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Make other fictional characters FE units


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Limit them to 1rst or 2nd tier clases, preferably already-existent classes.

Jack Sparrow

Class: Myrmidon to Rogue (I find Rogue very much fitting for him)

Level 20

HP: 44 (75%)

Str: 18 (35%)

Skill: 30 (70%)

Spd: 30 (65%)

Luck: 30 (90%)

Def: 12 (20%)

Res: 9 (15%)


Class: Warrior

Level 20

HP: 60 (115%)

Str: 30 (75%)

Skill: 21 (40%)

Spd: 19 (30%)

Luck: 14 (25%)

Def: 25 (55%)

Res: 4 (2%)

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Soul (He's fictional enough, it counts)

Villager, does not promote.

Level: 1

HP: 10 (2%)

Strength: 1 (0%)

Skill: 50 (200%)

Speed: 1 (5%)

Luck: 0 (0%)

Def: 5 (3%)

Res: 6 (10%)

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Class: Trickster

Level 10

Skills: Galeforce, Lucky Sevens, Astra, Axebreaker, Vengeance

HP: 45

Strength: 25 (50%)

Speed: 35 (80%)

Skill: 20 (40%)

Luck: 30 (100%)

Res: 30 (60%)

Defense: 20 (30%) I totally forgot how to do growth rates but fuck the police

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Galen Marek (Starkiller from the Star Wars: Force Unleashed games)

Class: Myrmidon > Swordmaster

HP: 56 (75%)

Strength: 22 (55%)

Magic: 12 (35%)

Skill: 31 (65%)

Speed: 27 (45%)

Luck: 14 (30%)

Defense: 18 (35%)

Resistance: 15 (30%)


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Class: Hero/Assassin

HP:80(20 hearts are 4 units yes?)(50%)

Strength:16 (10%) (totally dependent on weapon)

Magic: 30 (Magic meter) (35%)

Skill: 30 (70%)

Speed:30 (55%) (Dem Pegasus boots)

Luck: 23 (30%)(Probably not very lucky to be stuck with an annoying bell with wings,or an annoying robotic sword who makes you say "no shit")

Def:24 (65%) (Hylian Shield)

Res: 24 (65%) (Hylian Shield)

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Gaius From Xillia

Class: Swordmaster

Lvl 20

Hp 80 (100%)

Str 30 (75%) He hits hard

Magic 20 (50%)

Skill 25 (55%)

Speed 15 (25%) He is a bit slow

Defence 25 (55%)

Luck 15 (25%)

Res 30 (75%)

Edited by Shelie
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HP:50 (60%)

Str:20 (55%)

Skl:30 (110%)

Spd:30 (130%)

Lck:12 (66%)

Def:17 (44%)

Res:25 (75%)

Special Skills:Shooting Star Sword,Moonlight Sword.Continue,Critical



HP:42 (50%)

Str:12 (150%)

Skl:19 (70%)

Spd:18 (90%)

Lck:10 (30%)

Def:13 (65%)

Res:13 (45%)

Special Skills:Critical,Sun Sword,Charge,Ambush

Heh genius topic btw heh this looks to be fun and I got tons more I want to put but too many characters to list but I`ll do a few more

Edited by Naglfar94
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Rocbouquet (From Romancing SaGa 2)


HP:75 (40%)

Mag:30 (175%)

Skl:29 (64%)

Spd:27 (50%)

Lck:30 (10%)

Def:50 (90%)

Res:25 (127%)

Special Skills:Charisma,Critical,Continue

Umm that is all I can think of for now I will post again when new ideas come to mind

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Had a really good one for Samus I posted on a similar thread, although she had her own class and skills.


Class:Sword Master

HP (80%)

Strength (60%)

Skill (50%)

Speed (50%)

Defence (40%)

Luck (30%)

Resistance (25%)

Skills: Swordefaire, Astra, Miracle, Rightful King, Sol

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The dragonborn (Nord)


HP: 28(75%)
Strength: 8 (65%)

Magic: 4 (30%)
Skill: 5 (45%)
Speed: 3 (35%)
Defence: 5 (50%)
Luck: 2 (15%)
Resistance: 3 (25%)

Skills: Axefaire, Rally spectrum, Sol, Galeforce

Reclass options: Mage, Archer, Myrmidon

Edited by eggs4king
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Oh wait, got another one.

Jade Curtiss

Halberdier (promoted Soldier)


HP: 49 (85%)

Strength: 20 (55%)

Magic: 22 (60%)

Skill: 29 (65%)

Speed: 19 (45%)

Luck: 12 (30%)

Defense: 15 (25%)

Resistance: 19 (35%)

Skills: Luna, Vantage, Dual Strike+, Lancefaire, Tomebreaker

Reclass Options: Mage, Dark Mage

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Ein (from Riviera: The Promised Land)

Myrmidon -> Hero

Level 1

HP: 20 (100%(He has a lot of HP in Riviera so.))

Str: 6 (60%(He hits like a truck in Riviera.))

Mgc: 3 (25%(He has some pretty bad magic in Riviera.))

Skl: 8 (55%(Kinda went out on a limb here.))

Spd: 8 (50%(Doesn't have a lot of speed in Riviera, sadly.))

Lck: 12 (70%(Riviera has some luck based segments.))

Def: 6 (50%(He's a fucking brick wall in Riviera.))

Res: 0 (15%(Note how I said BRICK wall.))

Skills: Astra(Disaresta is a combo attack.), Swordfaire(Swords are his LV3 mastery weapon in Riviera.), Outdoor Fighter(Most of the levels in Riviera are outdoors.), Acrobat(He does a lot of jumping in Riviera.), Galeforce(You get trigger points when you defeat enemies.).

Might make one for Ledah later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Luigi: Dread Fighter (initial and current class, can use hammer and elemental attacks like thunder hand, fireballs and small tornadoes)

-Level 22 (Reached Level 30 Dread Fighter and reached level 20 in one regular class for 69 levels total)

HP: 67 (70%, base 19)(Digits add up to 13)

Strength: 32 (40%, base 5)(He's weaker than Mario yet not that wimpy)

Magic: 30 (40%, base 3)(He does show control of all anima in the Mario Series)

Speed: 44 (55%, base 7)(Pretty fast in Mario games despite his no traction)

Skill: 40 (50%, base 6)(I just made him Bord to Mario's Cord)

Luck: 13 (19% growth, 0 base)(Need I explain this?)

Defense: 22 (25%, 5 base)(He's not exactly a wall, but he has okay defense for mages)

Resistance: 31 (40% growth, 3 base)(He's a Dread Fighter Cord, of course he has the higher res)

Skill: Tomefaire (for all his elemental powers), Axefaire (for hammer skill), Dual Strike + (for helping out his brother all the time), Miracle (basically), Dragonfoe (gotta stomp KOOPA!)

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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  • 4 weeks later...

Zael (from The Last Story)

Class: Myrmidon --> Hero


HP: 80 % (Rather high, as he is the tank of the group in gameplay)

Str: 50 % (Balanced bitween Str, Skl and Spd, and all are rather high because he´s the Protagonist-Jack-of-all-Stats)

Skl: 50 % (See above)

Spd: 50 % (See above)

Lck: 25 % (Quite a few bad things happen to him in the game, this reflects it)

Def: 40 % (See HP)

Res: 15 % (All Magic using enemies are a pain in the **** to fight. All of them)

Skills: Astra (from Accelerate) Sol, Provoke (both from Gathering)

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Class: Hero/Assassin

HP:80(20 hearts are 4 units yes?)(50%)

Strength:16 (10%) (totally dependent on weapon)

Magic: 30 (Magic meter) (35%)

Skill: 30 (70%)

Speed:30 (55%) (Dem Pegasus boots)

Luck: 23 (30%)(Probably not very lucky to be stuck with an annoying bell with wings,or an annoying robotic sword who makes you say "no shit")

Def:24 (65%) (Hylian Shield)

Res: 24 (65%) (Hylian Shield)

I think he would fit Ranger better because Epona + Hero's Bow

Why is his Str so low though?

Res should be based on Mirror Shield ;)

Might make one for Ledah later.

He needs to use lances and be able to fly. Not a problem? He needs to be unmounted and should be able to use Fire magic too. Yeah, you'll probably have to invent a class for him.

EDIT: NO WAIT. He needs to have no weapon levels whatsoever but have access to Lorelei as a Prf. Which means he can't use ANYTHING but Lorelei

Are you gonna do Malice too?

Edited by Lævateinn
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He needs to use lances and be able to fly. Not a problem? He needs to be unmounted and should be able to use Fire magic too. Yeah, you'll probably have to invent a class for him.

EDIT: NO WAIT. He needs to have no weapon levels whatsoever but have access to Lorelei as a Prf. Which means he can't use ANYTHING but Lorelei

Are you gonna do Malice too?

Hm, Ledah's gonna be a PAIN to do.

Skadi's an axe, right?

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