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Making a Dedenne


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I'm trying to use Dedenne competitively, but I need help in order to do that. I have tested and can confirm that Cheek pouch restores 33% hp when using a berry, so combined with Sitrus Berry that would be 58% hp gain. And Dedenne has Parabolic charge, making healing even better. But the thing is, Dedenne is pretty fragile, so this set might not work. This is the set I was originally going to go with:

Nature: Timid

Evs: 252 speed, 252 sp attack, 4 hp

Item: Sitrus Berry

Ability: Cheek Pouch


Parabolic Charge

Grass knot

Something else

Can somebody help me with a moveset for Dedenne?

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There's its stats and moves and stuff. I admit, it has low defenses, but what about Sub, Swagger, Parabolic Charge, and Grass Knot? Or toxic instead of swagger, either one, but that would be decent at least. With 252 hp/sp attack and 252 speed evs, it would be decent against the right pokemon.

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Teach it Nuzzle to paralyze and outspeed Luvdisc in the rain.

A strong stab Thunderbolt will KO any Delibird that dares to stand in your way.

Parabolic Charge will recover from a Choice Specs Hidden Power assault from Unown.

And U-turn or Volt Switch to bail out after getting Teeter Danced by Spinda.

Use these moves and you will achieve greatness.

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Teach it Nuzzle to paralyze and outspeed Luvdisc in the rain.

A strong stab Thunderbolt will KO any Delibird that dares to stand in your way.

Parabolic Charge will recover from a Choice Specs Hidden Power assault from Unown.

And U-turn or Volt Switch to bail out after getting Teeter Danced by Spinda.

Use these moves and you will achieve greatness.

Are you trying to say Dedenne sucks? Because it looks like you are naming "challenging" opponents for Dedenne.

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But it's not that terrible

someone's in denial

anyway we don't know its egg moves yet (since it probably has egg moves) but its current movepool is nothing special and cheek pouch is pretty useless. 58% healing is inconsequential on a pokemon with 67/57/67 defenses that's neutral or weak to 12 types. don't even bother going defensive. parabolic charge is also really weak.

if it gets encore as an egg move, that's a must-have on any set. it's still outclassed by emolga, though.

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You certainly have your work cut out for you.

Why are you wanting to use Dedenne?

If it's because you like the Pokemon, then do a Choice Specs set with Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Grass Knot and Hidden Power Ice. This gives you optimum special attacking performance on a Pokemon that needs all the offensive help it can get.

If it's because you think it'd good, then... I can almost guarantee that there is something out there that can do it better. Physically offensive sets would be outclassed by Electivire, Zebstrika and Luxray, while specially offensive sets are outclassed by pretty much every other electric type out there, except for Pachirisu who at least has Super Fang. Defensive sets, like your Cheek Pouch set, are outclassed by the more defensive Rotom, Lanturn and Zapdos. Cheek Pouch seems like a good ability on paper, because 58% is a lot of HP. However, it's so frail that I'd be curious to see how often you can get it to activate reliably.

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Why would you seriously use Dedenne...?

Only thing it can do better than other Electric-types is switching into Dragon-type moves. And look like it should mega evolve into Raichu

If it's Cheek Pouch you want to try, you could try Diggersby. That thing looks more defensive than Dedenne.

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Seriously thou aren't there infinitely better berries to use for this ability than Sitrus? Pinch berries, weakness reduction berries and lum berry cime to mind. Considering their actuvation demands, pinch and weakness reduction berries would not mind a free sitrus berry effect.

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But it's not that terrible

The only stat it has that is decent is speed. And his movepool and ability are unremarkable. It's gonna faint as soon as one of the top tier pick happen to sneeze at it. Let's not forget EQ is one of the most used move in serious moveset. And we're not even counting the mega evos.

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Well it doesnt matter how "bad" Dedenne is because the rest of my team is VERY good and strong, so i can use at least 1 "non-competitive" pokemon. And i was looking for the weakness reduction and pinch berries, but idk where their locations are.

The pinch berries can be gotten through berry mutations, as described in this Serebii page. Also, the weakness reduction berries that I know of are located in the following places:

Kasib Berry Tree: Route 20

Roseli Berry Tree: Route 14

Tanga Berry Tree: Route 22

Wacan Berry Tree: Route 18

Yache Berry Tree: Route 19

Edited by Gcubedude
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