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Shadowed war

Lance Masayoshi

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*points to the kitchen sink* Where else?

I also cooked the food and did the work lazy bum.

'...well, I'm off! Thank you for the meal!'

"I've need to work." *Leaves.*

'And so is he,' Anon shrugged, 'dishes don't do themselves so I guess I'll have to before I was up, like these dishes will.'

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Bad habit from my RPing thread, but...

MeridaxAnon OTP

Seriously though, this is pretty interesting. I might join soon

(Believe it or not, I'm going along with that card. Though my OTP is Light and Pain Killer, even though it's platonic)

(Well, join in whenever you want. It's a city, full of people for you to be!)

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*has been silent pondering about life,that nobody cared to notice he is somewhere else*

Anon, having finished his bath and re-dressed into a suit identical to his previous one walked by Axel, taking note of his silence. "Oh hey Axel, looks like you woke up. Did you eat? Meri made some pretty good stuff,'

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Anon, having finished his bath and re-dressed into a suit identical to his previous one walked by Axel, taking note of his silence. "Oh hey Axel, looks like you woke up. Did you eat? Meri made some pretty good stuff,'

"Ah I haven't though I had a really troubling night quite some time ago" Axel ponderly says

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'Very much so.'"

"Well when everyone was sleeping,a "thief" came and "stole" items from Meri's bag." Axel said seriously "I noticed and chased him into the darkness of the woods."

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"Well when everyone was sleeping,a "thief" came and "stole" items from Meri's bag." Axel said seriously "I noticed and chased him into the darkness of the woods."

'Ooh, that sounds-.' Anon's interest was suddenly blocked, 'wait, was it her dragon stone? What happened?!'

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Axel was chasing this "thief" into the woods.As he was chasing him Axel said "Lightsleeper,Light? Lightsleeper my ass." the Thief stayed entirely silent. Axel yelled "Return the stuff now,and I won't hurt you." The Thief continued running and said "I've stolen nothing." Axel bluntly said "Then what were you doing,putting stuff into her backpack?A mine?" The thief crashed into a tree.

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Axel was chasing this "thief" into the woods.As he was chasing him Axel said "Lightsleeper,Light? Lightsleeper my ass." the Thief stayed entirely silent. Axel yelled "Return the stuff now,and I won't hurt you." The Thief continued running and said "I've stolen nothing." Axel bluntly said "Then what were you doing,putting stuff into her backpack?A mine?" The thief crashed into a tree.

"Serves the rat-' Anon, seeing the hypocrisy in his statement, stopped. 'And then?'

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Axel took this chance to pounce on the thief and cut the Thief in the chest. "Give me what you have stolen." Axel said furiously The Thief in his final breathes said "I forgive for what you have done to me...you have stolen something from me but....at least I will die from the hands of a supposed martyr." Axel hesistated for his next answer and said "You...were helping us...?" The "Thief" took of his hood,it was a man,he was very kind and had a tone of voice that told truth,his last words were "Exactly...so..."

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Axel took this chance to pounce on the thief and cut the Thief in the chest. "Give me what you have stolen." Axel said furiously The Thief in his final breathes said "I forgive for what you have done to me...you have stolen something from me but....at least I will die from the hands of a supposed martyr." Axel hesistated for his next answer and said "You...were helping us...?" The "Thief" took of his hood,it was a man,he was very kind and had a tone of voice that told truth,his last words were "Exactly...so..."

'That's...really dark man.' Anon said, bewildered. 'Tell me you're just joking'

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"I'm now disappointed at myself for killing such a man,he was a good person,I could tell by his eyes,he died smiling,I never understood why.I wish I could look into Meri's backpack to see his gift left for us." Axel says in a down sounding voice.

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