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So I haven't had time to update I was out of state for the last couple of days. 5 days to go and I'm through chapter 6. Turn counts in a little bit I'll also post stats at chapter 10.

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Paralouge 1: free(9)/17. Training vaike and Lissa.

Paralouge 2: free(6)/28

Chapter 4: 3/20. Simple move Fred up MU goes left vaike with orsins hatchet goes right.

Chapter 5: 4/24. Rally bot Marth get. Could be a three turn but I think I need to give Fred 1-2 range.

Chapter 6: 4/28. Again with 1-2 range I definetly could've got a three turn. I also discovered that Lissa can't become a Mage. Now I'm sad. Also say hi to Mage MU.

Chapter 7: 2/30. Yeah rally bots and wind magic and Freddy.

Xenolouges after chapter 4. 5/5 pretty simple go left.

Edited by Randa
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Chapter 8: 5 turn. Finished paralouge 2.

Explanation about the poll: since I most likely won't finish this run by Thursday, I posted the poll on what I should do if I don't finish the game by Thursday. So if I do finish I get to decide. But since I probably won't Ill explain each option.

Option 1: Mountless LTC of FE 11 no warp on normal/hard 1. Pretty self explanatory.

Option 2: Mega draft. I don't to disclose what this actually is until I finish the planning phase, which I've been working on since the end of August, if you, might want to do this PM I'll explain the rules and more importantly the odd drafting style.

Option 3:FE 6 efficiency. It will be reliable techniques and blind so this probably won't be finished if I do it.

Option 4: FE 10 females only. No screenshots it will be like this playthrough only it won't have any LTC aspects, just me screwing around.

Option 5: you tell me.

Option 6: FE 11: Mountless limited warp LTC. Hard 3

Option x : FE 11 full LTC anything goes to cut turns H5.(Not sure if I should even make this an option given how bad I am at shadow dragon.)

Chapter 9 done in 3 turns but I lost Lissa. 38 turns.

Chapter 10: 4 turns could've got three if I had a rescue staff.

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Well I just found out it doesn't give total turns just individual chapters so.


MU: broken as all hell.

Lissa: very useful early than she died and her productivity fell off.

Vaike: a complete bro. Strong fast great unit up to his death in chapter twenty three. Fuck ruin tomes.

Mariebelle: died chapter 16 along with most of my army.

Henry: solid trickster, death by mustafa getting the two turn for chapter 20.

Nowi: died somewhere

Inigo/owain were not recruited.

Lucina had such bad stats that she was not useable.

Freddy: tough died chapter 16.

Olivia: dancer/10 died chapter 16

Say'ri: died chapter 16 without ever being recruited, god I hate crits.

Anyways heading forward I will be doing the H3 run as I managed to complete this on time. Thank you for all who followed this brief little playthrough good night.

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