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Unnamed Mafia (anon) - Game Over


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That's hammer.

"It's him! He's the mafia, not me!"

"Righttttt. Totally believe that."

Day Three.jpg

Fluffy Platypus - Mafia Goon - Lynched Day Three

It is now Night Three. 24 hours for night actions, etc.

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1) This is NOC. I've heard of potential skirting around this, so watch your step.

2) This is still an anonymous game. Avoid referring to people as their real identities, regardless of how sure you are that they are a certain anonymous identity. (tip: you could easily be wrong.)

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Well, we know there's a scumteam...

Analyzing Fluffy's content:

D1 listpost (#107). He calls me scum, Beethoven town, Reinbach town, Dragonite null-leaning-town, Hot Wheels town ("provided the Miller claim holds up"), IT town "and it ain't even close", and goes lol at New Age Retro Scum's one content post but still puts him on his scum lynch priority.

FMPOV, everyone he didn't read as town in this post (Ike, me, Dragonite) except NARS has proven to be town, so I'm tempted to see the NARS slot (Eiki) as town, if I'm going by this alone. Hot Wheels and IT come off looking worst from this post, because Fluffy's townread on HW boils down to "he's town if his town-only roleclaim is true" and his townread on IT is unreasonably strong, just like his scumread on me.

N1 post: puts Hot Wheels on his lynch priority. Then he continues to call Hot Wheels my buddy up until his lynch, so maybe HW is town after all.

N2: back to me as scum; now has Reinbach as a potential scumbuddy for me.

D3: Says one of me/Beethoven/IT is lying; "I don't even know about Shiki and Reinbach"

So, overall, FP had scumreads on me, Hot Wheels, and Reinbach in that order. I'm going to operate under the assumption that as many of FP's reads as possible were wrong--he wasn't subtle at all, and tended toward tunneling/switching/tunneling. I think he was setting up HW or Reinbach for a tunnel after he lynched me. I think Beethoven is maybe the most likely to be scum out of (Beethoven/IT/Eiki Shiki), followed by Eiki Shiki. Things that are setting me off about Beethoven: votes on Ike and Dragonite; taking issue with my late-D2 post that there were clear consolidation targets; awkwardly-timed roleclaim in a game where non-info roles can't be proven or even really self-verified due to no night results. (For now, my issues with Eiki are minor tone things that I can't really put a finger on, but I'll take a closer look tomorrow.)

On the other hand, both Beethoven and Eiki Shiki joined me on the FP wagon, as did IT actually, so either scum threw in the towel on FP or I've gone wrong somewhere.

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Grillmaster, you are not proven to be town. You can see your own role PM, but the rest of us can't. You are not proven town to the rest of us, and I see no reason why I should believe this. You're going to have to explain why you take issue with Beethoven's votes on Iketani and Dragonite, why you think his claim was awkward, and whatever else you don't like about him because right now I think he's townier than you.

Regarding "night action shenanigans", all we know is that IT could not have stopped the kill on N1 if he's being truthful because Dragonite was town. Which means if Beethoven and you are telling the truth, either scum tried to kill you or you tried to take the kill. You're going to have to convince me that he's the liar and not you (or that scum tried to kill you), and vice versa for him.

Also, there is a very high probability that I will literally not be around for the rest of today, so don't be surprised if this is my last post in a while.

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Also Beethoven claimed to have jailed IT N2, but IT hooked now-confirmed scum N2 which could explain the no-kill. Jailer could just be made-up since nobody will know if they were roleblocked.

There's no confirmation that IT is the source of the hooking. This theory only holds if you are able to confirm both that A) IT is a roleblocker and B) that IT is Town first and foremost.

awkwardly-timed roleclaim

How is that actually scummy? I'm far more interested in the effort IT went through to claim himself "confirmed Town" on the basis that he "noticed my target claim," and "as scum could have easily changed targets." Despite this, the timing of my claim prevented that. Anyone trying so hard to shoehorn themselves into the "confirmed Town" position deserves scrutiny, especially if the only confirmation of Townieness we have is a flip.

In fact, I would be more wary of IT. I consider he voted me early in the game for voting Fluffy Platypus (I still find my argument legitimate), and his continued insistence that FP should be read as null later on as being scummy. If you consider the last bit of that post as his second post in which he calls Iketani scummy, I can only read it as cheerleading before his inevitable hop. Consider: this vote: He said we might need a Fluffy lynch which'd suck, but at the same time has been cheerleading Iketani as scummy and has now pushed Iketani ahead of Fluffy solidly.

N1 is a bunch of harping on Fluffy for disappearing after Iketani lynch, and saying bad vibes about Fluffy reading people as Town instead of null, but there's notably no real push from IT on Fluffy. He's just paying lipservice to it, probably to set up a bus. I mean, consider if Fluffy were your scumbuddy: Wouldn't YOU want to bus him?

His first vote of Day 2 lacks typical explanations for why the specific actions are scummy, and while this is partially hindsight one cannot claim that Townies would never pick at people who say a lot of words, nor that Townies never make faulty wagon analysis. The problem is that IT never quite explains what exactly about Dragonite's actions were scummy, so it seems like just jumping on "things to harp on," as he so eloquently put it Day 1. The problem is also that the attack on Dragonite based on picking at Grillmaster's wealth of words is that it assumes Grillmaster is Town. Put simply, a Scum!IT declaring Grillmaster Towniest and basing his attacks off of that stands to gain a lot when Grillmaster would flip Town. Grillmaster may have been the N1 kill target.

And again on voting Shiki, IT falls back on "we can lynch Fluffy," while simultaneously advocating against it. There's continuous prods like he's waiting for the opportunity to hard bus Fluffy and claim he was suspicious all along. His vote change to FP here flows almost naturally, even though he never quite says anything about Fluffy being scummy.

BUT SIGNIFICANTLY, here he backs off of a Fluffy wagon, and then here Insane Techniques secures the Dragonite lynch. The unexplained swap to Fluffy doesn't make much sense and it's like he realised at last minute he doesn't need to actually bus Fluffy.

I made the case earlier of him oddly swapping from Grillmaster = scum to Grillmaster = town and I just realise he does that shit here with Eiki Shiki going from pushing her for half of Day 2 to declaring her Town after a lynch. He keeps pushing Fluffy as Scum, but never makes the case of why this is, nor did he actually waste breath Day 2 explaining why we need a Fluffy lynch. Then ignores my post and distracts with calls to lynch Fluffy. It's like a scumbuddy getting tired of Fluffy's bad play and just wanting to bus for easy cred.

If you consider this claim, it'd be a perfect setup for Scum!IT to bus his buddy. Also note IT did not actually do much during LYLO, mostly doing rolespec and throwing out crazy conspiracy theories and cults and whatnot, and arguing how he would be Confirmed Town if I jailed him, and voting Fluffy only after the wagon was in Fluffy's disadvantage. Before that, he even said he'd be OK with lynching either Grillmaster or Fluffy, keeping his options open without really arguing a preference or making a case why either should be lynched much.

IT also questioned whether Scum had a kill and shit, which makes sense for a Scum!IT to do if both his N1 and N2 kills were blocked. This is a weak argument but I think it should be considered.

If IT is Scum, then Grillmaster is most likely Town:

1) He was the alternative wagon to Fluffy. Had we had a Scum/Scum wagon, I think scum'd have been more pro-active in pushing a wagon since they could only gain cred for it. The awkward way in which the lynch was secured suggested Scum was waiting out Town to swing the wagon themselves. (They still held out for survival.)

2) IT considered Grillmaster most Town for having a lot of content but has kept switching up on this point. HOWEVER, if he believed that on N1, then a Grillmaster kill makes sense and I believe I may have protected Grillmaster then.

Either way, IT's done some scummy shit and has done very little inspired scumhunting. I invite everyone to ISO IT and then strongly consider whether IT really put as much effort scumhunting as he'd like us to believe. I think it's not. Is Beethoven asking you to draw your own conclusions? Yes. But Beethoven is also giving you a wall of text explaining why IT is Scum and what point of view you should also consider during that re-read.

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If you consider this claim, it'd be a perfect setup for Scum!IT to bus his buddy. Also note IT did not actually do much during LYLO, mostly doing rolespec and throwing out crazy conspiracy theories and cults and whatnot, and arguing how he would be Confirmed Town if I jailed him, and voting Fluffy only after the wagon was in Fluffy's disadvantage. Before that, he even said he'd be OK with lynching either Grillmaster or Fluffy, keeping his options open without really arguing a preference or making a case why either should be lynched much.

Actually I will address this because it pisses me off.

- Fuck you if you think I "didn't do much in LYLO", I was one of the top posters and yeah I was rolespeccing but so was literally everybody else.

- Maybe I argued I would be confirmed town because I am confirmed town????

- Actually I explicitly said I preferred Fluffy to Grill and there was no point in me just repeating HW's case so ???. Stop minimizing what I've actually been doing this game just because you want me to be mafia.

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Actually that post was probably over the line but ugh. I feel like Beethoven is intentionally trivializing my play to make me look scummy and it's frustrating because I'm legitimately putting effort into this game despite finding it a clusterfuck to read and post in, and this worse because I don't even think he's scum.

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Probably you, actually. End-of-D2 waffle makes me suspicious again with Fluffy's flip and I'm throwing rolespec out the window after D3. Grill is still the Rolespec Choice but I would need to re-read him.

Everybody else is alright. Beethoven could've easily gotten Grill lynched, HW has been a townread all game, Reinbach doesn't make sense as scum since Grillmaster was an easy lynch if Reinbach didn't claim the result. He could be ITP I guess.

This is all by memory, like I said I haven't re-read and Beethoven's general attitude toward me this game just makes me frustrated and not really want to post rn.

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Bah, yesterday was not the best of days to spend gallivanting around the countryside, but sometimes even one as great as myself must spend some time appeasing his parents. Will read through the thread now (you fool, that was a lie, for it could take upwards of 5-10 minutes before I muster up the courage to tackle the behemoth that is-oh, there isn't that much after all...that is very good).

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Ugh, yeah, sorry about my outburst regardless of any alignments involved, that was not really called for even though I'm annoyed with this game.

I can't go off on people without feeling bad about it a few minutes later I guess. I'm gay.

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Shiki: The end of D2 waffle refers to you leaving your options open wrt Dragonite/Fluffy which is especially convenient if one of them is a scumbuddy and you don't have to commit to either a bus or defense, since then you can just say "but I suspected both!!!". For somebody who suspected Fluffy you were lackadaisical about hammering him both days, as well.

Lynch me if I don't do a thorough re-read tomorrow.

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Double tailors would mean both sides have an investigative role of at least some usefulness. As for Hot Wheels, I'm still feeling ehhhhhh on his D1 claim, since it seemed to off and the other Miller (Ike) had a supplementary role as well. Just having Miller seems dumb to me.

In light of his flip, this strikes me as a scumslip (yes, yes, I know...poetry). I suppose it could be WIFOM to make us search for something that isn't there, but the offhanded way it was mentioned leads me too believe otherwise. Please discuss the possible implications this could have.

reinbach, grillmaster was also a wagon at the time. he didn't have to switch to dragonite.

also, reinbach, do you know what you'd get if you inspected me? when eiki isn't tailoring me.

No, not particularly. I've never heard of a miller which affected the investigation of a rolecop before...

All right, that's one scum down. How does this change anything in relation to everyone else?

Unless FLPL and GM were hardbussing each other the whole game (read: rather unlikely), I don't see him being scum. Also I'm not as fond of rolespec as the next guy who holds a lack of fondness for rolespec, but scum!doctor in a not role madness game? Not buying it.

As for everyone else, well Fluffy's namesake was very fitting when it comes to his reads. He fluffed on every notGM player so much that it's hard to decipher if he's distancing or setting up for a rather shoddy mislynch attempt.

Also Beethoven claimed to have jailed IT N2, but IT hooked now-confirmed scum N2 which could explain the no-kill. Jailer could just be made-up since nobody will know if they were roleblocked.

There are two ways to prove that theory wrong. The first is I scan Beethoven, thus revealing his role to the world (assuming some miscreant doesn't decide to pop a cop in yours truly...what a loss to the world that would be). The second is that he puts...me...in jail (despite me being the most noblest, dog God fearingest citizen you'll find out there) as having an investigative role, I will be notified if I get roleblocked.

As far as my esteemed lynch priority is concerned well...I feel like IT brings up some good points against Shiki, but Beethoven also brings up good points against IT and I should probably reread things more thoroughly. Not seeing any possibly way I'd be supporting a GM lynch at present. Or really Beethoven either.

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