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I hate it when people play Christmas music before Thanksgiving.


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Even if it's beyond Thanksgiving across the pond, it's interesting to note it gets to people when the music plays too soon... pretty much everywhere, right?

It bothers me too.

...Unless it's Carol of the Bells, I'll enjoy that no matter what.

Especially the Trans-Siberian Orchestra version.

I didn't expect this to be as amazing as it is. :D

That being said, I'm fine with Christmas music after October (preferable Mid November). But that might be because Thanksgiving is just Thursday here. Sorry.

(That being said, Christmas stuff before Hollow'een/my birthday really get to me. Especially the latter.)

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pretty sure "classics" like the beatles and nirvana were considered the shit of their time

Hai. Excuse me while i show my age a bit, but this isnt..accurate. It would be more accurate to say something like "Pretty sure Foghat and Paula Abdul were considered the shit music of their time." Beatlemania was totally a thing. They had a humongous fandom of rabid teenage girls for a good while. A lot of their more "mature" music is considered the classic stuff, like anything off of the White Album. But their more poppy stuff like I Wanna Hold Your Hand was still a big hit. As for Nirvana, speaking from direct experience, again, blatantly false. Those guys were regarded as massive innovators when it comes to popular music of that particular era. The band had massive exposure by the time their first major label debut happened. Smells Like Teen Spirit and other songs like Come As You Are dominated airwaves. They were all over MTV. Their grungy, simplistic style was widely appreciated. They were only regarded as ass by some knots of music nerds (Cobain could like, not read sheet music lol) and ultra conservatives. Nirvana helped slay an entire genre of music (hair metal) and many, even people who werent fans of theirs, appreciated that greatly.

edit: nirvana had one great album, and it's not nevermind

It's In Utero. It is known.

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:): Im actually not much of a fan of Nirvana's anymore. I had this ultra Nirvana fanboy of a friend who kinda murdered the band for me due to his sheer obsession. Sad, really. Plus Cobain's vocals tended to set my teeth on edge at times. But In Utero was pretty damn badass. It often makes me think about what could have been if....well you know.

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yeah i was never too big on nirvana, but i dig in utero. i have been called mean names for saying i don't like nevermind lmao

LOL! Really? Nevermind only had one song i really dig. (Drain You) Otherwise it was meh. Pearl Jam's Ten was superior in every way. In Utero had this powerhouse of a song which is super underrated. Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle. That song is so fucking awesome.

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do you dislike everything guitar-based then? all hard rock, everything that doesn't abide by a strict speed limit? it's almost like trying to say you don't like any kind of rock, like are you including Deep Purple in that? fuck outta here

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all I'm saying is don't come crying to me when the fire god opens his maw and lets loose his mighty death roar and you find yourself melting

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do you dislike everything guitar-based then? all hard rock, everything that doesn't abide by a strict speed limit? it's almost like trying to say you don't like any kind of rock, like are you including Deep Purple in that? fuck outta here

Me? No. I dislike mostly the vocal part of metal.

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what are you taking as metal then? there's not exactly a single kind of vocal that you can find in every song that calls itself metal

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Me? No. I dislike mostly the vocal part of metal.

​metal has more sub-genres than songs and bands/artists

This is obviously and exaggeration, but it really does have a lot of subgenres.

I personally like very few bands: Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, System of a Down and Rage Against the Machine. I also like Dio which most people seem to consider as metal but I see it more as Hard Rock.

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if you don't like Rob Halford's voice on this though I'm not sure there can be a dialogue

Ok, this one is good, but I don't really see it as metal. More like hard rock. What makes it a metal?

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Judas Priest put "metal" on the cover, that's what makes it god damn metal friend

Seriously, though, the line between hard rock and metal is almost nonexistent.* It's just the harder it gets, the more likely it'll be identified as metal in some way

*I mean at least to a layman's ear, I'm sure a big metalhead/music historian/whatever could tell us a million different identifying details that could be used to put Queen in a different category than Judas Priest or Riot, but I personally don't see enough justification for a separation of type, that I could see myself sincerely saying "I like [waves hand in vague circle] this area of music but not [waves other hand in vague circle] this related area of music"

it's easier to show than to tell, really. I'll literally buy you this game, there's plenty more where that came from

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lol pearl jam


what kind of metal do people have in mind when they say "metal is bad"

Nu Metal. Fuck that noise.

play Brütal Legend then try to say that with a straight face

I'll fucking buy you a copy right here and now

Hehe! I think Sanctuary's Battle Angels made it in that game. Therefore the game must be good by default. I never played it though. :(:

I love metal! I love Death Metal! The more brutal, the better! Unf!

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It is a rock-solid (heh) contender for my favorite console game of last generation

I can't bring myself to say YOU wILL LIKE IT, because I'm well aware not everybody does for varying reasons, but I got a friend who hates Jack Black to actually play it and they had to admit it was.. something

Anybody who plays it will be forced to admit it is.. something

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