I think Sorcerors are just better versions of generals since they can heal on counter all the time. They aren't invulnerable against the weak speedy classes I guess, but their defence is still pretty good.

Well, Walhart hasn't got a whole lot of skills due to Conqueror taking up one of the three class set slots, but Def+2 isn't such a bad skill to have on a General. Helps to tank lower-str units out there.

Sorcs and Generals both do have good staying power (not sure how well a General takes a +5 Hammer from a zerker though), but the classes are way too different IMHO. Different weapon ranks and offensive stat, speed tier (Avatar and Gangrel can avoid getting doubled by non-46s pretty easily) and defences, to name a few.

Fates!General looks a lot more OP; not getting doubled and tanking lower-str targets with ease.

And yeah, I'd rather not touch Fates LA at all until we know everything there is to know about it. Always happy to TheoryFE though!

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I'm up for the 1-of-each-class-per-team thing, just to spark up some variance in gameplay. Sure, we'll likely see a Sorcerer and Assassin on every team, but the rest is up for grabs, since Generals, Sages, Swordmasters, Berserkers and _I Guess_ Heroes/Grandmasters/GreatLords are all somewhat viable in this world.

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I'm not even sure if Assassin/SM is such a good class anymore, especially after Lethality's ban. Doubling sorta checks some classes, but you still often end up taking more damage in a counterattack, I've noticed. I guess there's always the -faire skills...

If anyone's up to face Elie, we could launch a PM draft thingy any time and then start battling.

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I'm not even sure if Assassin/SM is such a good class anymore, especially after Lethality's ban. Doubling sorta checks some classes, but you still often end up taking more damage in a counterattack, I've noticed. I guess there's always the -faire skills...

If anyone's up to face Elie, we could launch a PM draft thingy any time and then start battling.

I think Assassin is a good class in the sense that Doubling with Bows (and Bowfaire) is an instant 10 damage, and it allows Lethality as a filler skill for 15-ish% lul'ing.

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  • Any Unit (No children)
  • Draft Selection (Alternate picking, RN selects who goes first)
  • Robin!M and Robin!F count as unique units -< could use better wording ("RobinM and RobinF mutually exclusive"? idk)
  • Max Stats
  • Aggressor, Counter and Lethality are banned
  • Bond restricted to one instance per team
  • No equipment restrictions, but Brave Weaponry cannot be forged (Waste/Celice's Gale included)
  • No Supports structured, PairUp and Dual [Atk/Grd] not accounted for
  • Posted teams will not reflect augmented stats via weaponry or skills

What you posted a couple pages back.

Appears to be universal for all Awakening metas, except it never hurts to investigate the kids' meta, forego drafting or play with average stats (we still need to count the number of available boosters). Some sort of -no reclass/infinite boosters meta- is also viable, I'm guessing, so I put the modifiable stuff in italics.

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Aren't Awakening boosters infinite due to Anna merchants?

Yeah, but that's also the case in FE8 for example, but we still had a limited boosters averages meta, because it's more interesting when there is some level of customisation available and yet characters are still different from each other (which a max stats/infinite boosters meta doesn't exactly allow).

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Aren't Awakening boosters infinite due to Anna merchants?

Yeah, but that's also the case in FE8 for example, but we still had a limited boosters averages meta, because it's more interesting when there is some level of customisation available and yet characters are still different from each other (which a max stats/infinite boosters meta doesn't exactly allow).

This, pretty much

I'll play any meta; if Anon needs a buddy i'll dive in, but I won't play him in anything pre-6

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