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In Wind Waker, did anyone else forgot the Deku Leaf during the Forsaken Fortress?


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This is just something I am curious about, after seeing yesterday's Wind Waker episode of Game Grumps.

Personally, I must have run in circles for ages before I remembered that the Deku Leaf could be used to glide.

And I somehow still didn't realize that the cannons could shot me of the ledge when gliding either.

It wasn't all bad, though. Given that it took me so long for the Forsaken Fortress, it was quite therapeutic to run around the place and smack Moblins around.

Among other things, I also used the Sail to move in the tower of gods and took ages to realize that I had to use the Deku Leaf behind me in order to move the Gondola in the Forbidden Hive forward, rather then aiming at the same mechanic that is used to get the Gondola to you in the first place.

Edited by BrightBow
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I've played TWW (the GCN version) 7 times or so, I think the only time I didn't remember the Deku Leaf might have been in run 1, even then I'm not sure. I'm really formulaic over the Forsaken Fortress, so I don't really forget anymore.

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I forgot the deku leaf twice in wind waker hd. Once in the tower of the gods where you need to fly over those laser things and the second time in the forsaken fortress.

If you need to cross a large distance then using the deku leaf is obvious, but I usually don't think about the item much when its only a short distance.

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I think I forgot once at the Forsaken Fortress where you're heading back up the tower and you can't sidle across the ledge this time because of the cannons. Other than that, I never forgot it. Probably because I used that thing to death. lol

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In the Forsaken Fortress 2nd trip I did end up taking out the searchlights so I could sidle past that one gap, but I definitely remembered to use the leaf to clear the indoor gaps. What a strange lapse there.

The only moment I got really frustrated was in the Dragon Roost Cave where you have to throw a pot of water onto a lava jet to make yourself an elevator, but there's one of those magma things there on a tiny platform that you don't have the space to kill. I gave up trying to get rid of it and just rushed past. I forgot a LOT about that dungeon and it ended up being the toughest one in the game, since for once I didn't spend any time lost in the Wind Temple. Other things that slipped my mind are Pictograph related. I reaaaally hope I run into another special Wizzrobe (orange with a fancy gold headpiece) since I missed taking a pictograph of the Wind Temple one.

I also forgot how to find Ankle on Outset Island. That's one that I think I'll have to look up since there's no Tingle Tuner anymore.

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Oh my gosh, YES. I was like "Where the hell are those ropes, HOW DO I GET OVER THERE NOW?!" I spent at least an hour running circles through the place. D: Silly deku leaf.

...And the gondola thing took me a while, too. I was always trying to aim at the spinner on the other side. >_>;

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