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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Switched Gatrie with Zihark and Stefan, and boosted Brom to the bottom of Top. Elie, do you have a preference? If it's the difference between you being in or out, i'll gladly go with your preference. Otherwise, I prefer 3x

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Yep. And just so people don't have to go back to my old post (page 33, #657 FTR), the banned units for this battle are:












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Hey guys. Elieson just needs to make a few adjustments to his team, and then we will be ready to start. No sign of PKL yet I guess, so we'll probably have both matches running at the same time at some point today.

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I hope our teams are different enough! Though even with similar teams, it can be hard to figure out what to do, it seems. In stall, there's really no 'safe' way to use up your turn if you don't have Ilyana (and Ilyana without Gatrie/with Gatrie dead whiffs a lot with siege).

I also wanted to raise the question of Giffca's Roar. Should he be able to reach Ilyana with it? Imagine Hawkeye vs me, same teams, but Giffca instead of Tibarn on my team. I can Roar Ilyana everytime my turn comes up, no sieging or chip on Hawkeye's side and Hawkeye becomes the one who need to make dangerous decisions on whom to attack. It's a little silly. Then imagine there are Giffcas on each side. We can exchange Roars until the end of eternity that way.

A rule that could be implemented is that Roar cannot be used twice in a row... but even then, a lot of commands will be "Roar Ilyana". I mean, stall is stall but way to make the match take like 40 turns.

Overall, Giffca seems every bit as stally as Tibarn, except without a bow weakness and not reliant on (very likely) procs. He hits quite a bit harder too, especially when doubling.

Edited by Espinosa
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If attacks can't target Ilyana, I see no reason why Roar would be able to. Also, should Vortex be an option for Naesala?

It's innate and not really game breaking. I don't see why it should be banned

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Because Roar isn't an attack? The issue remains if the two players, for example, remove Ilyanas with Nasir/Lucia, and then just Roar each other every turn. We haven't tried using Roar in any way yet and Giffca still looks like the most competent Royal, so I suppose it wouldn't be much of an issue if we banned it entirely?

Alternative: Giffca's Roar is a command that can be used once during a match at any point, without preventing the user from acting on the same turn. Has nice situational value.

Vortex: Yeah, I don't see why not. Little point in using it, though.

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Espinosa vs The Protown SK

Rule changes:

3x effective might

Top-tier units are banned

Espinosa's Team:



The Protown SK's Team:


Espinosa's team was submitted first, so he gets the numbers 0-49 The Protown SK gets the numbers 50-99.

RN: 44

The RNG has decided that Espinosa will get to act first. Choose your character, his/her weapon and your target.

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dat innate wrath is scary, indeed

But she doesn't support anyone on your team


Edited by The Protown SK
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Espinosa's Team:



The Protown SK's Team:



Turn 1

The Protown SK's Muarim transforms!

Espinosa's Rolf (Brave Bow) attacks The Protown SK's Marcia (Brave Lance)!

15x2 damage 100% hit 10% crit 13% skill

(35 23 69 67)

Marcia takes 15 damage!

(78 1 82 37)

Marcia takes 15 damage!

Both sides survive the fight!



Rolf 45/45

Zihark 45/45

Marcia 43/43

Kieran 50/50

Tauroneo 52/52

The Protown SK

Tauroneo 52/52

Rolf 45/45

Marcia 13/43

Zihark 45/45

Muarim 61/61

The Protown SK acts next!

Edited by Hawkeye
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I doubt myself, AND THAT HAPPENS. Ugh

Rofl, use Mirror Move on enemy Marcia! [brave Bow thay flying Hoe]

Inb4 what you thought would happen to you, happens to me

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