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Shadowed war

Lance Masayoshi

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(Fun fun)

'And just put all the bows in here,' Anon stated, locking up a chest, 'and then' he said as he struggled to lift it, 'put it here!' he let out as he placed it in the carriage they would move in. 'Whew,' Anon said as he locked over the order in his work, 'good thing I played a lot of blocks as a kid!'

I could've carried it on my back but I'll let you do that.

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Axel,a master of the axe,decides to leave his mountain training,he is tired with training on nearby wolves and huge spiders.He here's about this rebellion group,and has decided to join them to avenge his father from his past with Valm,he was quite intrigued on how far this "band of mercenaries" have went.He rests at a nearby village often stopped by weary travelers expecting the Shadow Leader,Light,to stop there eventually."How much gold do you have,son of Swordin?"(Swordin is the name of Axel's father)asks the Hotel Keeper.In reply Axel says "I have no money but if I can prove to be useful in my stay,by hacking down timber for this hotel,so it has fire wood,and help you make extra profit by selling the wood,could I stay?"The Hotel Keeper thought about his offer.He decides he can stay for 2 nights,in one condition,he has to defeat the Hotel Keeper's son in a duel. Axel in surprise asks the Hotel Keeper,"Are you crazy?!You want me to kill your son?!"The Hotel Keeper said laughing "No not at all,you'll both be wearing armor,whoever can break the armor first is declared the winner."Axel complainly says "B-But that'll lower my skill level...with an axe." The Hotel Keeper replied "Oh no no,I'm a Light magic user,I can create a barrier for both of you,whoever breaks this barrier is declared the winner." Axel prepares himself,he decides not to use his Grandfather's prized Tomahawk.He thinks about fighting fairly,like his honorable father before him,so he decides to not use the Swordslaying axe he has got from a kind man at a house.He decides to use the Iron axe provided from the Hotel Keeper to fight.The Hotel Keeper's son appeared,he was a charming,handsome fellow,he wields a fine Rapier,a 6 fingered rapier.He wields it with his left hand,observed Axel. Although Axel is inexperienced in wielding a sword,his has observed his father fighting with many different swords.He now applies what he knows in this first fight with a rapier wielding opponent."I am Raphael,one of the finest fighters in this village,I am usually instructed to protect the the mayor.But we have another guy on my post today.In training he has proven quite worthy,especially his skill with a knife.He pinpoints all weak spots with a single blow."

Axel hesistates to reply,but he chokes out "I am Axel,a master of the ax-" Raphael interrupts "Swordin's son are you?" In amazement he replies "Your father was an honorable man,I've fought him before,he has taught me the way of the sword.I heard he died a few months ago by an ambush from Valm. I heard only one person survived,an axe finest.We Feroxi foreigners have learned culture in this area,but none of us are truly a Ferox." Axel says in a mellow tone "I...I was that survivor." Raphael truly amazes,before he spits out a word,the Hotel Keeper,this fine wealth man in purple robes,interrupts asking "Shall we begin?" Axel and Raphael nod.Axel having the advantage in this fight,due to knowing the tricks of the sword made by his father,decides to apply a defensive stance with his axe,as he is aware of his father's method of attack,applying Ylissean organized use of a rapier,with Valm's fatal points of attacks mixed with Plegian clever way of swordplay,using 6 techniques and forms of attacking.Raphael started out with thrusting his blade multiple times to test Axel,as he expected,Axel dodged and parried.He was surpised by the speed that Axel can dodge despite the heaviness of the axe.Axel spun his axe and drew the first hit.Raphael was surprised by the amount speed and force he was able to handle the axe.Raphael was quite impressed,as expected from the descendant of skilled and speedy swordsman,it exceeded his expectations.Raphael decided to use Swordin's pattern of attack,the offensive Plegian stance of Karkat,where it is a risk versus reward type,it makes it so you can get a clean stab,but any mistake will be fatal,and failing ensures slipping as the footwork was very hard to master.Axel took note and knew how to break the stance,a clean chop in the head can easily stop the form.Axel went for the chop,and in his attack,Raphael side stepped.Axel attacked a second time with quick sense (Adept activates),and Raphael parried.Raphael has adjusted the footwork of the stance to minimize fail.Though the stab wasn't as clean,it does blow fatal damage otherwise.Axel was quite aware.Axel decided to test Raphael's skills by spinning his axe skyward,appearing as if he threw it in the air,then backlashing a barrage of unexpected attacks.Raphael fell for the bait,but he was able to stop Axel's brandish.Simply by staying calm and using a defensive form used by Valmese Swordmasters. It depended mainly on footwork and arm length.Raphael stood straight up.Then stabbed Axel in the arm,of course it just fatally broke the barrier.He then used an unfamiliar technique.Axel then held his axe backwards.It was Feroxi's agressive and barbaric form.It was pure offense,using mainly arm strength,speed,skill of the user and luck.Raphael then understood the risk as the chance of you attacking yourself in this was very likely.He started with the simple swiping of the sword.Axel then twirled his body in many directions.Successfully stopping each swipe,he then started to dodge each thrust Raphael was giving.As this technique causes the user to progressively get faster,Axel kept up.Now Raphael swung his rapier everywhere.It was clear he has not mastered the form nor is he new to it.The scratches on the barrier shows Raphael has hit himself a few times,while Axel was keeping up with the pace and blocking most attacks.Suddenly, a man showed up by the hotel.He declares "The mayor has died and marauders are heading our way,Brigands from Plegia have appeared to be burning the place." Raphael and Axel suddenly stopped and ran to aid any important people living in the village.They reached the mayor house,finding the mayor cold and soulless on the floor with spilled blood.Raphael sensed the knife stuck on the abdomen of the mayor.A note was marked on it saying "Plegia and Valm will rule all,long live the new world."Raphael suspected the skillful knife wielder was the killer.An assassin threw a knife,and missed slightly.Axel and Raphael heard it go past them.A second knife was thrown,the barrier has faded at this point,a knife heading towards Axel with a note on it was flying.Raphael shielded Axel and took the hit.It hit Raphael directly in the chest.Raphael's chest poured with blood,staining his white cape.His chest poured with blood.His determination and willpower to stay alive showed as he stumbled to get up.As sweat dripped from his face.Axel took of the training helmet off Raphael's head.His medium length blonde hair flowed from the wind coming from the broken windows of the mayor's house.Another knife flew,and Raphael barely parried it to fly the other direction.An arrow flew and shot Raphael in the head.The blood dripped all over Raphael's black robe,as he sat by the wall.Lifeless blood spilled on his leather boots,and chainmail leggings.Axel avoids all open corridors and sneaks by looking for ways out of the Mayor's enormous house in the village.The sound of someone casting magic frightens Axel as he turns around,a flash of light came towards him. Really long sorry xD

Edited by Jiac2001
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[spoiler]Axel,a master of the axe,decides to leave his mountain training,he is tired with training on nearby wolves and huge spiders.He here's about this rebellion group,and has decided to join them to avenge his father from his past with Valm,he was quite intrigued on how far this "band of mercenaries" have went.He rests at a nearby village often stopped by weary travelers expecting the Shadow Leader,Light,to stop there eventually."How much gold do you have,son of Swordin?"(Swordin is the name of Axel's father)asks the Hotel Keeper.In reply Axel says "I have no money but if I can prove to be useful in my stay,by hacking down timber for this hotel,so it has fire wood,and help you make extra profit by selling the wood,could I stay?"The Hotel Keeper thought about his offer.He decides he can stay for 2 nights,in one condition,he has to defeat the Hotel Keeper's son in a duel. Axel in surprise asks the Hotel Keeper,"Are you crazy?!You want me to kill your son?!"The Hotel Keeper said laughing "No not at all,you'll both be wearing armor,whoever can break the armor first is declared the winner."Axel complainly says "B-But that'll lower my skill level...with an axe." The Hotel Keeper replied "Oh no no,I'm a Light magic user,I can create a barrier for both of you,whoever breaks this barrier is declared the winner." Axel prepares himself,he decides not to use his Grandfather's prized Tomahawk.He thinks about fighting fairly,like his honorable father before him,so he decides to not use the Swordslaying axe he has got from a kind man at a house.He decides to use the Iron axe provided from the Hotel Keeper to fight.The Hotel Keeper's son appeared,he was a charming,handsome fellow,he wields a fine Rapier,a 6 fingered rapier.He wields it with his left hand,observed Axel. Although Axel is inexperienced in wielding a sword,his has observed his father fighting with many different swords.He now applies what he knows in this first fight with a rapier wielding opponent."I am Raphael,one of the finest fighters in this village,I am usually instructed to protect the the mayor.But we have another guy on my post today.In training he has proven quite worthy,especially his skill with a knife.He pinpoints all weak spots with a single blow."

Axel hesistates to reply,but he chokes out "I am Axel,a master of the ax-" Raphael interrupts "Swordin's son are you?" In amazement he replies "Your father was an honorable man,I've fought him before,he has taught me the way of the sword.I heard he died a few months ago by an ambush from Valm. I heard only one person survived,an axe finest.We Feroxi foreigners have learned culture in this area,but none of us are truly a Ferox." Axel says in a mellow tone "I...I was that survivor." Raphael truly amazes,before he spits out a word,the Hotel Keeper,this fine wealth man in purple robes,interrupts asking "Shall we begin?" Axel and Raphael nod.Axel having the advantage in this fight,due to knowing the tricks of the sword made by his father,decides to apply a defensive stance with his axe,as he is aware of his father's method of attack,applying Ylissean organized use of a rapier,with Valm's fatal points of attacks mixed with Plegian clever way of swordplay,using 6 techniques and forms of attacking.Raphael started out with thrusting his blade multiple times to test Axel,as he expected,Axel dodged and parried.He was surpised by the speed that Axel can dodge despite the heaviness of the axe.Axel spun his axe and drew the first hit.Raphael was surprised by the amount speed and force he was able to handle the axe.Raphael was quite impressed,as expected from the descendant of skilled and speedy swordsman,it exceeded his expectations.Raphael decided to use Swordin's pattern of attack,the offensive Plegian stance of Karkat,where it is a risk versus reward type,it makes it so you can get a clean stab,but any mistake will be fatal,and failing ensures slipping as the footwork was very hard to master.Axel took note and knew how to break the stance,a clean chop in the head can easily stop the form.Axel went for the chop,and in his attack,Raphael side stepped.Axel attacked a second time with quick sense (Adept activates),and Raphael parried.Raphael has adjusted the footwork of the stance to minimize fail.Though the stab wasn't as clean,it does blow fatal damage otherwise.Axel was quite aware.Axel decided to test Raphael's skills by spinning his axe skyward,appearing as if he threw it in the air,then backlashing a barrage of unexpected attacks.Raphael fell for the bait,but he was able to stop Axel's brandish.Simply by staying calm and using a defensive form used by Valmese Swordmasters. It depended mainly on footwork and arm length.Raphael stood straight up.Then stabbed Axel in the arm,of course it just fatally broke the barrier.He then used an unfamiliar technique.Axel then held his axe backwards.It was Feroxi's agressive and barbaric form.It was pure offense,using mainly arm strength,speed,skill of the user and luck.Raphael then understood the risk as the chance of you attacking yourself in this was very likely.He started with the simple swiping of the sword.Axel then twirled his body in many directions.Successfully stopping each swipe,he then started to dodge each thrust Raphael was giving.As this technique causes the user to progressively get faster,Axel kept up.Now Raphael swung his rapier everywhere.It was clear he has not mastered the form nor is he new to it.The scratches on the barrier shows Raphael has hit himself a few times,while Axel was keeping up with the pace and blocking most attacks.Suddenly, a man showed up by the hotel.He declares "The mayor has died and marauders are heading our way,Brigands from Plegia have appeared to be burning the place." Raphael and Axel suddenly stopped and ran to aid any important people living in the village.They reached the mayor house,finding the mayor cold and soulless on the floor with spilled blood.Raphael sensed the knife stuck on the abdomen of the mayor.A note was marked on it saying "Plegia and Valm will rule all,long live the new world."Raphael suspected the skillful knife wielder was the killer.An assassin threw a knife,and missed slightly.Axel and Raphael heard it go past them.A second knife was thrown,the barrier has faded at this point,a knife heading towards Axel with a note on it was flying.Raphael shielded Axel and took the hit.It hit Raphael directly in the chest.Raphael's chest poured with blood,staining his white cape.His chest poured with blood.His determination and willpower to stay alive showed as he stumbled to get up.As sweat dripped from his face.Axel took of the training helmet off Raphael's head.His medium length blonde hair flowed from the wind coming from the broken windows of the mayor's house.Another knife flew,and Raphael barely parried it to fly the other direction.An arrow flew and shot Raphael in the head.The blood dripped all over Raphael's black robe,as he sat by the wall.Lifeless blood spilled on his leather boots,and chainmail leggings.Axel avoids all open corridors and sneaks by looking for ways out of the Mayor's enormous house in the village.The sound of someone casting magic frightens Axel as he turns around,a flash of light came towards him.[/spoiler] Really long sorry xD

(When are we meeting your character? And spoiler tag FAIL.)
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Axel,a master of the axe,decides to leave his mountain training,he is tired with training on nearby wolves and huge spiders.He here's about this rebellion group,and has decided to join them to avenge his father from his past with Valm,he was quite intrigued on how far this "band of mercenaries" have went.He rests at a nearby village often stopped by weary travelers expecting the Shadow Leader,Light,to stop there eventually."How much gold do you have,son of Swordin?"(Swordin is the name of Axel's father)asks the Hotel Keeper.In reply Axel says "I have no money but if I can prove to be useful in my stay,by hacking down timber for this hotel,so it has fire wood,and help you make extra profit by selling the wood,could I stay?"The Hotel Keeper thought about his offer.He decides he can stay for 2 nights,in one condition,he has to defeat the Hotel Keeper's son in a duel. Axel in surprise asks the Hotel Keeper,"Are you crazy?!You want me to kill your son?!"The Hotel Keeper said laughing "No not at all,you'll both be wearing armor,whoever can break the armor first is declared the winner."Axel complainly says "B-But that'll lower my skill level...with an axe." The Hotel Keeper replied "Oh no no,I'm a Light magic user,I can create a barrier for both of you,whoever breaks this barrier is declared the winner." Axel prepares himself,he decides not to use his Grandfather's prized Tomahawk.He thinks about fighting fairly,like his honorable father before him,so he decides to not use the Swordslaying axe he has got from a kind man at a house.He decides to use the Iron axe provided from the Hotel Keeper to fight.The Hotel Keeper's son appeared,he was a charming,handsome fellow,he wields a fine Rapier,a 6 fingered rapier.He wields it with his left hand,observed Axel. Although Axel is inexperienced in wielding a sword,his has observed his father fighting with many different swords.He now applies what he knows in this first fight with a rapier wielding opponent."I am Raphael,one of the finest fighters in this village,I am usually instructed to protect the the mayor.But we have another guy on my post today.In training he has proven quite worthy,especially his skill with a knife.He pinpoints all weak spots with a single blow."

Axel hesistates to reply,but he chokes out "I am Axel,a master of the ax-" Raphael interrupts "Swordin's son are you?" In amazement he replies "Your father was an honorable man,I've fought him before,he has taught me the way of the sword.I heard he died a few months ago by an ambush from Valm. I heard only one person survived,an axe finest.We Feroxi foreigners have learned culture in this area,but none of us are truly a Ferox." Axel says in a mellow tone "I...I was that survivor." Raphael truly amazes,before he spits out a word,the Hotel Keeper,this fine wealth man in purple robes,interrupts asking "Shall we begin?" Axel and Raphael nod.Axel having the advantage in this fight,due to knowing the tricks of the sword made by his father,decides to apply a defensive stance with his axe,as he is aware of his father's method of attack,applying Ylissean organized use of a rapier,with Valm's fatal points of attacks mixed with Plegian clever way of swordplay,using 6 techniques and forms of attacking.Raphael started out with thrusting his blade multiple times to test Axel,as he expected,Axel dodged and parried.He was surpised by the speed that Axel can dodge despite the heaviness of the axe.Axel spun his axe and drew the first hit.Raphael was surprised by the amount speed and force he was able to handle the axe.Raphael was quite impressed,as expected from the descendant of skilled and speedy swordsman,it exceeded his expectations.Raphael decided to use Swordin's pattern of attack,the offensive Plegian stance of Karkat,where it is a risk versus reward type,it makes it so you can get a clean stab,but any mistake will be fatal,and failing ensures slipping as the footwork was very hard to master.Axel took note and knew how to break the stance,a clean chop in the head can easily stop the form.Axel went for the chop,and in his attack,Raphael side stepped.Axel attacked a second time with quick sense (Adept activates),and Raphael parried.Raphael has adjusted the footwork of the stance to minimize fail.Though the stab wasn't as clean,it does blow fatal damage otherwise.Axel was quite aware.Axel decided to test Raphael's skills by spinning his axe skyward,appearing as if he threw it in the air,then backlashing a barrage of unexpected attacks.Raphael fell for the bait,but he was able to stop Axel's brandish.Simply by staying calm and using a defensive form used by Valmese Swordmasters. It depended mainly on footwork and arm length.Raphael stood straight up.Then stabbed Axel in the arm,of course it just fatally broke the barrier.He then used an unfamiliar technique.Axel then held his axe backwards.It was Feroxi's agressive and barbaric form.It was pure offense,using mainly arm strength,speed,skill of the user and luck.Raphael then understood the risk as the chance of you attacking yourself in this was very likely.He started with the simple swiping of the sword.Axel then twirled his body in many directions.Successfully stopping each swipe,he then started to dodge each thrust Raphael was giving.As this technique causes the user to progressively get faster,Axel kept up.Now Raphael swung his rapier everywhere.It was clear he has not mastered the form nor is he new to it.The scratches on the barrier shows Raphael has hit himself a few times,while Axel was keeping up with the pace and blocking most attacks.Suddenly, a man showed up by the hotel.He declares "The mayor has died and marauders are heading our way,Brigands from Plegia have appeared to be burning the place." Raphael and Axel suddenly stopped and ran to aid any important people living in the village.They reached the mayor house,finding the mayor cold and soulless on the floor with spilled blood.Raphael sensed the knife stuck on the abdomen of the mayor.A note was marked on it saying "Plegia and Valm will rule all,long live the new world."Raphael suspected the skillful knife wielder was the killer.An assassin threw a knife,and missed slightly.Axel and Raphael heard it go past them.A second knife was thrown,the barrier has faded at this point,a knife heading towards Axel with a note on it was flying.Raphael shielded Axel and took the hit.It hit Raphael directly in the chest.Raphael's chest poured with blood,staining his white cape.His chest poured with blood.His determination and willpower to stay alive showed as he stumbled to get up.As sweat dripped from his face.Axel took of the training helmet off Raphael's head.His medium length blonde hair flowed from the wind coming from the broken windows of the mayor's house.Another knife flew,and Raphael barely parried it to fly the other direction.An arrow flew and shot Raphael in the head.The blood dripped all over Raphael's black robe,as he sat by the wall.Lifeless blood spilled on his leather boots,and chainmail leggings.Axel avoids all open corridors and sneaks by looking for ways out of the Mayor's enormous house in the village.The sound of someone casting magic frightens Axel as he turns around,a flash of light came towards him.

Really long sorry xD

(No problem. And wow)

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Light: "...No. Just no. Please.*Takes pain killer.*"

You know if you take too many pain killers you'll die.

'What?' Anon inquired, swinging himself to lay on a bench. 'Did I miss something?'

Oh my Naga da-whatever.

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