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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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The "Griping About Bad Fanfiction is Addicting" Votals

Paperblade (2): Prims, Polydeuces
scorri (1): Paperblade

Voteless Wendys: Refa, Kaoz, Shinori, scorri

Edited by Sangyul
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Inspired by a previous game from not that long ago, Paperblade decided that day phases are overrated.

Dear Paperblade, you are Zephiel, the King.

You are the infamous King of Bern, destined to be the sole conquerer of Elibe. You are the older brother of Guinivere, as well as descendant of the royal blood of Bern, King Desmond. You killed your father out of revenge during a fake funeral, in which you arranged, to get back at him for trying to end your life twice.

Since you're so immensely powerful, you have the ability to slaughter those who oppose you in a mighty burst of horrific energy. During the day, you may respond to the thread with: ##Killing [uSER]. [uSER] will be killed on the spot. You have two shots, but can only perform this once per day phase.

In short, you are the 2-shot Day Vigilante.

You are allied with the Bern Militia, and win when the Lycian Alliance is entirely eliminated, or nothing can prevent this.

It is now N3. N3 ends on 12/22/13 at 10:30 PM MST. (Elieson, correct me if I'm wrong.)

Edited by Sangyul
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You might wish to retract your last move!

You worry too much

You make yourself sad

You can't change fate

But don't feel so bad

Enjoy it while you can

It's just like the weather

So quit complaining brother

No one lives forever

Let's have a party

There's a full moon in the sky

It's the hour of the wolf

And I don't want to die

No one beats him at his game

For very long, but just the same

Who cares, there's no place safe to hide

Nowhere to run--no time to cry

So celebrate while you still can

'Cause any second it may end

And when it's all been said and done

Better that you had some fun

Instead of hiding in a shell

Why make your life a living hell?

So drink a toast, and down the cup

And drink to bones that turn to dust

Because no one lives forever

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Not long after the night fell, Prims and scorri spontaneously combusted and died. What the fuck?!

Dear scorri, you are Thany, the Pegasus Knight.

You are a Pegasus Knight from the Knight's Union of Ilia, and is a member of Dieck's mercenaries. You are the youngest and most energetic of the three Pegasus sisters in the game and you travel around the world in order to train and hone her skills as a Pegasus knight.

Because Ilians are known for their swift flight, you have the ability to perform effective recon on your enemy as well as provide backup for your team with incredible speed. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Track [uSER] from the night skies. You will track [uSER], learning who they visit.

In short, you are the Tracker.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Dear Professional PantsWrestler, you are Igrene, the Sniper.

You are simply an inhabitant of Arcadia, and known as the Guardian of Nabata Desert by the villagers. You are evading Bern's forces to avoid capture and protecting a young nameless Mamkute. Since you are the daughter of Hawkeye, you have quite a reputation to live up to.

Snipers have a niche of special abilities, such as covert ops, or setting up a distraction, but often times can only perform one or the other. In this case, you share the same limitations. During the night, you may either respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Keep a keen eye on [uSER], watching [uSER] to see if anyone goes near them, or ##Night X: Make a distraction to cover for [uSER], firing off a dummy shot to call non-killing actions to yourself instead of [uSER]. Since doing one will prevent you from doing the other, you may only perform one of these actions. Also, since you will be spotted after acting, you may only perform one of these actions, one time.

In short, you are the 1-shot Watcher-OR-Martyr. You may only use one of these abilities, one time.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

N3 resumes and will end at the posted time.

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