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Dusk attempts an X Kalos-only nuzlocke!


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It's not scripted, so you can lose if her Lucario lands a critical. like what happened with me ;_;

I don't think that would count.

Ha. Get wrecked

Fair enough. Will see what happens. What I could do against Grant if I get a Skiddo and not a Hawlucha though is leech seed the Tyrunt and wall with Quilladin, but that doesn't help with Amaura in the slightest. When do you get eviolite again?

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Yeah, that surprised me too

*tries to think if there's any other character I should be worried about*

Err, don't think there is, although I must ask; is the Lucario vs Lucario battle rigged for you to win? If I lose that, I think that counts as a game over

The thing is, Lucario isn't a Kalos-mon so the fight doesn't count in the first place.

Also Eviolite is in Genosage I think?

Don't quote me on that

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The thing is, Lucario isn't a Kalos-mon so the fight doesn't count in the first place.

Also Eviolite is in Genosage I think?

Don't quote me on that

Derp. Of course

Serebii says Shalour, which, iirc, is after Reflection Cave. Only asking because as much as I love Floette, it's defence stat isn't very impressive. Was hoping it was before Grant, so it could stand a chance against Amaura, but oh well

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Glaedyr, he/she/it/thing


Nice progress! And you have your very own destroyer so that's good too~

Ironically, when I came to Grant's gym the Amaura was less bother than the Tyrunt for me, since I think my Quilladin had gotten needle arm by then so managed to one-shot it with that? Though it may have had some attack super training by then too so that may have been part of the reason... xD If not, Hawlucha would be very useful if you manage to get one of them instead and plus, Poly would be very happy

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You have to scum for a HAWLUCHA or I end you


Although, I think route 10 only has Hawlucha when it comes to Kalos pokemon (in the grass anyway) so I might've lucked out


Nice progress! And you have your very own destroyer so that's good too~

Ironically, when I came to Grant's gym the Amaura was less bother than the Tyrunt for me, since I think my Quilladin had gotten needle arm by then so managed to one-shot it with that? Though it may have had some attack super training by then too so that may have been part of the reason... xD If not, Hawlucha would be very useful if you manage to get one of them instead and plus, Poly would be very happy

Don't look at me like that ;_;

Tyrunt is the one that's scaring me the most. since I'm planning on some Amaura vs Amaura action (and hopefully, mine one wins >_<), switch it out for Quilladin against Tyrunt and work from there

Gosh, my plans are always changing

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Although, I think route 10 only has Hawlucha when it comes to Kalos pokemon (in the grass anyway) so I might've lucked out

Don't look at me like that ;_;

Tyrunt is the one that's scaring me the most. since I'm planning on some Amaura vs Amaura action (and hopefully, mine one wins >_<), switch it out for Quilladin against Tyrunt and work from there

Gosh, my plans are always changing

Since Eevee evolves to Sylveon, wouldn't it count? (as long as you evolve it to Sylveon)

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Since Eevee evolves to Sylveon, wouldn't it count? (as long as you evolve it to Sylveon)

Would rather not really. Besides, that just worsens the chance for me to get a Hawlucha, and I won't be using pokemon-amie anyway

[spoiler=THE LEGENDARY BATTLE WITH THE STONER-LOOKING GUY!]Yay my laptop is listening to me for once...

I left off with myself outside the lab. Without further ado, let’s go in! Sina follows me in and tells me to go to the third floor. The receptionist tells me that Sycamore specialises in pokemon evolution, which was the subject Professor Rowan also studied. I ignored Sina’s command and instead go into the second floor. Some nut gives me a few luxury balls, while another nut tells me to come back later, as he is producing something or something. Kid also tells me that a pokemon and washing machine can do stuff together. If I’m not mistaken, this is where you take Rotom if you want to change its form. THIRD FLOOR TIME! As soon as we walk out of the elevator, Sycamore greets us and HOLY BEJEEBUS DAT THEME!

This is one of my favourite tracks in the game. Yet another nut gives us TM false swipe, which is good for catching wild pokemon. Back to Sycamore, he tells me that I “have a certain je ne said quoi,” which is all gibberish to me. He then tells me that he was originally only going to give a pokemon to Serena and Shauna, but Grace the Rhyhorn racer and her son also moved into Vaniville Town, which prompted him to give said son a pokemon too. My mother’s Grace? Holy crap, our mother is actually semi-important in this game! First she gets her own room and now this. Game Freak is really pulling the strings in this game! Shauna and Serena then interrupt our man chat, which gives the professor an idea; we should all battle each other... and he himself will be my opponent... Dammit, I didn’t heal... Anyway, Destroyer is in first, so she’ll be the first to battle. After a quick potion spam, that is

Sycamore’s theme doesn’t play during this battle, which kinda sucks. Anyway, first off is his level 10 Bulbasaur. Fairies don’t mesh well with poison, so RockYouLikeA comes out instead, who gets tackled. lolSixDamage


Liking the diagonal split, by the way

Struggle bug knocks about 60-70% off the Bulbasaur, who growls in response. Lol, so easy. I tackle, hoping that it would KO it, but it doesn’t. Bulbasaur growls again. Tackle, vine whip, then a final tackle kills the Bulbasaur. Destroyer went up to level 12. Yay~. Charmander comes in


I switch into the Destroyer, hoping that it could handle the salamander, but it smokescreens it upon entry, which kinda blows. Ember only does 6 dama- IT GODDAMN BURNT ME. WHY? Tackle misses, and burn sends Destroyer down to 22/32. Le sigh. Glaedyr comes in, who also gets smacked with a smokescreen. DAMMIT. Charmander is also faster than Glaedyr, which proves that –speed natures do indeed suck. It grows, so bite only does around 30%. Growls again, bite sends it to around 50% HP. SMOKESCREEN AGAIN? Ffs. Least bite hits. Charmander scratches, which only does 3 damage. Why isn’t he using ember? Bite misses -_- HE FINALLY USE EMBER AND HOLY SHIT, IT CRITS! The HP goes down... and down... and down... GLAEDYR HAS 4 HP LEFT. SO CLOSE. Bite kills, and RockYouLikeA level s up to 14. Time for his final pokemon, Squirtle. Time to switch into RockYouLikeA! Squirtle does something, but I didn’t catch it


This should be easy pickings now. RockYouLikeA uses struggle bug, which does around 55% damage. Squirtle tail whips, which means I’ve already won. Struggle bug kills, which means Sycamore is defeated!

YES, BACK TO AWESOME MUSIC~. Sycamore finally realises that I am an interesting trainer, and gives me the option to choose one of the Kanto starters. I shan’t be using one (obviously), but my mate wants Charizardite X, so I pick my least favourite starter. Yay... It shall be known as Dickward, even if the game won’t let me use that nickname (I ended it nicknaming it Wannabe, because despite what people say, IT ISN’T A DRAGON!). I then get given the mega stone, but we don’t know that yet. Tierno and Trevor suddenly appear which means Sycamore goes into speech mode. “Be the best you can be” and “have fun” and shit. He then tells us to unlock Kalos’ biggest mystery; mega evolution, the evolution that only happens in battle! Telling us that mega stones are the key to such things, we gather that the Charizardite X is one of these stones. Trevor asks about the completion of the pokedex and how that relates to being the best you can be, with the professor telling him that if that’s what being the best means to you, then complete the pokedex. No. Being the best means crushing the random NPCs beneath your iron boot until even the Champion bends to your knee. Sycamore tells us that if you’re interested in mega evolution, you should head to Camphrier Town, because it has “history” or some crap. I CAN NOW MOVE. YAY!

Going back downstairs, we see some crazy red haired guy in a mean suit conversing with Sina about the five children and their “potential”. Crazy mofo. Sina calls us over and this suit-wearing freak tells me because I wield a pokedex, I’m one of the “chosen ones”. I’M ONE OF THE FROZEN ONES, DAMMIT! He introduces himself as Lysandre, who goes on about building a “brighter future” via pokemon knowledge. Makes sense, right? According to him, I have a holo caster or something, which I swear is new. Stating that “knowledge is power”, which is somewhat true, I guess. Before leaving, he lectures me about how the world needs to be a “more beautiful” place. Idealistic faggot. The friends then suddenly appear again, with Shauna and Serena saying they want to speak to me later. Clearly, my swag cap has captivated their hearts. The two girls then leave, which means the two LADS wondering why Serena wants to speak to me in private. Oh, this is brilliant lol. Quick trip to the pokemon centre concludes this part

Sorry for barely any plot progression, but I’m leaving soon!

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The Chosen one, I should be called the Frozen one instead!

Well, maybe he needs pants to be less frozen!

I saw your reference and raised you another!

Can you even get any other Kalos-Mon on the route with the daycare? I know the flower is there but I think that's it.

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The Chosen one, I should be called the Frozen one instead!

Well, maybe he needs pants to be less frozen!

I saw your reference and raised you another!

Can you even get any other Kalos-Mon on the route with the daycare? I know the flower is there but I think that's it.

Dun get it

Hee hee, you'll see~

Name the first derpy thing Sharpy!

Aye aye!

I second this, and add "Name it Capt. Falcon or else".

"Capt. Falcon or else"? Not sure if that fits, laddie

Besides, it'll probably be called Poly/Flan/Flanessa if I do

[spoiler=Innocence and horseshoes]Pokemon rearing to go, we can now explore the hugeness that is Lumioise City. Holy crap, this place is huge. Luckily for us though, about 2/3 of the city isn’t accessible as of yet, as there is a power cut or something, if I recall correctly

Anyway, as we leave the pokemon centre, we can see Shauna directly in our line of sight. Guess we have to speak to the weirdo then. She seems excited about the trainer PR videos you can make in the building behind her, which are actually quite fun making. I remember a Meowstic one I made, although nobody commented on it ]: Back to the game, Shauna goes on about it’s her dream to make a good PR video and that you can have a quick one made for you, or you can create your own. That’s one bitch handled. Time to find Serena

In Vernal Avenue, we stumble into the stone emporium. This is the place where you buy evolution stones (leaf stone, fire stone etc), as well as the mega stones for the three Kanto starters. However, they’re selling for a million dollar at the moment, which is FAR too expensive. Next, we waltz into the boutique in Lumioise City, hoping to buy a fedora or a trilby. LOL NOPE. I see a fedora, but I got told to get out, as I’m not “stylish” enough. This grinded my gears for ages, because I had no idea how to raise my “stylish points up” to an adequate level. After doing many heroic things in Lumioise (such as helping out in a hotel and stuff), I was allowed inside... but that was in my first playthrough. Back into this data, our upset self goes into a herb store. Herbs in pokemon games are generally found early and, for their price and ease of accessibility, very good. However, they have a downside; they lower your pokemon’s happiness whenever you use one. I care for my animals that I force to fight against other animals for money, so I don’t buy any herbs. Cafe classe’s main purpose is to inform you about which boutique in the game specialises in what type of clothing, which is all right, I guess. I then head into... Friseur Furfrou... This is place where you go if you want to give your Furfrou a new look. In my opinion, the default/shaggy appearance Furfrou has is my favourite, so I will probably never use this place ever. With Vernal Avenue finished, we head into Coiffure Clips (aka, the hairdressers). I shall be keeping my colour, but I want a different style of hair, so with 1500 dollars magically gone, I choose the “surprise me!” option and... umm...


... This is the hairstyle I had when I was like, four...


Leaving with my heart broken and damp face, Serena is towards our right. Hopefully, she’ll pity me. We both head off into Cafe Soleil... Pity didn’t work

Inside, we find Lysandre and some women who is apparently called Diantha, according to Serena. At this point, I learn that Lysandre and his bunch of homies created the holo caster, so thanks, I guess. Oh yeah, Diantha is also a famous movie star. ALL OVER THE WORLD APPARENTLY. That’s a lie, by the way, as I haven’t heard of her before. The two adults are talking about Diantha’s debut on the big screen, and the lad asks her if she wants to stay “young and beautiful” forever, which is probably one of the worst pick-up lines I’ve ever heard. You go, tsundere Lysandre! Lysandre also doesn’t want to world to get any uglier, which is something I won’t comment on. The two adults finally notice us and Lysandre states that everyone and everything should be like Diantha, which is VERY high praise. The two of them then leave, with Diantha saying that she herself is a pokemon trainer, and would like to challenge us someday. I would just like to point out here that Lysandre just reeks of evil, while Diantha’s... odd. Serena tells me that as neighbours, we should battle sometime, which gives me the cue to leave

In a random building, I get given a quick claw, which is actually pretty cool! Glaedyr want. Second floor of this building grants me timer and quick balls, which is also cool. There’s also a random Espurr. By the way, I shall mention Espurr every time I see one, so nyeh! Shutterbug Cafe holds nothing of interest. Finally, there’s a sleeping Skiddo. BROGOAT! Oh yeah, I should mention the taxis too. Basically, because Lumioise City is so huge, you can actually pay taxis to get you from place to place, which is such a lifesaver once the rest of this place gets unlocked. Anyway, near the entrance to route 5, Tierno calls me up and tells me to meet him there, so we shall do that... right now, actually! Yeah, I wouldn’t give you guys two parts without barely any plot progression now, would I?

Upon entering the gate to route 5, some moustached guy wearing a pink suit/tux (can’t really tell) spots me and introduces himself as Mr. Bonding! Something something O-Powers, and after a “bonding” session, I received the Attack Power and the Defence Power! MY 75 ODD FRIENDS ON 3DS SHALL LOVE ME NOW! Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure my innocence is gone now. I would explain how O-Powers worked, but you guys already know how it works. ROUTE 5 TIME!

I immediately get greeted by a random Lucario, which I’m pretty sure marks the end of this nuzlocke... or it would, if its trainer didn’t come to my rescue! Apparently, it was drawn to my aura. I AM THAT ONE GUY FROM THAT MOVIE! SIR ARRON OR SOMETHING! Random trainer introduces herself as Korrina, the Shalour City gym leader! How quaint. She and her two Lucario buddies then leave. Grinding on some rails nets me a super potion, so now I go in the grass and STRAIGHT AWAY I FIND A FEMALE PANCHAM! VASHIANE CAUGHT! Face it, I’m not going to be catching a Phantump since I SUCK


+spatk –def, which is meh. Evolving you is going to be annoying

I think that’s actually a good place to end, so after a quick heal, that’s this part finished!

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[spoiler=THE DEBUT OF THE MIGHTY PALADIN! Featuring crappy friends]Because I thought that Destroyer and Vashy were a tad underlevelled, I decided to train them in the wild for a bit. Destroyer and Vashy went to level 13, with the latter forgetting arm thrust for karate chop, and Glaedyr went to level 15, forgetting growl for leech seed. Destroyer in front, I decide it’s time to venture further into route 5

First trainer is a double battle that has me fighting Plusle and Minun. Dammit, I hate these two. Vashy and Destroyer both level up to 14. Walking up some steps, we meet Trevor and Tierno, explaining about wild horde battles are (which has Tierno comparing them to dancing, lol. Crazy mofo). Spotting me, Tierno decides to battle me! Let’s dance!


(Lol, when I searched this theme up, I found this and... it was just too good to pass up. I feel bad though)

First up is... a Corphish... You know what? I’m not even going to bother taking photos here. Tackle (misclick), vice grip, fairy wind, vice grip then a final fairy wind takes the overused pokemon down (surviving on that 7HP!), which levels up Destroyer to level 15. She learns razor leaf and abandons vine whip. Saying I have footwork, Tierno starts to dance, while Trevor gives me some honey, explaining that they’re used to attract pokemon hordes. Sweet scent is so much better. Either way, hordes are a good way to quickly gain EVs for pokemon, so they’re certainly welcome. Anyway, with RockYouLikeA now in front, we fight a trainer with a Kadabra, which instantly faints. RockYouLikeA is now level 15, and I find a super potion. Yay~. Grinding down some more rails leads me to an oran berry tree. No idea how these work, but I’m presuming a new berry drops every day or something. Trainer battle, and his Bidoof and Oddish fall to the mighty Vashiane, who levels up to 15 and tries to learn comet punch. lolNo. By the way, I love the intro theme for the skater battles. Two of them are here, and altogether they have a Bunnelby, Skiddo and a Doduo, which nets Glae some nice experience. A wild Skiddo however, gets her to level 16, which means...



TM hone claws found, which means Durant is still the most viable pokemon ever. I then fight one of my favourite types of trainer, the backpacker! Favourite one is probably gen 4/5 hiker. Karate chop takes down his Sentret, and after a wild Pancham appears, Vashy grows to level 16. Wild x attack appeared which means money! A youngster sends out a Pansage, which gets its life taken away from his body by the Destroyer. Damn thing is op. With that, we enter Camphrier Town!


Immediately, we get a message from our holo caster, confirming that Lysandre did indeed invent the messaging device. Quick trip to the centre and I find the Name Rater, which means I can officially change Vivilion’s nickname! Stranger danger is bogus, since one gives me an ultra ball. Slightly south of the town, I find a star piece, which means money! In Camphrier’s hotel, I get given a full heal and I find Mr. Bonding! Special attack bonding is now mine! In a random building, I met the founder of Kalos’ pokemon PCs, Cassias! One of his colleagues gives me thief after... calling me a... thief... okay? Randomer gives me berry juice, and I find another X attack. In another house, a cook gives me a sweet heart, which... I think is basically a potion. There’s also a dude that asks you to bring him a specific type of pokemon per day. Today was electric, so I can’t do that. Also, there’s an Espurr running amok in the house. GO GO TEAM ESPURR! North of the town lies Shabboneau Castle. I’m not a fan of history, but I GUESS we could enter it...

Inside, we find Shauna and who appears to be the owner of the castle. The owner (who is, for some reason, a karate guy) explains that during ye olde times, the owner of the manor gave out stuff to the locals, which is why the place is basically empty. Shauna asks him if he knows anything about mega evolution, to which the owner replies with a question mark. Smooth. Some guy then walks in and tells the owner that “it” is back. Somewhat surprised, the two of them head to route 7. The manor homes an escape rope, which is pretty cool. Time to skate into route 7!

Slightly south to route 7 however, I found what seems to be farm, along with a man and who I’m presuming is his daughter. The man asks me to look after his berry field. Quite unexpected, but I agree to it. The man proceeds to tell me how to cultivate berries, which is quite easy really. He gives me some oran and pecha berries, along with a sprinklotoad (which is basically the watering can). Going back to their house, I find a miracle seed on the grassy ground, which gets given to Glaedyr, which means Vashiane gets the quick claw. Back onto route 7, Shauna randomly appears and we meet the two men we found earlier, along with a huge brute sleeping on a bridge, effectively blocking the path to the next city. The random man suggests using something called a poké flute, but the owner of the manor says he no longer has it, but the owner of Parfum Palace has it instead. Excited and willing to help, Shauna drags my ass to route 6, hoping to get the flute. I hope so too, but we won’t find out until the next exciting instalment of this nuzlocke gets written!
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Espurr or Honedge.



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Dusk, what the fuck is that first video?

Espurr or Honedge.



Hawlucha is all he need for Korrina.

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Espurr or Honedge.




Dusk, what the fuck is that first video?

Hawlucha is all he need for Korrina.

VS Rival OST


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We don't know if it's gonna be a she.

also get on Skype you chuckleduck

I like both, but prefer male

Skype is being a poo as of late. It isn't working ]:

That's not what I meant. What the fuck is that picture in it?


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Ditto. Those and Furisode Girls have my favorite themes.

Furisode Girls? I don't recall them

You are all a bunch of pedos

Hey, I just posted a video for the VS Rival track. You're the one thinking icky thoughts

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Furisode Girls? I don't recall them

You see them in the Battle Chateau, and in the Laverre Gym. They're also notable for having four different designs.

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