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Apoth Secret 4 Units Cleared

Airship Canon

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Beating Chiki to the Punch.

Let's just say with Full Power, 76(+5) Damage is enough.



Res+10, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Vantage, Limit Breaker

Wife: Lucina

Pretonic: Mag, SKL, LCK, DEF, RES

[Equipment: Multiple Celica's Gales [+5MT, +15 Hit]; Pure Water, 1 HP Tonic]



Dual Strike+, Tomefaire, Galeforce, All+2, Limit Breaker

Pretonic: All of them if you wish, but HP, MAG, SKL, LCK, DEF

[Equipment: Multiple Celica's Gales [+5MT, +15 Hit]]


Paladin [At L10+, C-rank Bows]

Limit Breaker, Aggressor, Hit+20, All+2, Charm

Pretonic: STR, LCK, SKL

[Equipment: 1 Brave Lance [+5 MT, +15 Hit], 1 Longbow [+4 MT/+20 Hit], 1 Second Seal]

Einherjar/Guest MU/Morgan

Falcoknight [35+ Mag]

Rally Spectrum, Heart, Skill, Luck, Magic

Pretonic: MAG

[Equipment: A few Rescue Staves]

Wave Zero:

Turn 1 Player:

Place MU and Lucina within range of two of the Spear Generals each. [Not Paired Up]
Rescue Chrom 4 Spaces to the right of where he starts- have him ride over and use a Brave Lance [+5 MT/+15 Hit] on the Cleric [100% Hit, x4, 22 Damage each]

Turn 1 Enemy:

Generals Attack MU:

93% Hit [99.09%] 38 Damage each.

MU counters for kill.

38x2 = 76 Damage. Vengeance Power: 38

Generals Attack Lucina:

[same but less Hit, and irrelevant]

Boss doesn't do anything but move.

Turn 2: Player

MU pairs up with Lucina and kills Boss [Galeforce]

Switch to MU, use HP tonic. MU HP: 4/85: Vengeance Power: 40

Total ATK: 127/137 [unrallied/Rallied]

FK flies as close to forest fort as she can drag Chrom to.

Chrom kills enemy.

SR now active.

Wave One:

Dance the warriors by using Galeforce.

Wave Two:


Wave Three: Rally before engaging the Boss pack.

Wave Four: Rally before pulling Berserkers.

Reclass Chrom to Sniper.

Use a Pure Water [+5 RES] to approach Mire Fliers

(MU RES: 51+2+10+7+5: 75. Mire ATK: 74. 74-75 = -1 = No Damage)

Boss: Rally Chrom/MU.

Attack boss from Range 3 with Chrom.

Chrom Hit:

59+2+2+10: 73 SKL

56+2+2+14: 74 LCK

146 Base Hit

90 Weapon Hit

20 Hit+20

Total: 256

Boss Avoid: 148

Hit Rate: 108 (100%)

52 +2 +2 +6: 62 STR

+13 MT [Weapon]

+2 Weapon Rank Bonus

+10 Aggressor

87 ATK

Target DEF: 67

87-67: 20/2:10/2:5

Boss HP: 94

MU ATK: 137

Lucina ATK: 89

Boss RES: 58

137 - 58: 79/2: 39/2: 19

88 - 58: 30/2: 15

19+15+15+19+15+15: 98

98 > 94



SKL: 70

LCK: 78

144 Base Hit

+95 Weapon

+5 Weapon Rank Bonus

+5 Charm

249 Hit

Boss Avo: 148

Hit Rate: 101 (100%)

[MU has more Hit than Lucina.]

Boss is toast.

Wave 5:

Double Berserker:

MU: 137 ATK

55 RES

137-55: 82/2 41/2: 20

Lucina: 89 ATK

89-55: 34/2: 17

20+17+17+20+17+17: 108 [Targets do not have Throne Bonus and thus have 20 less Avoid, Hit Rate Calculation unnecessary]

Anna: Rally, Attack with Chrom, Have MU rescue Chrom


-Damage Irrelevant, he only needs to Aggro her-

MU: 137 ATK

55 RES

137-55: 82/2 41

Lucina: 89 ATK

89-55: 34/2: 17

41+17+17+41: 116



SKL: 70

LCK: 78

144 Base Hit

+95 Weapon

+5 WRB

+5 Charm

249 Hit

Boss Avoid:


For now, I've got no camera.

But Here's Some screenies of it via Miiverse.


Wave Zero. Start of Turn 2.


Wave Four: Complete.


Wave Five: Complete

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So correct me if I'm wrong, but this is far more accurate than your old VV solo method because you don't have to deal with a DG chance when getting knocked into Vengeance range, but could even be made to be 100% reliable if you manipulated level ups to get a little less Spd on Avatar?

Impressive. 4 unit Apo goes from being a challenge run to the most reliable way to do things.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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So correct me if I'm wrong, but this is far more accurate than your old VV solo method because you don't have to deal with a DG chance when getting knocked into Vengeance range, but could even be made to be 100% reliable if you manipulated level ups to get a little less Spd on Avatar?

Impressive. 4 unit Apo goes from being a challenge run to the most reliable way to do things.

The No DLC variant is 99.95% successful, and if you have Lucina use her Galeforce on Silverlance, it's 100% via transfer.

(The Tomahawk Griffon engaged without Pair Up and a DEF tonic applied.)

It's still 9 characters.

[As far as SPD manipulation goes: Instead of grinding out stats, get skills as swiftly as possible. [Tact->Dread (Res+10) [10]->Myrm (Vantage) [10]->Dark Mage [10]->Sorc (vengeance) [10]->Sage (tomefaire)->Cap] then instead of applying Limit and grinding more, use 5 Spirit Dust; 5 Secret Books, 5 Goddess Icons, 5 Dracoshields (Or... merely enough Dracoshields to put you at 36 DEF, skip the DEF tonic and use the HP tonic early [78 - 36 = 42. 43/85 > 50% (vantage not active), Take 42 more damage... 1/85. This puts you at 129/139 ATK, which means you do 20 damage to Thronie, and therefore don't need to poke him.]) and 5 Talismans after applying Limit and either 1 SPD growth [ideal] a Speedwing or a SPD tonic [doubling the first general is needed])

4 characters is not going to be most reliable since more staffbots is beneficial. Having the Rallybot running dual duty is not that great. I'd fathom that a minimum of 6 units is most optimal. That'd allow for constant Rally application, and the mobility required.

[Realize that Chiki assuming he gets Rallies all the time? Nope. To clear with 4, even if his gamble is fully feasible, that Rallybot -has- to run dual duty.]

Edited by Airship Canon
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Lol at the immaturity here. You made it obvious you did it for no other reason than to be petty. The mentions of me are hilarious. The immaturity is a lot more obvious here:


Thank you though. I have a very nice idea. No attempts for a month though. I'm doing Path of Radiance instead.

Edited by Chiki
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Lol at the immaturity here. You made it obvious you did it for no other reason than to be petty. The mentions of me are hilarious. The immaturity is a lot more obvious here:


Thank you though. I have a very nice idea. No attempts for a month though. I'm doing Path of Radiance instead.

You can't take the fact that I'm better than you? Ha.

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You can't take the fact that I'm better than you? Ha.

You should really just take a moment to look at some of your posts in this forum. You do seem obsessed about elevating your opinions and expertise above others and must always state how they are wrong with disagreeing with you.

You're not posting to help others for the sake of helping them. It's moreso than looking to qualify yourselves above the newcomers.

Edit: Mother of crap. That gamefaqs thread title. That is nothing short of childish, in all honesty. You're acting like an immature little brat with fancy calculations on a blackboard. Even worse than what I used to be.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Hoooooly crap the arrogance.

If you're wanting people to take you seriously, you probably shouldn't have began your post with a call out.

Edited by DoofInAHat
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Just because I was talking to Airship Canon doesn't mean it's okay for you to take one final potshot, Chiki.

That wasn't a "potshot." I was asking him an honest question. How is asking how he's better than me a potshot? I'm genuinely curious. Did I call him names or say I'm better than him? No.

Edited by Chiki
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That wasn't a "potshot." I was asking him an honest question. How is asking how he's better than me a potshot? I'm genuinely curious. Did I call him names or say I'm better than him? No.

You tried to continue the argument right after I said it needed to stop, knowing responding would likely get him in trouble. It's clear you were not "asking him an honest question." If it's that important, ask him in PM. If you want to continue this conversation with me, ask me in PM. Don't respond on either line in this topic again.
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