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ITT: We post pics of our RNG screwed units


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The worst thing is he is only three point of str under average.

Fuck that! I'll take Wallace, but I'm not gonna use this chump anymore!

what are you complaining about he's still better than my eliwood lol

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I didn't think it was possible to have an anything screwed Ike >.<

Defense screwed Ike on my current PoR run says hi.

Ironically, he got Resistance blessed too.

And Oscar got Resistance blessed.

And Mist and Elincia got Strength blessed.

Soren got HP blessed.

And Rolf is Defense blessed.

Everyone seems blessed in that run... except Ike since Defense>Resistance because of the Black Knight.

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I don't have any pics but I had Forde and Kyle with like nothing but hp and skill level ups (I think Kyle got 1 str) for like 5 levels each before I just said fuck it and stopped fielding them. This was also the run where Colm turned into a monster and Neimi was def blessed so I guess things are even.

To be honest I don't recall ever really having a super "screwed" unit because anybody who's turning out badly usually gets benched early on unless they've got unique value.

Edited by Irysa
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Level 30 Arthur with 13 MCG. He only got one MCG level-up aside from his promotion bonus. This was Lex!Arthur, so them's the breaks for trying out funny pairings (predestined pairing, tho).

No pix, as I lost that file during the final chapter when I accidentally defrosted a save state from months earlier.

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Never put defense as a flaw. Have it be something like Res or Luck.

I wouldn't have, except I wasn't sure what else to pick given that I myself can't take hits. xP Also, I use enough low-Res units.

It's ironic, because I love defense usually. :P

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Not sure how I can post decent pics of Awakening, but I would like to mention my 15(?)/1 Paladin Stahl with 10 Speed. Meaning he raised speed no less then twice before promotion.

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My Panne with 14 Speed as a 10/15 Wyvern Rider when Cherche joined in Lunatic immediately came to my mind. Shoutouts to Miriel having 27 hp and 7 def as a Sage in one of my first files all the way in Chapter 21.

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