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HeroMaster plays FE8

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Hey, everyone! As part of my new year's resolution, along with giving up procrastination I'm starting up my Let's Play channel, and I'm starting with FE8. It is a commentary LP, and I am trying my best with the commentary (I am very nervous in the first episode, though it improves. It is my first foray into Let's Playing, after all!).

I plan to show off everything I can (Creature Campaign, both routes, etc, etc.) and I'm trying to be as informative as possible. The RNG's already in troll mode, by the way, so that should be fun. I plan to do an episode a day, and I'll let you guys vote for which route I take first, and which route's characters I use for the rest of the game after the route split.


Here's the first episode, which goes through the prologue (I'm keeping the videos around 15-20 minutes because lolfraps and it's massive file size). I'm sorry that the commentary is a little on the quite side here, my retarded mic setup is to blame for that. Also very nervous. I hope you guys enjoy watching it as much as I'm enjoying making it!

Edited by HeroMaster47
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Well, I've already recorded up to chapter 3, and the RNG has already shown it's true intentions... This is gonna be fun.

Anyway... here's part 2!


EDIT: There will be no part today. I'm just too busy, and I can't upload. Will try to compensate tomorrow by uploading 2 parts.

EDIT: Part 3:


Edited by HeroMaster47
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I do tend to mumble a lot, but there's also an issue of my shitty headset mic picking up my breathing, which nobody wants to hear. I do try to talk louder than I normally would, though once I get my hands on a proper microphone, it'll become a non-issue.

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I"ll end up saying the rest as everyone else at the risk of sounding like a parrot, your voice needs to be louder than the game. It could be fixed probably by lowering the game volume, as you don't want the game overpowering your voice.

Also about your video file size issue that you are having, you could try out Bandicam to get much smaller file sizes and still great quality. It might help you out with that issue. :P

The gameplay looks great though and I really like the character analysis that you do. Just IMO though, I wish that you would leave out just story. That's just my request though. :D

Edited by N7 Average Azn (Rindisu)
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I do mess around with the volume settings in WMM, but I guess that the game is STILL too loud. I'll mess around with some more settings when I record part 7 (part 6 is ready to be edited). I don't want to up the input volume in audacity because my stupid mic will pick up my breathing, and nobody wants to hear that. I also need to try and stop mumbling.

I'm not really that annoyed by the Fraps file size. I've got a terabyte of hard drive space, so 10GB is pretty much nothing. I delete the fraps clips once I'm done with them anyway.

What do you mean by "leave out just story"? If it's about the narration, I am going to keep doing it, since it's practice for voice acting.

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Part 7:


The first half of chapter 5x. Watch as everything I say about the Christmas knights horribly backfires on me! I'm also going to start up the route split poll, so you lot get to choose whether I do Eirika or Ephraim's route first.

The rest of chapter 5x:


Kyle tries to redeem himself, but he has already brought far too much shame to famiry.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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Both parts of Chapter 6 are now up! This chapter has my first major fuck up of the Let's Play. I've finished recording up to Chapter 8, which means I'm now getting started on the route split! I am going to be recording both routes, but Ephraim's route will be uploaded first, because that what the poll told me to do.

Anyway, here are the videos:

Part 8:


Part 8.5:


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Part 9 and 10 are up. I've decided to do something a little different with the route split. I'm going to use a completely different team on each route, and let you lot decide which team I use for endgame. I've got a rough idea of the teams that I want to use, but you're totally welcome to suggest units or teams for each route.

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  • 2 months later...

Updated with part 21! Sorry for inconsistently updating this thread, and for being absent for such a long time. School issues, family issues and my general laziness are all factors into this, I hope you guys understand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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