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I feel lonely


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Find a job or enter an educational institution. Gives you something to do, plus a short-term purpose and usually a means to meet and befriend new people. If you're already being instructed somewhere, school or college, you could still seek employment (many do just that during the later years at school) or focus on some of your interests, since there's little time for that when you grow up. Focusing on improving practical skills is pretty beneficial - anything from IT to cooking to improving your English, even if not applied later on in your life to make a buck, will at least drive you out of your lethargic stupour.

People come and go, so new friends could always be made and lost; my family also crumbled at one point and there wasn't a whole lot I could do to help so I know how depressing that could be. Just remember that there's always the family you will eventually form yourself, so that's something to work towards, taking small steps every day. You're only alive and in development when you're engaged in some action, so don't lose heart and just work; no other way has been invented.

If the present feels pointless and devoid of sense, look a few centuries back. Our times are completely deprived of heroes, I'm afraid; there's nobody to really look up to. Start with the local treasures, dig deep and you'll be getting somewhere.

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