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Did ever Fire Emblem have a narrator?


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Radiant Dawn has a voiced narrator. And there is a narrating voice in the Path of Radiance ending too.

EDIT: Oh, you mean did FE ever NOT have a narrator. Misleading thread title is misleading. >.>

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Uh, I don't recall the DS remakes having one.

Awakening sort of has one at the end of the 1st arc, but that's so small the game as a whole can be considered not to have a narrator. Kind of fitting considering the non-linear nature of the game.

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Fire Emblem 3 definitely has one. We fortunately got the scripts on this site:

Chapter 6: Trap of Lefcandy

Map opening

After liberating Orleans, the allied army marched south along the central road, towards Akaneia’s royal capital, Pales.
Their most difficult challenge is the countless forts situated at Lefcandy Valley.
As well as the guarding “Dragon Knights”; Macedonian White Knights commanded by General Minerva.
At Lefcandy, the only passageway to the Kingdom of Akaneia, an intense battle is about to start.

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Fire Emblem 3 definitely has one. We fortunately got the scripts on this site:

Chapter 6: Trap of Lefcandy

Map opening

After liberating Orleans, the allied army marched south along the central road, towards Akaneia’s royal capital, Pales.

Their most difficult challenge is the countless forts situated at Lefcandy Valley.

As well as the guarding “Dragon Knights”; Macedonian White Knights commanded by General Minerva.

At Lefcandy, the only passageway to the Kingdom of Akaneia, an intense battle is about to start.

I forgot almost everything about FE3, thanks.

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Radiant Dawn has a voiced narrator. And there is a narrating voice in the Path of Radiance ending too.

EDIT: Oh, you mean did FE ever NOT have a narrator. Misleading thread title is misleading. >.>

I think he missed a y, actually.

Did every FE have a narrator?

I'm not sure though, since he seems to be sure that awakening lacked one.

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FE8 definitely has narrated moments between maps. The only game I'm unsure on is FE2.

I recall that FE2 did have a narrated ending where it talked about humans going evil in the future and the fires of war. I think that may've been it. I think it was also a little jarring because there hadn't been a narrative voice to that point.

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I recall that FE2 did have a narrated ending where it talked about humans going evil in the future and the fires of war. I think that may've been it. I think it was also a little jarring because there hadn't been a narrative voice to that point.

The introduction to the game, which tells a timeline of events, can be considered narration.

I think there might be a distinction, however, between explaining the situation of the game and its characters in diegetic fashion, and a distinct agent that is narrating events from their own perspective.

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I think Gaiden doesn't have one. Tear Ring Saga is also lacking one.

Gaiden has like one chapter where there is a random narrator("Bathed deep within the inky shadows, a ghastly face looks down upon them...") for pretty much no reason, or at least neither Alm or the boss talking. Overall Gaiden doesn't seem to have a narrator, though.

Unless that was a fan translation thing

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