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Ogier's (Oujay) Promoted Battle Palette Sprite Edit


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Dear Hackers everywhere,

I hereby present APE (Advanced Palette Editor) which you can use this, in conjunction with the Nightmare Program, to change your character's battle color palettes on the GBA Fire Emblem games. Since the creators of the original Nightmare Program and the GBA modules, that came with it on the FE Shrine, manage to do their best to make this hex editor for our own amusement, they unfortunately forgot to code Oujay's Promoted Battle Palette and replace it with Dieck's Promoted Palette, when you start hacking FE6 on your Nightmare Program. So I had to get his palette the hard way. I'll start by mentioning out the quirks behind the palette editing and Nightmare editing. Here are the steps on how to get Oujay's Promoted Palette back. First steps are to input Oujay's Hero class on Nightmare editing:

  1. Go to FE6 Nightmare Modules, Animations, double-click Character Palettes (Text Document) and you will see specific numbers for the characters like 0x22 or something which the creators put words like Dieck Promoted on his number 0x1F to indicate the color palettes for the Nightmare Program. For now, find this specific number 0x66 and type "Oujay Promoted" since the creators didn't add this and as far as I know about this number it's custom so there will be no harm to your FE6 hack.
  2. Next go to Char and Class folder, double-click Character Palettes (Text Document) and you will see the same specific numbers like 0x22 or something still intact except the creators decided to put parenthesis around the character's certain class. Anyway, Find the custom number "0x66" and type "Oujay (Hero)" so that you know what number you are focusing on to edit Oujay's Promoted Palette on APE.
  3. Final step is to open Nightmare, load the module Character Editor for FE6, and replace Oujay's Promoted form "Dieck (Hero)" to "Oujay (Hero)" based on the number 0x66 so you can scroll down the list to look for it. And so far we are done with figuring out and pin-pointing Oujay's Hero Palette on our Nightmare Program.

As far as I can tell, Oujay's case is different compared to giving an introduction about basic palette editing and even though I haven't told how to edit and change the color scheme of certain classes, that's another topic that I can't do properly so I'll just focus on Oujay's palette case in his Hero Class. At least I know how the Hero Class Palette looks like on APE and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. For now Goodnight everybody *Yawn* -.-zzzzzzz

Edited by ZetaKnightXD
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Ok, I'm back and sorry if I forgot to include the link for downloading Advanced Palette Editor (APE) and the Nightmare Program (if for some reason you don't have it). Here's the APE http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/541/ and here's where you can find the Fire Emblem Modules and the Nightmare Program http://www.feshrine.net/hacking/nightmare.html . My recommendation would be to download the Original Nightmare Program since the Nightmare 2.0 will have to be opened in a different way (which is another chore you gotta do) so the original is much more accessible.

Alright back to Oujay's case, so far we edited Nightmare Program to give out a Hero Sprite for Oujay, but if you begin to play your FE6 hack right now and promote Oujay, you'll notice that his colors are all wrong. Purple hair, Golden sword, Blue armor, etc. So this is where APE comes in and can edit out this problem. Here are the steps on how to edit out the Hero Class Color Palette on Advanced Palette Editor:

  1. Open up APE, go to File, and Open your FE6 Rom Hack.
  2. So far nothing happened, but here's where things get tricky for Oujay's palette. Open up Nightmare, open up your FE6 hack, and load the module "FE6 Battle Palette Reference" on the Animations Folder.
  3. In this module, you will find the Battle Palette Pointer where all the codes are being present for each and every character on their specific class. For now let's find Oujay and this is where it get's really tricky. Instead of taking out the Battle Palette Pointer at "0x65 - 0x66 Oujay Promoted" it's actually "0x66 - 0x67" because for some reason 0x65 - 0x66 is Lugh's Promoted Battle Palette Pointer instead of Oujay's. I know it's confusing, but roll with me here.
  4. What you are doing here is copy/pasting the code for Oujay's Promoted Palette on APE, but make sure you don't copy down "0x8" at the beginning otherwise it will not work on APE. So, just copy/paste the code that is after the "0x8", but to spare you the hassle here's Oujay's Promoted Battle Palette Pointer "7FF050" located on "0x66 - 0x67"
  5. After that tediousness, here's where you can finally relax and just work out Oujay's Hero palette. Go to APE, and paste "7FF050" on the textbar that is right next to the Offset (Hex). When you are done, MAKE SURE you check mark these two things before you hit that Load Button. "Load from offset" and "Compressed Palette [LZ77]". NOW hit that Load Button.
  6. You'll see the many colors that are represented on the Actual Palette. You can't do anything on the Actual Palette, but you must go to Changed Palette where you'll edit Oujay's Hero Palette. There are two rows having 8 color marks being represented in 4 digit codes on the Actual Palette. Remember when I said Oujay had purple hair? Well you'll notice the purple colors that are in the first row from Color Mark (CM) 6, 7, and 8. And this is where I tell you exactly what each colors represent on the Hero Class.
  7. First Row: CM 1 (This I don't know, but just remember to input this code 5553) CM 2,3,4 (Skin Tone) CM 5 (Belt & Tilt of the Sword) CM 6,7,8 (Hair)
  8. Second Row: CM 1,2,3 (Sword/Axe) CM 4,5,6 (Armor & Outside of the Shield) CM 7 (Gloves & Inside of the Shield) CM 8 (Outline)
  9. And Have Fun Editing out the Color Palettes for the Hero Class ^_^ and once you begin changing Oujay's Palette you can double-click the Color Mark and try to find out the right colors, by using your mouse of course.

So far I explained how the Hero Class Palette works and to spare you all the hassle, here's Oujay's Palette that I came up with. It's just Oujay on shiny armor, but since I redone my hack I don't know about the colors. Still here's what should be done for Oujay to look real on your FE6 hack.

First Row: CM 1 (5553) CM 2,3,4 (FF7F, FF6B, 1F4B) CM 5 (7119) CM 6,7,8 (Still working on it, But he has Blue Hair)

Second Row: CM 1,2,3 (9877, F36E, 4E5A) CM 4,5,6 (Still working on it, but he has Pale Goldish Armor... I think?) CM 7 (1A32) CM 8 (A514)

Hope this was Helpful for all you Hackers and Have Fun deciphering out Oujay's Palette on his hair and armor/shield originally speaking. But those codes I mentioned are what's being represented for the Hero Class in the game. Just that there armor/outside of the shield and hair tend to differ, but the CM 1, sword/axe, skin tone, belt/tilt of the sword, the gloves/inside of the shield, and the outline are what's correct. In my case I had to compare and contrast Oujay's messed up Hero Palette to Dieck's Hero Palette, but it paid off well and now I have an Oujay on Shiny Golden Armor instead of that Pale Goldish Armor of his in the original game. Good Luck!!

Edited by ZetaKnightXD
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Oh well I'm kinda new to this site. I'll post all of this, over there as well :)

Ok. Not only is this Topic at the Hacking Questions, but now it's also at the Hacking Resources Forum. Thanks, RedAbsol0. :)

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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