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So. I'm conflicted.

Either get with Cherche (not my favorite girl) and have an unholy death beast named Gerome. (He's my favorite) Who's final class will be dread fighter (Gerome belongs in black ;))

Or, Go with one of the hottest girls ( To me, Panne)

and get an unholy death beast Yarne (which is kind of funny). Who will final in either taguel or Dread fighter.

I'd also want him to have pairing with whoever gives him the least cowardly conversations :p

Either one will end up with his pairing girl being a bride class.

Any opinions?

I'm conflicted. lol.

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Speed asset, HP flaw I think. I'm not too caring on maxing stats though. Unless it's towards some skill activation.

Furthermore in the case of the kids, I'm wondering what to pass down. Specifically if I chose Yarne, If I wanted to pass lethality, pass, or deliverer. Honestly those are the only ones I'd want from Panne.

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My uneducated guess would be Cherche, because then your Morgan would get PINK hair, and as everybody knows, hair color is the most important factor when deciding pairings ;)

I personally really like Yarnes conversations with Nah, since he end up pretty brave at one point in them. No idea how good they are from a gameplay perspective, though.

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Then definitely go Panne.

Avatar!Yarne gets all the classes so skill inheritance doesn't matter. Try to have both of the skills you pass down be from the same class (preferably one you don't care for) so you don't have to go through it later for all the skills. If getting every skill isn't important to you, pass down ones that will be useful for training (Veteran from Avatar and probably a Breaker or Deliverer from Panne).

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My uneducated guess would be Cherche, because then your Morgan would get PINK hair, and as everybody knows, hair color is the most important factor when deciding pairings ;)

I personally really like Yarnes conversations with Nah, since he end up pretty brave at one point in them. No idea how good they are from a gameplay perspective, though.

hah thats true sometimes. Like right now, if I dont pick Cherche, I'm looking at who would give Gerome best hair colors. ( that are still available)

Right now it's Virion, Libra, or Gregor.

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hah thats true sometimes. Like right now, if I dont pick Cherche, I'm looking at who would give Gerome best hair colors. ( that are still available)

Right now it's Virion, Libra, or Gregor.

Marry her to Virion or Libra, because then Gerome can become a Dark Knight, and then you can derp around being all like "nanananananananana BATMAN lol"

I am SO mature...

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