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Reclassing Help

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So I've never been a real fan of the whole reclassing system in that leveling up is pretty much infinite, but I got my friend hooked on FE13 and now he and I are both starting the game.

I'm aware that I can change my characters to defferent classes for keeps or just for more level ups, but here's what I want to know:

What is the best way to max the stats of all of my units?

Should I level my units to level 20, promote them, level up 20 more levels and then reclass them repeatedly until stats are near perfect, or reclass base classes first.

What is the most efficient way of doing this.

Also, will money be an issue? Will I gain money easily enough to constantly reclass/promote/level up with weapons?

If someone can give me the run down, that would be most appreciated.

Thank you!


Edited by Roy: Marquess of Pherae
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Well, I never actually gave it THIS much thought, but what I always do is max out the base classes before promotion, since they're much faster in gaining EXP if you're just level grinding. Then again, Its probably not going to be the best thing to do story wise. Other than that, what Shadow said

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Depends whether you care more about stats or skills. The -easiest- way to get your stats up is to buy a ton of rescue staves, promote into a class that can use staves, and sit there all day and spam them on a unit next to you.

The most efficient way to gather skills is to do all of the base class ones first, ending in a class that promotes to a class with a skill you want, and then promote and grab all the skills you want, reclassing at Lv.10 or 15, before reclassing to your final class.

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Depends. In the main game, it's wiser to wait until you're Lv20 to promote.

However, if you're min/maxing (that is, grinding), grabbing skills is more important, so IMO it's pointless to wait until Lv20 to change class. Leveling up is infinite, so you keep gaining stats until you're capped. What you can do is, for example: Cordelia has poor Mag growth, but she has access to Dark Mage class which improves her Mag growth a little. If you want her to cap Mag more easily, reclass her to Dark Mage/Sorcerer and keep leveling until you have enough Mag. Same with all male characters with poor Res growth, since they have access to Dread Fighter class from the DLC which boosts their Res growth.

EDIT: Basically what Czar_Yoshi said.

Edited by Malebolganone
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Depends whether you care more about stats or skills. The -easiest- way to get your stats up is to buy a ton of rescue staves, promote into a class that can use staves, and sit there all day and spam them on a unit next to you.

The most efficient way to gather skills is to do all of the base class ones first, ending in a class that promotes to a class with a skill you want, and then promote and grab all the skills you want, reclassing at Lv.10 or 15, before reclassing to your final class.

I'd asume some decent skills would come along the way still with stats. So I'll probably try to do your first method.

Well, I never actually gave it THIS much thought, but what I always do is max out the base classes before promotion, since they're much faster in gaining EXP if you're just level grinding. Then again, Its probably not going to be the best thing to do story wise. Other than that, what Shadow said

I'm not too worried about the story since I've played the game so many times. But thank you

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20>promote>15>reclass to another promoted class>repeat until you cap.

That's what I do.

If you want other unprometed class' skills, do:

10>reclass>10> reclass if you want more skills, promote if don't>15>reclass until you cap everything.

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I'd asume some decent skills would come along the way still with stats. So I'll probably try to do your first method.

Skills are class specific. While there are some nice ones in the staff-using classes, most of the best ones (Galeforce, Luna, Armsthrift if you lack DLC) come from classes without staves. This method also won't raise your weapon ranks for combat stuff, so you'll be stuck with Bronze for a while. I mostly use it for staffbots.

Assuming no DLC, if you're on Normal, buying and using Reeking Boxes gives a net positive flow of cash, so money isn't a problem there. On Hard, you'll need to fight Spotpass teams to avoid paying huge amounts for reeking boxes, and you'll need Despoil and Leif's Blades to pay for your weapons and Seals. On Lunatic, grinding without DLC is quite a feat. If you have DLC, money is of no consequence.

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No, every character starts out with the ranks you see and E in everything else, and they never go back down. If you're a Barbarian and have C in axes, reclass to a Knight and lose your axes, and then promote to a General, you'll still have C axes.

Money isn't too much of a problem as long as you have Despoil (Barbarian Lv.1) and aren't on Lunatic.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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