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Second Seals Help


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Hello evryone :)

I have a super easy question for you, wise players.

After many and many hours (trust me, hours) passed reading about parings and skills I started to class for having the heroes I wanted :)

But then, stats.
For make this easy i will make you an example of what I did:

I leveled cordelia till lvl 20 then classed her to dark flier level 20 for gale force, the to mercenary (level 20) for armsmith and now she is hero (level 20) for sol --- (speed +2 and patience as fillers)
Only her str is green at 43, what should I do now for level up the pther stats ?
use second seal and bring her again to hero lvl 1 ?

Since is a pattern I will apply to all my heroes I need to know what is the best way to cap stats :)

I hope I was clear enough ^^
tnx for you help :D

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You just level reset endlessly and grind if you have all skills you want. If you have a few rift doors, use them on Chapter 24, 25, or any spotpass paralogue and buy the statboosters. Also, Limit Breaker.

If you are playing Hard Mode or higher, it isn't that easy. You have to fork over some real cash to grind without losing cash (pardoning weapon uses, but I assume you are using Armsthrift so it isn't a real issue).

Hope that helps.

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Bring her back to the final class you want her to stay in. After that, every time she hits Level 20, second seal to the same class. Rinse and repeat.

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There's really no way other than what Gaius217 said. I'm facing the same problem, except I didn't grind her for all the skills.

EXPonential Growth won't help at the point you are, so for grinding I recommend summoning a bonus team from SpotPass and soloing the battle with Cordelia or whoever. Each unit grants 8 exp. If you have the Paragon skill from Lost Bloodlines 3 (DLC map) it's even easier because it doubles exp gained so if you're fast at mashing buttons you can level 3 times (320 exp) in around 2 minutes.

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There's really no way other than what Gaius217 said. I'm facing the same problem, except I didn't grind her for all the skills.

EXPonential Growth won't help at the point you are, so for grinding I recommend summoning a bonus team from SpotPass and soloing the battle with Cordelia or whoever. Each unit grants 8 exp. If you have the Paragon skill from Lost Bloodlines 3 (DLC map) it's even easier because it doubles exp gained so if you're fast at mashing buttons you can level 3 times (320 exp) in around 2 minutes.

LB3 would be even better for that. But neither would really work in Lunatic...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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THenk you all for your replyes :)

I`m playing in normal mode, is the first time I play fire emblem and I have already restarted 3 times xD
I read that stats are give to sons/doughters by both parents, so I should enter the prologue when i have all stats green on both parents ?
Or just an overkill ?

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THenk you all for your replyes :)

I`m playing in normal mode, is the first time I play fire emblem and I have already restarted 3 times xD

I read that stats are give to sons/doughters by both parents, so I should enter the prologue when i have all stats green on both parents ?

Or just an overkill ?

That's overkill, I'd say.

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That's overkill even for Lunatic mode. You can go into one of the harder Lunatic paralogues with all the stats green on just one parent, and with a little care pump the majority of the enemies into the new recruit. For Normal, unless one of the parents is base level Olivia or Nameless Maiden, you'll be invincible right off the bat.

Risen are decent for getting exp on Normal (they drop a few Bullions and a weapon), Spotpass teams are better on Hard (they're free to summon) and on Lunatic your only options are to be very persistent with the Risen or to use Lost Bloodlines 3 (the best option on any mode, there are 50 enemies on an open map and you get a skill that doubles your exp gain for winning).

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I don't get why LB3 is the best choice. It's good, but you need to be mostly maxed because if you have bad luck with the RNG the enemies can kill you if they have advantage against you (like, if you're a Peg Knight and they use Wind magic). And yes, I do camp in the fort.

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Try camping on the ledge at the top. Only fliers can reach you there (there are three pegs and two Wyvern Lords), so you can just sit back and spam your 2-range weapons all day long, with your healers completely out of danger and limited enemy phase exposure. If there's someone really dangerous you need to clear out, use Longbows/Mire.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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