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"Soloing" Reg Apo, Refined

Airship Canon

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Alright, if you remember a while back a user posted a strategy to solo- or duo, rather, Reg. Apotheosis.

It worked, but there were plenty of kinks.


  1. Dual Strikes were needed for kills, but could fail, and in turn get you a Game Over.
  2. Dual Guards, Pavise, Aegis activations were necessary for survival. These can fail and get you a Game Over.
  3. Luna/Ignis procs were necessary for kills. These can fail and get you a Game Over.

Wave 5 was really an RNG fest, and failure with that old strategy was common.

A more refined method:


Class: Sage (+Boots)

Asset: Magic

Flaw: Defense

Skills: Vengeance, Vantage, Deliverer, Galeforce, Limit Breaker

Use Tonics (Before Battle): All/Tiki's Tear


Forged Celica's Gale [About 10-12]

+5 MT, +15 HIT


Class: Sniper
Skills: Dual Strike+, Skill+2, Bowfaire, All+2, Limit Breaker

Use Tonics: Strength, Skill, Luck


Forged Brave Bows [About 10]

+5 MT, +15 HIT

(Note: At least 20 MAG.)

[Yes, they have to be married-- married and they have 100% Dual Strike, not and it's 90%.]



Have MU placed in the center at the top row.

Wave 1:

Pair Up Chrom to MU, and then Range 1 the boss.

The boss will survive the first 6 hits, and return fire with a vengeance boosted attack. Provided Chrom doesn't muck it up, MU will be left with 1 HP.

End turn, Vantage/Vengeance will take care of the rest.

Kill the Clerics.

Wave 2:

It doesn't matter which set you pick, but the filers are a lot easier.

V/V clears everything.

Wave 3:

The Snipers make things interesting

The trick is to dance the Snipers by the throne using MU's 10 Movement and Galeforce to elude their range. It's tricky, but can readily be done.

Wave 4:

Pick Fliers. Chrom will delete them. Calvary can be done, but Fliers.

V/V destroys this wave, no Strategy needed.

Wave 5:

Mark the snipers, and again, dance them. Doesn't matter what else comes for you, V/V (and/or Chrom) will handle that, but those snipers are lethal- stay out of their range.

Enjoy your premade rally bot gotten by just your FeMU and Chrom with -MUCH- less RNG worship than doing it the old way [just hoping Chrom doesn't muck things up with Dual Guards.]

This clear has only 1 RNG check involved and is roughly 70% completable.

Aaaaannnnddd.... Video Demonstration [Runs at x4 because it's very simple]

[Edit: Updated Strategy to the only 1 RNG check method. Video still uses old method. Too lazy to update video.]

Edited by Airship Canon
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-MUCH- less RNG worship

And -MUCH- more prep. You need to class change to Griffon Knight, Dark Flier, Myrmidon for FeMU, and so on...

And FeMU is required for this strategy. By posting a strategy, or a guide to help people beat some aspect of the game, you want to help as many people as possible. But you are not helping people with male MUs, which are the majority of the people. So, it's best not to start a thread ambitiously thinking you've improved on someone's strategy when you haven't. In reality, your strategy requires more preparation and you require FeMU; you're not helping anyone with male Avatars here.

Oh yeah, and you also have to waste Boots on the Avatar, which is assuming that the player wants to give FeMU the Boots. But what if they want to give it to Morgan? So let's see the issues here:

1. The person using the guide has to have a FeMU

2. The person using the guide has to want to give the Boots to FeMU (not always the case)

Edited by Chiki
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So, it's best not to start a thread ambitiously thinking you've improved on someone's strategy when you haven't. In reality, your strategy requires more preparation and you require FeMU; you're not helping anyone with male Avatars here.

Jesus dude, did he run over your dog or something? Even a strategy with a limited scope of people it can "help", is still worthy of sharing if it works. It's not like the fate of the world depends on a One Ring™ Apo solo strategy.

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Jesus dude, did he run over your dog or something? Even a strategy with a limited scope of people it can "help", is still worthy of sharing if it works. It's not like the fate of the world depends on a One Ring™ Apo solo strategy.

Sure, there's nothing wrong with trying to help people and sharing it. But I'm pretty sure that arrogantly claiming you've "refined" it by asking the guide user to get a FeMU and Boots is not refining at all. It's missing the point of a guide. The purpose of my guide was to provide an easy strategy for anyone to use without wasting resources. It seems Airship Canon refused to understand that.

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And -MUCH- more prep. You need to class change to Griffon Knight, Dark Flier, Myrmidon for FeMU, and so on...

And FeMU is required for this strategy. By posting a strategy, or a guide to help people beat some aspect of the game, you want to help as many people as possible. But you are not helping people with male MUs, which are the majority of the people. So, it's best not to start a thread ambitiously thinking you've improved on someone's strategy when you haven't. In reality, your strategy requires more preparation and you require FeMU; you're not helping anyone with male Avatars here.

Pavise, Aegis, Luna/Ignis, AT

General (15), Paladin (15), GK or GM (5), and Merc (1)

And Sorc Final (x for stats)


Vengeance, Vantage, Deliverer, Galeforce

Myrm (10), Griffon (5), Dark Flier (15)

Sorc Final (5+x)

So much for more set up.

Yours fails most of the time [signficantly more with male MU, since Dual Strike/Guard Rate], AND uses way more resources in execution, requires access to Elixirs in addition to other resources.

This way will not fail nearly as often- instead it's succeeding most of the time. [A similar execution [involving either Ricken!Laurent!Morgan or MaMU] for Secret is often toted as 100% success (it's not, Dual Guards exist, and can just as readily muck things up.)]

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Chiki's requires significantly higher amounts of prepwork

This isn't that rng dependant. Op, could you replace feMU with Luci for similar results?

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This isn't that rng dependant. Op, could you replace feMU with Luci for similar results?

You'd lose a huge amount of reliability [due to support ranks], and you can't get any Gen 1s with Vengeance/Vantage outside of MU, let alone any Gen 1s who can marry Chrom.

Luci would be at 90% (Dual Strike+ doesn't stack).

This has 100% Dual Strike involved.

Now theoretically, you can have MU/Luci pull these shenanigans [More effectively to boot, hence that works for Secret] but then it's not a "Solo".

Edited by Airship Canon
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Bump/Double to give another strat to cover Male MU. It's no Solo, but it's damn close, and works for Secret.

+MAG, -STR [Or DEF] Male MU

Married to Maribelle!Lucina, Have an A Support with Chrom.

Class: Sage

Skills: Limit, Tomefaire (-STR)/Paragon (-DEF), Anathema(Secret)/Tomebreaker(Reg), Vengeance, Vantage

[if -DEF: Be Level 14]

Use Tonics (Before Battle): All/Tiki's Tear

Weapons: Plenty of Forged Celica's Gales [+5 MT, +15 Hit]


Class: Sage

Skills: Limit, Tomefaire, Magic+2/All+2 (secret)/Hit+20(Reg), Galeforce, Dual Strike+

Use Tonics (Before Battle): Magic, Skill, Luck

Weapons: Plenty of Forged Celica's Gales [+5 MT, +15 Hit]


Class: Sniper
Skills: Dual Strike+, Skill+2, Bowfaire, Aggressor, Limit Breaker

Use Tonics: Strength, Skill, Luck


Forged Brave Bow

+5 MT, +15 HIT

(Note: At least 20 MAG.)

Bring Maribelle as a Staffbot. You can use her to kill things like snipers or just have her run away and keep MU/Lucy safe.

Bring a couple other Staffbots, a Rally Bot [spec, Mag, Heart, Skill, Luck], and Olivia if you're doing Secret.

Wave Zero:

Pair Up Chrom to MU, Rescue them forward, and then Range 1 the boss.

The boss will survive the first 6 hits, and return fire with a vengeance boosted attack. Provided Chrom doesn't muck it up (Dual Guard, failed Dual Strike), MU will be left with 1 HP. (If doing the -DEF method, you need to ding 15 off the 5 generals.)

Turn 2, Rescue MU and switch to Chrom and transfer MU to Lucina. (If doing secret, use rallies, and kill both clerics before this turn's done.)

Wave 2/4 [Reg]: Pick Fliers and Keep Chrom away from the enemy (but near enough so Weapons can be restocked) Be wary around the Superior Jolt- Have Lucina attack that so you don't wind up dead. MU's Tomebreaker will neutralize the Superior Jolt's Breaker effect, but be sure to switch back afterwards.

Wave 3/5 [Reg]: Lucina can gale down non-"boss" Snipers. MU can kill the boss VERY easily (read massive Overkill). Use Rescue to get out of their range so they don't Range 3 and kill you. [Wave 5: Be wary around the Superior Jolt. Gale it dead.]

Wave 1 [secret]: Rally up. Bow Warriors need to range 2. All other warriors need to be killed on Player Phase. Lucina can gale one each turn.

Wave 2/3 [secret]: Rally up. Keep weapons in good order. Laugh at the enemy. You've got 139 Attack on a Lead unit and 89 on a support that always attacks. Oh, it's also 139 BRAVE, and 89 BRAVE, so you get 2x 139 + 4x 89 Attack.

Wave 4 [secret]: Rally up. Keep weapons in good order. Laugh at anything besides the Mire users- yes, even Throne Berserker. As far as the Mires go, get MU into their MOVEMENT range and they'll be laughed at too since they'll range 2 like idiots since the AI doesn't know its or your skills and only cares about damage.

Wave 5 [secret]: Rally up. Keep weapons in good order. Laugh at anything besides Anna. Anna? Hit an Elixir before fighting. Don't range 1 her. She'll die. Or shoot her with a Longbow and have MU at the edge of her spear range (Get Chrom outta there). The former is more solo-y, the latter has 100% less throne bonus involved (dunno, might cause a miss).

That latter strategy pretty much -is- the MAtt5TER method, but allows for Limit Breaker/Rally Heart (which break the original method which only works without DLC skills) and as such doesn't have as many snipes required. (It's also got 6 more lead ATK (10 more support, so it comes out to +26 damage) as a result, so RLM can go home to mommy in tears).

Screw Galeforce I have Vantage Vengeance.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Any particular reason why Lucina has Mag+2 and Chrom has Skill+2 instead of All+2?

For Lucina Mag +2 is a Damage Boost. It can be All+2, but it doesn't change anything- the outcome will be the same with either skill. [100% Dual Strike is already secured]

For Chrom however, All+2 is also a Damage Boost, but that gets you killed [You take more than 85 damage from the boss]. Skill +2 increases Dual Strike rate. [since it's not 100% during the powerup phase, and it's still needed, we want it as high as possible.]

Also, updated to accurately deal with the Superior Jolt. Tomebreaker breakers the Breaker, Hit+20 alleviates some of the inaccuracy, namely if Lucina's leading [for Galeforce kill], she'll have 96 [99.72%] Hit. [MaMU in support has a 91 [98.47%]... Damage Lucy Lead: 12 + 20 + 20 + 12 + 20 + 20 = Dead.

And that's for the BOSS S.Jolt, so while it's not a 100% kill, it's close enough.

If you go with Calvary instead, the boss is Ikeadin [who these two just outright murder], and the S.Jolts are on mooks.

DK: Lucy in support has 93% [99.09%]. Lucy in lead has 100%. MU in either has 100%

Valky: Lucy in support has 89% [97.69%]. Lead 100%. MU has 100% for both.

So yeah, Calvary second pick.

Wave 5's S. Jolt. Lucy Support: 79% [91.39%], Lead: 100%. MU: 100% for both.

Edited by Airship Canon
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