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FE8 - Sea of Corruption


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Thanks for the interest!

Yeah, 28 is a ton. That's why for now we're really focusing on Act 1 (Prologue -> Chapter 15). And yeah, we've been splitting up the work, but perhaps not in the most ideal way. We've just both been doing what we can do (for me, portraits, for Hero, icons and now maps). So maybe there is a more efficient way that we can organize the work, but as there is so much to do, doing anything is substantial progress.

The portraits will get done eventually. I guess I'm just procrastinating on making the open mouth-close eye ones by just making new ones instead.

And... Carcino has a massive army for spoilerific reasons. So I can't tell you why, unfortunately.

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This is getting real interesting, but...

You do know that making a good game that's 28-30 chapters is a lot of work? Also, why don't you guys split up the work? One person could do anything art related, while the other does hacking and writing. Trying to learn hacking while doing maps at the exact same time could halt any progress on getting the events done.

Also, why don't you just finish the portraits now? Nothing is stopping you from finishing them :/

EDIT: Why Carcino as the bad guys? They probably don't have a big army, if at all.

We are splitting up the work. Sieg is doing most of the spriting, and I'm handling most of the writing and hacking. I'm trying to learn as much as possible at the same time. Sieg explained everything better that I have, I'm pretty much just echoing what he's saying.

I'll echo what Sieg said about Carcino... plot reasons. It gets explained at the end of act 1, but it's massive spoilers so I'll keep my mouth shut about it.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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Thanks for the interest!

Yeah, 28 is a ton. That's why for now we're really focusing on Act 1 (Prologue -> Chapter 15). And yeah, we've been splitting up the work, but perhaps not in the most ideal way. We've just both been doing what we can do (for me, portraits, for Hero, icons and now maps). So maybe there is a more efficient way that we can organize the work, but as there is so much to do, doing anything is substantial progress.

The portraits will get done eventually. I guess I'm just procrastinating on making the open mouth-close eye ones by just making new ones instead.

And... Carcino has a massive army for spoilerific reasons. So I can't tell you why, unfortunately.

Well, Carcino is small, and the council and stuff are located in the mountains. How can an army fit inside a country like Carcino?

Also, Why couldn't the high council just eliminate Caligula? I mean, he suspiciously has a giant army that will probably attack Rausten. Why can't the Council investigate the matter?

Other than that though, you seem to know what you are doing.

Edited by PixelmanFE
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They never really go into that much detail about Carcino, so really, it can be adjusted to our whims. The only notable thing I can think of about it is (I think) the Black Temple is in it, but I can't be exact.

Also, Pix, (I'm just making up a random theory) TUNNELS. EVERYWHERE. You want a Knight there? Tunnels. You want two Cavaliers there? Done. You want Spoiler units? Sorry, those aren't real!

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They never really go into that much detail about Carcino, so really, it can be adjusted to our whims. The only notable thing I can think of about it is (I think) the Black Temple is in it, but I can't be exact.

Also, Pix, (I'm just making up a random theory) TUNNELS. EVERYWHERE. You want a Knight there? Tunnels. You want two Cavaliers there? Done. You want Spoiler units? Sorry, those aren't real!

Oh, I do go into detail about Carcino, it's just spoilers, so I can't tell you.

Also, what the hell are you going on about?

Edited by HeroMaster47
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A stupid theory that I'm positive has nothing to do with the storyline. He asked how they hid all the army in such a small country, so, tunnels. It's all Daein's fault.

Edited by Ninian
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Is Bruce supposed to be Duessel Son because

[spoiler=Cormag-Duessel Support]Duessel: Cormag... I've something I want to show you. Here it is. This lance. What do you think of it?

Cormag: My! It has such power! It sends chills down my spine... I am not nearly strong enough to wield a weapon such as this.
Duessel: Hm, you think so? Merely holding this lance makes me tremble with dread. Not overly so, but enough to stop me from wielding it in combat. This lance... It can drive its wielder to madness.
Cormag: Madness, you say?
Duessel: Yes, Cormag. It's a magic weapon of dark design that's been in my family for ages. Legend states that the leader of our house must always carry it, but never use it. We are prohibited from wielding it until such a time as madness itself rules the day. It's part of my legacy, and yet...I... I made a grave error... I allowed Valter to use this lance.
Cormag: You let Valter--
Duessel: Yes... ...We were in the middle of a battle. Valter had broken his lance, and when I wasn't looking he somehow took this one. From that moment, he was changed... He killed everyone--even retreating men. I took the lance from him when I realized what had happened, but it was too late. Madness had awakened within Valter and was coursing through his body. From then on, he hungered only for battle and for blood... It's not as though Valter was a gentle lamb before, but now his appetite for violence increased many times over. It's all because of this cursed lance.
Cormag: ...... That odd light playing around the point... I thought it looked familiar. It was Valter... It's the same light Valter had in his eyes on the battlefield. Valter's insane because of this lance. ...... Sir Duessel, if it please you, would you let me have this lance?
Duessel: What? You? B-but...
Cormag: Are you worried that I will end up like Valter?
Duessel: N-no... ......
Cormag: This lance--someone needs to master it. It's just a feeling I have. A weapon is only as good or evil as the man who wields it. In the hands of someone just, it can be a righteous weapon. In the hands of the wicked, it's a danger to all. Believe me, I have not been seduced by this lance. I merely want to see it used for the purpose for which it was forged.
Duessel: ...... I understand you, Cormag. I'm going to let you have it. I have no son. I had not yet decided to whom I should pass on this legacy. Now I see that leaving it to someone whom I trust and believe in is best. As with me, your admiration of weapons is balanced by a healthy respect. You also have a good eye, and you possess tremendous strength. The day you are able to wield this lance may not be far off at all. If the madness in this lance can be tamed, it may very well be a weapon without equal. ...I never had the courage to wield it, but I would love to see it used righteously. ...I am entrusting it to you. I hope you will use it one day.
Cormag: I accept your gift, Sir Duessel. I would receive it once this battle is finished and our hearts are calmer. If I were to take it in the heat of battle, I might become Valter the second. It is a possibility that I cannot dismiss.

Duessel: Yes, I see. Cormag... I'm counting on you. I look forward to the day I can see this lance wielded correctly.
Cormag: Understood. Until that time comes, please try not to get yourself killed, General Duessel!
Duessel: Ha!

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Don't forget the other idea, but I like the idea of Duessel having a nephew. He seems like the grandfatherly type.

Oh, HEY, Bruce IS Duessel's son! (Character list)

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Eh, could always change it to a nephew/distant relative or something if it's inconsistent with the FE8 supports. Or, we could make it Cormag instead. Haven't gone in depth on that half of the story, so I could always change it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that it probably isn't too far a stretch to say Cormag and Glen were sort of adopted by Duessel, even if it isn't explicitly stated. You know, the whole lance thing, and Cormag and Duessel's connections to each other.

Apologies for double post.

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  • 1 month later...

Guess who's back?

So, I guess I'm currently the map creator for this project, and I'll be sharing two maps with you today, the Prologue and Chapter 1.


Here is the Prologue. You start outside the Village.

There's a pond to make things interesting.

Also a lot of grass.


And Chapter 1. It's your run-of-the-mill basic trading town.

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